use an ios theme?
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
use an ios theme?
Possibly not the right place to ask, but I'm tempted to pick up an M8 on T-Mobile USA (outright for $636).
Is it relatively straightforward to root any M8 model? I'd want to use Xposed + Gravitybox. Also is bootloader unlocking fairly straightforward on T-Mobile devices? I remember there being extra hoops to jump through re. S-Off etc. on older HTC devices...
Lastly, is anyone using CM11 on their M8? How is it stability-wise?
Only thing to be wary about is the US models tend to not have the same bands as EU/Worldwide models when it comes to 4G.
edit: Just read you'll be in the US so you shouldn't have the signal problem! Will you be buying it here or there?
Can you buy the GPE from TMobile? If not then I'd be careful about converting to GPE for warranty reasons. I normally wouldn't care, but at the moment it's quite difficult back to back to Sense without problems.
I love the GPE, it's extremely quick and snappy. The firmware has been optimised for the M8 so it's not completely stock Android.