*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Well finally got round to rooting, and am giving oxygen a whirl. Seems good so far although I miss some sense apps and widgets if not sense itself.
Real test will be battery life.

thats the same with me, after trying a few roms i went back to the stock, i really enjoy the default experience and the sense features, which is odd as most of my life i spend breaking away from the norm, debradning things and customising so much its completely different.

gotta hand it to HTC, they have done well.
Still waiting for my phone to return :( It's been 6 days since I handed the phone straight back for an actual repair. I'll be pretty unamused if they hand me a reconditioned phone and it took them a week to figure this out. I'll be even less amused if they still haven't fixed the phone. I'll be demanding a new phone, there is no way I would be willing to wait ANOTHER week for their incompetence.

Today is the same length of time it was away for the first time, I'm hoping that I get a text soon as I did last week. Using a Samsung SGH-C300 is not funny, especially not for 2 weeks.
Whats the best application for syncing with iTunes and playing music?

Downlaod HTC Sync 3.0 off the HTC website.

Make a playlist on iTunes and dump all the songs you want on the phone there.
It will transfer all the songs to your phone
Whats the best application for syncing with iTunes and playing music?

iTunes agent works better than HTC Sync ive found...

I was just trying to drain my battery so i could give it another full charge, it bleeped at 15% left, then mere second later, bleeped again and said 'battery at 0%, shutting down'?:confused:
thats the same with me, after trying a few roms i went back to the stock, i really enjoy the default experience and the sense features, which is odd as most of my life i spend breaking away from the norm, debradning things and customising so much its completely different.

gotta hand it to HTC, they have done well.

Yeah, in general the whole Sense experience is good (apart from the occasional launcher crashes), it wasn't that I disliked Sense at all.

I'm enjoying the extra speed away from HTC's Froyo build, and it's not so much I miss the Sense launcher itself, but I do miss all the additional clocks, widgets and apps HTC provide as standard (for example HTC's default mail app is better than the Android stock one)

So far liking Oxygen though. Data on/WIFI+GPS off, losing about 1 or 2% battery per hour mostly on standby...which is just a bit better than the HTC stock rom where I'd usually end up low battery within a day with use, or within 2 on standby, might actually make 4 if I needed to on Oxygen.

Tempted to try Defrost too, and I didnt really give Leedroid much of a chance because Oxygen was faster, but Leedroid would be another option for me to fiddle with if I decide Sense is a must.
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Anyone else sometimes find that at random typing a forum post or a text message suddenly feels like wading through treacle? It goes really laggy and irritating.

Then later its fine?
Whats the best application for syncing with iTunes and playing music?

I'm rather partial to Cubed in morph flow mode as music player (I've had less niggles with playback in the background with it for example compared to other players), and I like it's 2x2 widget, but poweramp is also very good.

I dropped poweramp off my phone as it kept autoplaying when I stuck headphones in, but if I'd still been looking for a music player I'd have stuck with it. It plays FLAC too which is a bonus, but for a phone, rather than a high quality player I didnt really think that was neccessary.

Either way you can't go wrong. Mixzing used to be worth considering, but I'd say poweramp does the same job better.
I find it depends on the releases tbh.

Used to be awful, but the latest revisions are a lot better. Still though, every other release: awful.

yeah i know i miss certain aspects, but sold my ipods and now totally anti apple, i find even with a high end pc and a ssd its still slow to load, compared to a 6 year old mac which loads it instantly :( - almost like a bad port
I dropped poweramp off my phone as it kept autoplaying when I stuck headphones in, but if I'd still been looking for a music player I'd have stuck with it. It plays FLAC too which is a bonus, but for a phone, rather than a high quality player I didnt really think that was neccessary.

You can turn off autoplay in the options.
you can turn off autoplay in the options.

I was under no illusion there wouldn't be an option for it; my point was more it looked good, but I was happy with what I had so wasn't bothered enough to take a look :D

On another note, much as I do really like Oxygen, there's still a few things to be dealt with on it (the web browser for example isn't as nice as HTC's fiddled one), so until thats a little later on, I'm going to give Leedroid a go.

Hope I don't see too many issues with battery life, as a tweaked sense would seem right up the street of what Im after (happy with features, just would like extra battery/performance). Oxygen was nippy, and battery life was promising, but I was missing the HTC apps, and a little polish that I think Oxygen was lacking at current. :)
(also I had a really wierd issue with dropping wireless, but not sure if that was just coincidence or this newest radio I flashed to as it was recommended for Defrost)

I tried Defrost and it didn't bother me actually, wasn't quite as nippy as Oxygen, and I didn't see anything that really made it stand out.

Might also try Leedroid, but throw Zeam onto it (the loader from Oxygen), that way I'll have all the benefits of HTC's modified apps, with the speed of Zeam :)
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so i should be recieving my new desire tomorrow, is there a certain way i should do my charging so i get the best out of the battery? or is it a case of full charge, drain it, rince and repeat a few times?
Hey guys, just got a desire last week after going through a few devices, Palm pre, Iphone and several blackberrys.

Any hints, tips or must have apps, themes etc would be much appreciated.

I'm going to give Leedroid a go.

Be careful with that, i'm using leedroid at the moment, and whilst I like some it what it does, it is 99% the same as stock, and the battery life is shocking.
Ive been asking questions in the official XDA thread for it, but no one is answering.:(
Be careful with that, i'm using leedroid at the moment, and whilst I like some it what it does, it is 99% the same as stock, and the battery life is shocking.
Ive been asking questions in the official XDA thread for it, but no one is answering.:(

Battery life is shocking compared to what??

I get around 36 hours out of mine but charge every night anyhow.....
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