*** The Official HTC One M8 Thread ***

Purchased SIM free from Three £459 (guy in the store noted M7 was actually over £500)+1 month rolling £12.90 unlimited data, 200minutes & 5000 text.

Rooting took for ever because of driver issues on my laptop, gave up & used my gf
laptop. After you've deleted, installed the same set of drivers but packaged differently it does become tiresome.

Build quality is amazing, blink freed is cool but will take time to filter out the American sport articles & stuff I have no interest in. Just looking forward to 4G+35 minute commute without caring how much data I use.
Brilliant battery. Very chuffed.

Seems with the threat of mine being replaced it's been working fine since yesterday afternoon (No reboots). What in the actual hell?

I would too get it replaced as an intermittent issue like rebooting will never be repaired by HTC. Save yourself some grief now whilst you have the chance to swap it. I speak from experience as my HTC One M7 still isn't fixed :mad:
I would too get it replaced as an intermittent issue like rebooting will never be repaired by HTC. Save yourself some grief now whilst you have the chance to swap it. I speak from experience as my HTC One M7 still isn't fixed :mad:

Had one reboot yesterday followed by random locking up and black screens. Back to behaving now but it'll likely happen again.

Replacement is arriving tomorrow, lets hope it's perfect.

What's the story behind your M7?
that is good battery, but after 2 years it wont be as good. its especially important when you have non removable
I love the look of this phone but looks a bit expensive just at the moment. Any killer deals out there?

Nope none. Unless you are utterly desperate or just must have the next shiny bit of kit, I'd be waiting for the price to drop.
What other phones are people considering?

Brother had a HTC Sensation when they were new, and is now out of contract. Logical successor is the HTC One M8... but compared with the Sensation it's a bit big?

What I meant is that it is a better phone than the HTC One, spec wise.

However, it depends on what you want in a phone: if you want a decent camera, get the Z2, if you want a (more) compact device, get the M8. If you want faster updates, get the M8...

better speakers and design on the M8 - Z2 is an ungainly dull slab with horrible flappy bits.
better speakers and design on the M8 - Z2 is an ungainly dull slab with horrible flappy bits.

The speakers aren't categorically better on the M8 - depends on the genre of music and even then, the difference is noticeable. If you had the Z2, you'd be very pleased with the speaker quality.

Neither design is particularly inspiring: the M8 looks like an iPhone, as does the Z2.
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