The Official Prometheus (Alien Prequel) Thread

How does it ruin another film, I Really hate that idea. How does a new film wreck one that is all read produced. It can't and doesn't.

As long as its an 18 I think it will be good.

the reason people say that, with some degree of accuracy is because, when you buy the box set, the film might be out last, but anyone buying it not having seen them before would start with the first one, which becomes the prequal.

By comparison, even a crap story and a bad film, in current standard can make a few things from an old film even with a great story/acting/directing, look almost silly in comparison.

Think of it this way, the Matrix was pretty damn awesome, the 2nd worse and the 3rd worse again, if the quality of the films was reversed, the first writen poorly and the only got their act together and starting to drop the cgi bull for the last film, it might be the best but your "feel" of the trilogy would be reversed, you wouldn't have bonded with the characters in the same way and already think Morpheous was a complete tool and not really like the film in the same way.

Batman films, if Batman and Robin was the first one out, you just wouldn't have felt the same about the rest of the films as they followed. AS it was a bunch of trilogy's get far far worse but the early film isn't effected, slot in a new start that changes how you meet the characters and it can vastly change your opinion of later films in a series.

REalistically though for old films prequals won't really change your perception at all.

Also, just because Ridley Scot is on it doesn't mean a huge amount, look how Indiana utter failure 4 turned out with a decent director thinking he could recreate a old franchise and failing massively. Don't forget the Ridley Scott of 30 years ago is not the Ridley Scott you get now, literally, he's changed, he's filming differently, everyones moved on. He might make something good, but it could just as easily be terrible.
So what are they producing. A prequel set before Alien or a re make of Alien?

It'll fall exactly into what Star Wars has.
You get the story before in todays gorgeous CGI and everything looks amazing and then steps into the 70s.
I would be interested to see what his direction for the story is. Shame though because whilst you might think the greatness was the alien in Alien it was probably more so Ellen Ripley.
The film was about Ripley who encountered an alien and survived. Alien on its own...we will see.
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What made Alien, was of course the Alien, which was something completely different from what anyone could have seen or imagined before. Imagine an Alien desgined by anyone else other than H.R Giger? No other film of that era had anything close to the totally unique aethetics/ atmosphere of the movie. The cast was great aswell, with ash being the psycho android.
But at the end of the day there are a lot of things they need to get right for the movie to be a success, other than Ridely being the director. But I do believe that this movie does have great potential, and with james cameron going totally into CGI these days I'm glad Ridely Scott is back at the helm.
To be sucessful this needs to be what Aliens was to Alien. Scott and Cameron did say they would never do another Alien movie unless it was properly written and executed. For me they need to concentrate on plot rather than action although Aliens pulled it off well.

I's still rather love to see Spielburg do another WWII film though.
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Hope he can pull it off

Seen all the movies but didn't know what a space jockey was until a minute ago lol
A little more information on this for you guys...

"Ridley Scott has finally spoken about the upcoming Alien prequel for the first time in an interview with Empire. The article implies that they won't revisit LV-426 or the space jockeys in the prequel. The story will take place about 30 years before Alien, however.

Since the prequel was announced, it’s been assumed that it would tell the story of how those nasty, slavering xenomorphs came to land on LV-426 in the first place. But after listening to Sir Ridley, suddenly we’re not so sure…

“It’s a brand new box of tricks,” said Sir Ridley. “We know what the road map is, and the screenplay is now being put on paper. The prequel will be a while ago. It’s very difficult to put a year on Alien, but [for example] if Alien was towards the end of this century, then the prequel story will take place thirty years prior.”

Interesting. And damned intriguing, to boot. Presumably, rather than make a film about how those massive elephantine aliens (remember the giant pilot with his chest blown outwards in Sir Ridley’s original?) were decimated by the acid-blooded beasts, Sir Ridley and his writer, Jon Spaihts, have decided to reboot the story in an attempt to give it a human focus.

“I never thought I’d look forward to a sequel,” said Sir Ridley. “But a prequel is kind of interesting. I’m looking forward to doing that.”

I'm betting the plot goes something along the lines of a group of travellers discover some alien artifact, somehow alien organism gets on their ship and then all hell breaks and the crew is picked off one by one. There is no survivors at the end.
"I'd buy that for a dollar" :D

I don't like reboots prequels at all.

For Aliens the first one was great because you didn't really know what you were dealing with. The 2nd was great because we got to see Sigourney Weaver in her vest and knickers :D and we had a connection to the lead character but prequel it just won't be as good.
More information has come to light about the new Alien prequel/reboot.


"It's set in 2085, about 30 years before Sigourney [Weaver's character Ellen Ripley]. It's fundamentally about going out to find out 'Who the hell was that Space Jockey?' The guy who was sitting in the chair in the alien vehicle — there was a giant fellow sitting in a seat on what looked to be either a piece of technology or an astronomer's chair."

"MTV: And is the Weyland-Yutani company in existence at this point?

Scott: It's Weyland. Weyland hasn't joined Yutani yet, so they go and see Weyland. [The film] is about the discussion of terraforming — taking planets and planetoids and balls of earth and trying to terraform, seed them with the possibilities of future life.

...however this part makes me quite sad...

"We asked him if he was going to considering shooting it in 3D, since most event movies at least have that conversation now. "Of course," he replied. "It will be in 3D."

Unless it's 3D to the standard of Avatar - completely and totally immersive, this could destroy the movie for me!

More information on this can be found here and here...
Mixed feelings about this, Scott does have good (if occasionally patchy) record and some of the recent "reboots" of franchises have actually been good but I'll reserve my judgement until I see the results.
A little bit more info:

A quick news brief to go along with the massive Alien prequel report posted here last week. Website Collider caught up with Ridley Scott at a recent junket for Robin Hood where he revealed that the forthcoming prequel will in fact be in 3D. "Of course, it’ll be 3D," he stated also declaring that he doesn't see a difference between shooting in 3-D and post-converting (something I find very concerning). On another note, while Scott is already taking a trip back to the franchise he created back in '79, he's looking to do it more than once! "It’ll be two. It’ll be prequel one and two. Then Alien 1," he tells the site explaining right now he's focused on the first.

The part i've highlighted in yellow really worries me :(

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