it definitely bridged the alien film well.
Hold on to that thought. If and when we get a sequel, if there are other, live Engineers (capable of space flight), then you're going to have to work hard to answer the question of why they just left them on LV 233 (for two thousand years).
Also, why would they be doing these experiments on their home world, or any other civilian world? They purpose-built the facilities on LV 233 away from their home planet, because they recognised the danger. If you're then going to suggest that they performed the same experiments on their home planet, and thus wipe themselves out, then again you have created a logical inconsistency.
In what way?
Not rocket science is it? The ship, how the aliens came to be, how the corporation became so obsessed with the planet and what was on it etc.
Not difficult to understand any aspect of that after seeing the film, it doesn't demand a thesis.
Not rocket science is it? The ship, how the aliens came to be, how the corporation became so obsessed with the planet and what was on it etc.
They weren't experimenting were they? It was an arms dump.
The stuffs got to be made somewhere, there could have been contimination in some form at the factory or lab, that planet might be the ONLY planet where the ships were based and The ship that crashed into LV426 might of crashed thousands of years ago, taking off just after the outbreak on LV233.
The engineers might even of been wiped out by a ship flying back from LV233.
Given more than 2 minutes we could could tie all these ends up.
oh and can i just say, as much as i know it was done for suspense, it was still ridiculous why neither weylands daughter or shaw ran to the side of the crashing ship. then they may have both escaped.
Try as I might, I can't follow what you've just written there.
Hmm... But it's not that ship, not those aliens, not how THE aliens came to be, not that corporation and it wasn't that planet, THE corporation became so obsessed with.
I think he means the film need some loose ends tieing up as the ship in alien is on LV426 not LV233 - so in effect this not an alien prequel and scott has already expressed another film will be needed to tie the two together.
well I am lead to believe it was - there was far to much imagery/similarities in the movie between this and Alien that it would pretty hard to believe other wise. Yeh i get some of the Alein geekoids are upset that certain bits have been changed (like the corp logo) or its not the same planet at the time but to me this is a question that will be solved in the sequel or if anything the end scene ship is the one later found. or some ****...ok now im confused. haha
anyway good film
Weyland Corp and Weyland-Yutani, are people really saying that's a change? Clearly Weyland Corp and Yutani Corp merge in the future.
The film was pretty good I thought, except the whole cesarean thing. Particularly the fact that there is no reaction to it and it's never mentioned again
Really? No wonder people didn't like the film if they missed the main point of the story.
The black stuff was a biological weapon the Engineers made to wipe out humanity. It escaped and killed them all before they could do it. Hence the last surviving one trying to finish off the job at the end.
other than earth being in the sat nav what else is there to make the humans think the aliens are going to kill everyone on earth
also why assume its a weapon, maybe they found it, maybe its somethign else... if you go stomping round chernobyl and take back shiny things for your friends you and they will probably die...
me thinks there is a lot of material thats on the cutting room floor...