*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

30 Dec 2010
Over here
Don't also forget the Groupon Very offer is still on so can get £30 stuff for £15. The £50 one sold out now, I wont lie I got about £150 worth of credit by abusing it.

So could get a £35 PSN voucher for £23.95 delivered. If collect+ is an option on them then can chop £3.95 off.
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26 Dec 2009
Proper crappy deals out there for PS4 at moment, guess they know bloodborne is a system seller so cashing in. A couple of months ago was £300 ish with a couple of games.

I found a decent enough offer from Amazon Germany in the end with two pads, camera and the order for £350 just hoping it gets here by Tuesday.
12 May 2005
Is bloodborne really or shall I say the souls series that popular that folks buy systems to play these games? So erm ps4 has its first proper kill app?

Interesting to see how it reviews, if it reviews poorly then I suspect a lot of upset fans incoming..
12 May 2005
I don't even know what its about, just it looks good - I'm hoping its an open world multiplayer hack n slash?

I've heard its meant to be a challenge... Erm hmm I'm hoping its open world. It looks like an open world hack n slash.. Find out soon enough I guess. But yeah from screenshots I've seen it looks very good indeed.
15 Aug 2003
Is bloodborne really or shall I say the souls series that popular that folks buy systems to play these games? So erm ps4 has its first proper kill app?

Interesting to see how it reviews, if it reviews poorly then I suspect a lot of upset fans incoming..

Dark Souls 1 was my favourite game from the last generation by a long way, albeit played on the Xbox 360 so I'm hoping Bloodborne will be as good if not better, but I think I'll enjoy it regardless. Given that Bloodborne has the same producer as DS1 there's no way I could go without playing it so I had to go out and buy a PS4.

I don't think this game will shift as many PS4s as Uncharted might and I can't see Bloodborne getting poor reviews, unless those people doing the reviews don't like playing challenging games.
15 Aug 2003
I don't even know what its about, just it looks good - I'm hoping its an open world multiplayer hack n slash?

It will be an open world to a point. It won't be like Skyrim for example but it might have a hub area that gives access to other areas and some or most of these other areas will interconnect with each other.

Multiplayer, yes, through PvP invasions and co-op.

Hack & Slash, sort of, but there are guns too, and battles take skill and strategy, not just aimless button mashing.

As for not knowing what it's about. Well you could play through it 5 times and still not understand it. Souls games traditionally provide you with the lore and a vague story which is left open to interpretation.
15 Aug 2003
I only played Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 (I think) and it was very linear, but Souls games aren't. The path you take is pretty much up to you in many areas, some will be more challenging than others depending on your level and equipment.

For example, on my first play through of Dark Souls I got to the Tomb of the Giants (grrr) and got right to the end of the area and realised I could not go any further without a particular item. Same when I failed to be able to access The Abyss because I'd not fought a specific boss fight and picked up an item from it. The game doesn't lead you, you're expected to figure it all out for yourself e.g. which path to take and which bosses to fight and when. Rarely do you get any help from NPCs. This is part of the challenge and it's so refreshing once you get used to the shock of not having your hand held or fed everything.
18 Oct 2002
WTF those must be a mistake... It's Sony trying to outdo steam sales over in the us?

Shame we don't get same deals for EU psn..

Sony US taking the pee out of Sony EU yet again.

Sony US and Sony EU need to sort out the sales they do. EU never seem to get the same good deals & discounts like the US do - its ben going on since the the PS3 days.

The prices on that US store are for some $0.90 - thats what say 70p in conversion at current rates, like we would ever get those offers cheapest we would get them would be someting like £2.99.
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