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***The Official Ray Tracing Thread - Read the First Post before posting***



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
It's not using path tracing, so any mid-up 30/40 series will do as they all do normal RT really well and this uses Ray Reconstruction too so even better visually and a few fps more in the process.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
No, the article says:

That’s not to say it won’t also perform and present perfectly on AMD GPUs, but the likes of the RTX 4070 Super, which tops our best graphics card guide, should be extra well placed to play the game.

They only mention it because it's what their favoured GPU is currently, not necessarily what this game needs minimum to run good on.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
No, the article says:

They only mention it because it's what their favoured GPU is currently, not necessarily what this game needs minimum to run good on.

Yes and its a very expensive card, if we assume they are not in the business of marketing Nvidia GPU's then we have to assume he thinks nothing less is optimal.

You can play Cyberpunk on an RTX 3050, you probably shouldn't bother even if you can make it perform perfectly on that GPU, which you can.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
The 4070 Super is only recommended in the article because that website thinks it's their best GPU in their metrics, not necessarily what is needed for this game. This has nothing to do with the game. The game uses DLSS 3.5, any decent 30 series and up will run it.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The 4070 Super is only recommended in the article because that website thinks it's their best GPU in their metrics, not necessarily what is needed for this game. This has nothing to do with the game. The game uses DLSS 3.5, any decent 30 series and up will run it.

Its part of a trend tho isn't it? running games is becoming more and more expensive, he thinks a £600 GPU is a GPU to recommend because of that trend, so i'm reading this as a continuation of that.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
That'd not how I'm reading it especially after understanding what technologies this game is using.

The page states that GPU purely because it's currently set the top of their chart of cards to recommend. That's about the long and short of it.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
That'd not how I'm reading it especially after understanding what technologies this game is using.

The page states that GPU purely because it's currently set the top of their chart of cards to recommend. That's about the long and short of it.

Ok, why not a 4060 Ti?, the __60 Ti used to be the go to card, the card that everyone would recommend because you could run games at the same QI setting as much more expensive cards with still reasonably good FPS. usually around £300.

The 60 Ti class is no longer seen as that, its now seen as a compromised GPU, its why its no longer recommended, the overton window has shifted to a GPU costing twice as much, no one but people buying mid range GPU's seem to have noticed or care that what used to be the smart choice for people who have to think a lot more about where they spend their money has now doubled in price. Which is probably why they are not buying GPU's or games anymore.
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19 Feb 2007
Its part of a trend tho isn't it? running games is becoming more and more expensive, he thinks a £600 GPU is a GPU to recommend because of that trend, so i'm reading this as a continuation of that.

This is why I still play games like Star Trek Online, WoW and Final Fantasy XIV, They are fun especially with friends, They look pretty decent and no one needs to spend a minimum of £600 to just get a mediocre experience in terms of performance which opens them up to more people :)
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Exactly, they just noted that GPU because they did a round up and preferred that GPU, nothing more than that so on need to read into any deeper meaning. From a technical level any half decent 30 series such as a 3080 and up (assuming no VRAM issues and the game is as it seems, well optimised) should run Outlaws just fine. I don't know what the equiv for AMD side it, a 3080 Ti gets RT perf on par with a 7900XTX does it not? So yeah weigh up either side how you will.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Its the sort of thing that's perfect for this thread, people do care about Ray Tracing, people are constantly being told they should care about Ray Tracing, they are also being told they need to spend £600+ to fully appreciate it, the games are also becoming more expensive, Unbisoft are regularly launching "AAAA" games at over £100 these days.

So, if i cannot fully appreciate Ray Tracing on my £400 GPU then i cannot play the game as intended with all the things i'm told i should care about in this £70 to £100 game, if i'm not getting my monies worth i wont bother, i'll wait for it to land in the discount bin, in the mean time i'll catch up on my Steam backlog.

Unfortunately increasingly that's what is happening, more and more people are feeling like they are being priced out, so they don't buy in.
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19 Feb 2007
Its the sort of thing that's perfect for this thread, people do care about Ray Tracing, people are constantly being told they should care about Ray Tracing, they are also being told they need to spend £600+ to fully appreciate it, the games are also becoming more expensive, Unbisoft are regularly launching "AAAA" games at over £100 these days.

So, if i cannot fully appreciate Ray Tracing on my £400 GPU then i cannot play the game as intended with all the things i'm told i should care about in this £70 to £100 game, if i'm not getting my monies worth i wont bother, i'll wait for it to land in the discount bin, in the mean time i'll catch up on my Steam backlog.

Unfortunately increasingly that's what is happening, more and more people are feeling like they are being priced out, so they don't buy in.

The majority of my real world social circle who were into PC gaming have slowly veered away from it. The last mate of mine to move away from PC gaming saw the prices of mid range GPU's and said in a much more harsh tone -

"They can go vigorously make love to themselves while suckling on a bag of severed male genitalia" :cry:
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
The majority of my real world social circle who were into PC gaming have slowly veered away from it. The last mate of mine to move away from PC gaming saw the prices of mid range GPU's and said in a much more harsh tone -

"They can go vigorously make love to themselves while suckling on a bag of severed male genitalia" :cry:

Yes, i hear this a lot my self.
3 Aug 2010
The majority of my real world social circle who were into PC gaming have slowly veered away from it. The last mate of mine to move away from PC gaming saw the prices of mid range GPU's and said in a much more harsh tone -

"They can go vigorously make love to themselves while suckling on a bag of severed male genitalia" :cry:
The opposite here I got console gamer friends who are now are older with more money buying 4090s. I don't know anybody my age gaming on consoles anymore.
14 Aug 2009
I think it's pretty clear that UE5 is basically the engine of choice for nearly all devs now lol. In-house engines are down the pan, even the Dawn engine is gone in favour of UE5. I can see why. Lumen and Nanite and the video editor built into UE5 means a dev can create entire movies in UE5 using in-engine assets.

For rather "generic" games, no wonder. Curious to see how much some stuff needs to be changed under the hood to do more custom made designs for large world games... without stutter.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Stutter should not exist at all regardless of game world size. If indie devs can do it using UE5 then big houses have no excuse. Epic have the tools in place for devs to use, and MS have had DS in place for a while too.

In terms of RT, the Steves talked about it in the latest GN, Steve asked Steve "Is AMD "GPUS"... uhh are they actually screwed?, right now", to which Steve replied... "yeah".

4 Jun 2009

I think as long as software lumen is used, rdna 2 and 3 is "ok" especially if amd can further improve with fsr 3.1 but as I noted 2-3 years ago, I could see amd suffering long term more than nvidia as more and more games jump to RT. Obviously like any graphical setting, just because you have it there, doesn't mean you "have" to max it out so whilst nvidia will be able to set high/ultra for certain rt settings, amd gpus can still use rt but maybe just medium instead for example.

Another one jumping to UE 5 and RT :cool:
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