***The Official HTC One Thread***

If it's the same as the Nexus 5, disabling Google Now and, off the top of my head, in Settings > Apps > All clear the cache for Google Play Services and Google Services Framework (I think they are the two needed) then restart the phone. Google Play Services doesn't appear in my N5 battery stats at all after this.

Thanks for that I will give it a try, well clear the cache for those two as I use Google Now :)
Android 4.4 Sense 5.5 rolling out for the US: http://www.androidcentral.com/kitka...ut-unlocked-and-dev-edition-htc-one-phones-us

So far HTC is keeping their word on the 4.4 updates so far (15 days for GE, 30 days for dev, 90 days for carriers stated from US twitter). HTC really has brushed up with the updates, glad to see they're quick on this. Hopefully it should mean the rest of the world will see it soon.
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Well mine got the 4.3 update yesterday and i'm on EE. If you have an EE branded handset, check to see if the update is available
I sold my S4 and bought one of these yesterday, I'm loving it.

Feels nicer, screen is lovely and the sound is good!

Had a pretty good day from the battery too, which I'm happy about!
Didn't think I'd be saying this but changed mine back to sense 5.5. Only thing I really liked about gpe was the camera with sphere function. But then I found out you can install the apk for its camera and gallery on sense 5.5.
Didn't think I'd be saying this but changed mine back to sense 5.5. Only thing I really liked about gpe was the camera with sphere function. But then I found out you can install the apk for its camera and gallery on sense 5.5.

Where do you get the apk for the sphere camera thing?
So what's happened ? Is the ban in effect ? Does it include the One ?

I've only had my One for about 4months and I'd be gutted if all UK support was removed. :(
As I understand it, as HTC have, or are, appealing against the decision they have been allowed to carry on selling the One itself until after Christmas.

It will be interesting to see what happens after that though, although I would expect them to reach some sort of financial settlement or licence agreement with Nokia.
Must grumble - My 'One' rebooted yesterday or at least crashed and rebooted. Tonight it did the same again only now it's gone into a boot loop. It's locked and not rooted so guess it's back to HTC in the new year. Back to my faithful Razr i for the time being. Disappointing as the One had been going so well :mad:
Started off just doing it when on loudspeaker now does it on microphone too so phone is pretty much useless as a phone, 3rd time its going to have gone back to HTC
My messages are messed up since the regular standard update.

In landscape mode the send button has gone, (whether keyboard is displayed or not) Its fine in portrait mode. Have to switch back to portrait mode to send for every text or e-mail boo!
My messages are messed up since the regular standard update.

In landscape mode the send button has gone, (whether keyboard is displayed or not) Its fine in portrait mode. Have to switch back to portrait mode to send for every text or e-mail boo!

Sodding annoying that. Here's to hoping it comes back with 4.4
My messages are messed up since the regular standard update.

In landscape mode the send button has gone, (whether keyboard is displayed or not) Its fine in portrait mode. Have to switch back to portrait mode to send for every text or e-mail boo!

mine does that too, hope it gets fixed soon...
Hi All,

I just upgraded from an S3 to an HTC ONE and I'm loving it, big performance boost, great phone, great screen and fantastic speakers.

The one issue I have is that after only a day of using the phone and placing it down on a table a few times the camera lense has started picking up scratches...

It does look quite exposed due to the central and raised position.

Has anyone else had a problem with the lense getting scratched?
Must grumble - My 'One' rebooted yesterday or at least crashed and rebooted. Tonight it did the same again only now it's gone into a boot loop. It's locked and not rooted so guess it's back to HTC in the new year. Back to my faithful Razr i for the time being. Disappointing as the One had been going so well :mad:

Whilst it was boot looping I managed to get into the boot menu (hold power and volume down) and do a factory reset. It did then reboot and managed to get to 'desktop' for about a minute before it crashed and started the boot loop again. This it kept doing over and over and holding down the power button would not turn it off. Of course you can't pull the battery :mad: Nothing else to do but leave it to run the battery down.

Friday contacted HTC support with a view to returning it. Stuck it on charge for no reason really. Charged up ok with normal charging display on screen. Once done pressed power button just to see if and started booting only this time it booted up normally .... yay :D Naturally it was back to factory spec as I'd reset it from the boot menu.

Pleased to be back using the One. Not that the Razr i screen is bad at all but the One's is something else in comparison. Been working fine since Friday night so fingers crossed it's ok. Not sure what set it off on one as not installed any new apps for a week or two though of course there had been some app updates. Fingers crossed for now ;)
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