*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Wow this thread has died a little bit!!

Good news!! Got my phone back from "repair" by Vodafone. Who would have thought that a simple software update would fix the completely blatant hardware fault I told them about which was overheating causing it to restart!!

Not me! Which is why it took me 5 minutes to replicate the issue and return the phone AGAIN. Really annoying another week using a POS phone.
Must admit, I do like this Rom, a lot. 84% battery left and everything has been on today, unplugged at 8am.

What i do miss is the DeFrost setp thing where you can download stuff and check for updates :)
In the MIUI ROM, has anyone found a way of synching the Facebook contacts(so I get my Facebook contacts' pictures on my phone), but also removing all the excess Facebook contacts that aren't in my Google contats so they don't appear in the contacts on the phone? I have set Facebook to synch with existing contacts only, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I'm on HAVS 875mV/1113MHz BFS kernel at the moment on 6.0d and am seeing the same good battery usage as with stock SVS.

BFS is most definitely smoother though, my phone is iPhone smooth with BFS but slightly jerky when scrolling homescreens or the app tray or notitray pulldown on CFS.
I wonder if anyone can help.

I use a cheap and nasty dock to charge my Desire, I only use it to charge not to sync. Up until now, my phone will just start charging and doesn't concern itself with it being a usb connection, but suddenly it started thinking its an actual USB connection and unmounting the SD card. As I use A2SD+ the phone is not best pleased during this!
It doesn't matter what I set the usb behaviour to be, charge only/sync/etc. don't make any difference. In fact if I set it to ask me it doesnt even do that.

Any ideas? Quite annoying. Using the official HTC charger and cable its fine.
Think I'm gonna try out Oxygen, I like the sound of it and all AdamGs ROMs have been excellent for me.

Thanks for the heads up Lucero

ResToggle on Android Market, using High Res mode, looks awesome :D
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