***The Official HTC Sensation thread***

What is this company like overall?

Interested in ordering from there.

good as far as I know, they have won awards etc. I have my sensation on pre-order with them on the £30.64 18 month contract and £9.99 for phone.

Can't find a better deal myself

Dont forget £30 cashback to make the deal a bit sweeter with topcashback!
good as far as I know, they have won awards etc. I have my sensation on pre-order with them on the £30.64 18 month contract and £9.99 for phone.

Can't find a better deal myself

Dont forget £30 cashback to make the deal a bit sweeter with topcashback!

This is the one I've ordered

1x HTC Sensation on Orange Panther 35 (24mths) inc. Internet PRE ORDER
Inclusive: 600 cross-network mins + 3000 texts + 750MB data
Monthly Cost: £35.00
Free Gift: £15 Automatic Cash Back

It is orange because it is simply the best network in my area, I don't plan to upgrade to another phone for a couple of years so 24months is ok too. I think that is an ok deal especially when I used to spend £40pm on a k700i with less mins & texts.
This is the one I've ordered

1x HTC Sensation on Orange Panther 35 (24mths) inc. Internet PRE ORDER
Inclusive: 600 cross-network mins + 3000 texts + 750MB data
Monthly Cost: £35.00
Free Gift: £15 Automatic Cash Back

It is orange because it is simply the best network in my area, I don't plan to upgrade to another phone for a couple of years so 24months is ok too. I think that is an ok deal especially when I used to spend £40pm on a k700i with less mins & texts.

Wow, your gonna be paying £825 in total presuming the phone is free.

Why not go for this http://www.buymobilephones.net/mobi...nge-Panther-35-(18mths)-inc.-Internet/9913175

or this


Depends if you prefer calls over data or vice versa!

But either way the overall cost will be around £680 after cashback which is a decent saving of £145.

Why waste the money?
Mainly cause the phone is free straight off. I don't mind paying a premium for that. £79.99 isn't feasible at the moment but £35 a month is I know I know it sounds silly :p.
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This is the one I've ordered

1x HTC Sensation on Orange Panther 35 (24mths) inc. Internet PRE ORDER
Inclusive: 600 cross-network mins + 3000 texts + 750MB data
Monthly Cost: £35.00
Free Gift: £15 Automatic Cash Back

Thats a really poor deal?

You can get the same on Vodafone but with £100 cashback?
Hehe, I am sat here, blitzing the net trying to decide! I want Sense 3.0 on the SGS2!! That would be good! There are parts of Touch Wiz that I'm really not keen on, like the lock screen!

Main thing putting me off sensation is bad reviews about the camera
Hehe, I am sat here, blitzing the net trying to decide! I want Sense 3.0 on the SGS2!! That would be good!

Main thing putting me off sensation is bad reviews about the camera

Someone may actually get Sense working on the SGS2, until then you can just set the SGS2 up to look as close to Sense as you can, or perhaps even better.
Well that's a turn for the good! But will it mean they will unlock the Sensation or just leave that as is and possibly leave the newer phones from now on unlocked?

Still won't change my position on Samsung though :p

Unless HTC's next phone is uber thin and sporting AMOLED!
Well that's a turn for the good! But will it mean they will unlock the Sensation or just leave that as is and possibly leave the newer phones from now on unlocked?

Still won't change my position on Samsung though :p

Unless HTC's next phone is uber thin and sporting AMOLED!

We will have to wait and see I guess eh. I assume, if they do change policy (reasonably good chance since they mentioned it) it will be via a fastboot command or something.

My feeling on it is this:

If they decided they weren't ever going to change policy, why would they bother mentioning it, and possibly inciting an even bigger backlash. Surely, if they have mentioned it now, they will do something about it. Getting people's hopes up and then dashing them will cause them more harm, than if they hadn't ever mentioned it.

Even if they don't unlock already shipped devices, we might see some "leaked" engineering bootloaders to deal with the currently shipped devices.
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Any news I really want to place a order with the T mobile 18 month deal. The HTC Evo 3d rumoured to be out start of June! Tough decision!
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