*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Anyone got any good ROM suggestions?
Tried the latest DeFrost, didnt like it.
Just using OpenDesire .37, and its a little buggy tbh (well, it is a beta, and some of it could be down to A2SD tbh...).

Looks pretty cool that, but making the main GUI look like iOS and having the apps look completely different would annoy me. lol.

Anyone know when CM 6.1 final is out?
Anyone got any good ROM suggestions?
Tried the latest DeFrost, didnt like it.
Just using OpenDesire .37, and its a little buggy tbh (well, it is a beta, and some of it could be down to A2SD tbh...).


I'm pretty impressed with Oxygen, it seems very snappy and iplayer seems to be a lot more responsive. Also unlike DeFrost it doesn't think my phone is in a bright light all the time (it turns the button lights off permanently and brightens the screen). I'm still missing the Sense widgets though so might go back to Leedroid again.

JESUS the battery life on my phone is horrific.

Thanks for the info. :p
Defrost is good, if you want a CM based build.

Oxygen is more vanilla Android and fast, not sure where its going long term, atm he seems to just keep adding exactly the same stuff CM has...

Leedroid for Sense

MIMU is quite nice. I am quite enjoying it.

This is why I like Android, choice is a good thing IMO. Hopefully wont be long before we're all messing around with 2.3 :)
Just playing with LeeDroid.
Looks good upto now!
Just trying to work out how to use the Android Dialer with it though, as i prefer it to the sence one! :-p
It used to include the old dialler, if you find the sense one in applications you can clear it's default settings so when you press the phone button it should prompt you for what dialler you want to use.
It used to include the old dialler, if you find the sense one in applications you can clear it's default settings so when you press the phone button it should prompt you for what dialler you want to use.
Cant find it. :(

On the upside, got Leedroid exactely how i want it, with A2SD+ working, and SetCPU doing its job. Impressed upto now. :D
this thread is too ridiculously large to expect people to read it all.

can I make a request in the vague hope someone will see and take pity.

Desire noob here. I want to put a new rom on mine to remove the branding etc and also to root the thing. Read some guides but still a bit confused. Can someone who has done so and is willing to talk me through it get in touch by email ([email protected]) and give me some help to avoid further noobish embarassment ;)

My son has a Wildfire but he's no help!!!

this thread is too ridiculously large to expect people to read it all.

can I make a request in the vague hope someone will see and take pity.

Desire noob here. I want to put a new rom on mine to remove the branding etc and also to root the thing. Read some guides but still a bit confused. Can someone who has done so and is willing to talk me through it get in touch by email ([email protected]) and give me some help to avoid further noobish embarassment ;)

My son has a Wildfire but he's no help!!!

I dont mind helping, im no expert, but ive rooted a few devices upto now, so hopefully i can help point you in the right direction. :)
this thread is too ridiculously large to expect people to read it all.

can I make a request in the vague hope someone will see and take pity.

Desire noob here. I want to put a new rom on mine to remove the branding etc and also to root the thing. Read some guides but still a bit confused. Can someone who has done so and is willing to talk me through it get in touch by email ([email protected]) and give me some help to avoid further noobish embarassment ;)

My son has a Wildfire but he's no help!!!


afaik, at this point it's a case of running unrevoked to get root. install rom manager, in rom manager choose to flash clockwork mod.

after that, backup current rom just in case and download whatever rom you want to install.

ooh, backup your SD card onto your pc since you'll need to partition it in rom manager (easiest way imo) to get an ext3 partition for the proper apps2sd

i'm probably missing something since i just flash now and dont generally think each step through anymore.

best bet, go to xda developers -0 there's a ton of info on there
Well finally got round to rooting, and am giving oxygen a whirl. Seems good so far although I miss some sense apps and widgets if not sense itself.
Real test will be battery life.
Anyone else get shocking battery life with LeeDroid?
It went down 40% last night and it was in 2g only mode, no wifi, no gps, screen off. When i got up 12 hours later (:p) it had dropped by 40%!!!
Considering leedroid uses setcpu and OpenDesire and stock didnt, i'd have expected it to be better!

Calibrated the battery this afternoon, gonna see how it does tonight.
Failing that, i'll have to re-rom to something else.
Shame really. Really like LeeDroid. :(
9 hours, it dropped 9%, good or bad?
That's with Tasker & SetCPUs profiles off. So I'd imagine it'd be better with them on.
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