*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

You need to reboot after applying the high res setting. Found some apps look odd though so have gone back!
It's been age since I updated my desire's ROM, I must have some ancient version of AdamG OpenDesire and I recently noticed he stopped that and started working on Oxygen.
Reading the replies apparently this ROM is very nice?
I have question tho, if I'd like to change ROM, I gotta whipe but whats the best way to backup all my crap so I don't have to re-install all apps and mails/sms etc..
Probably a newb question, but couldn't find the answer anywhere :p

Is there a way of finding out when your phone is backed up by Google? Or does it do it automatically?

Reason I was asking is because I've got a new Desire and as I put my Google account details in, it downloaded all the apps and restored my contacts and calendar. Also it restored my background from a while back...so was confused!

ResToggle on Android Market, using High Res mode, looks awesome :D

Robbie, can you point me to your notification bar file if you have it :)
which is the best back up solution, as after rooting i spend ages setting up my home screens and apps the way i like, i then try a custom rom, after a while i go back and then spend hours downloading and setting up apps, is there a bit of kit that will take an complete backup snapshot and restore it to the letter... or is that wishful thinking
which is the best back up solution, as after rooting i spend ages setting up my home screens and apps the way i like, i then try a custom rom, after a while i go back and then spend hours downloading and setting up apps, is there a bit of kit that will take an complete backup snapshot and restore it to the letter... or is that wishful thinking

I believe you are looking for nandroid backup. Complete snapshot of your entire phone, it can be done in recovery mode.
When I get my phone back I'm guessing that I will most likely get a reconditioned phone. Which I'm guessing will most likely be an SLCD version with all the latest software updates.... What will this mean if I want to root my phone again?
I've only installed ROMS by Nandroid, then wiping. So I wasn't sure how it remembered when to backup my stuff. Just wanted to know if there was a way of updating that backup, but I guess there isn't.
so if i do a nadroid backup then wipe and chuck a rom on i can come straight back to exactly how i was before?

No. Nandroid just ghosts your phone so it will restore your previous ROM if you restore it.

You need Titanium Backup from the market which backs everything up and can be used to restore the phone between ROM's. Some homescreen widgets MAY need reapplied but that's about it.
I always need to restore my widgets manually :(
Its very annoying

Oh and when I performed a back up recently I lost 16,000 text messages :(
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