*** The Official Samsung Galaxy Note II Thread ***

5 hours seems the norm but 3 hours is pretty low.

One of the lads here had SD card issues, it was in a mount/unmount cycle and drained the battery considerably. Try removing your SD card for a couple of days and check the screen time.
Well, having 'upgraded' to 4.1.2 the other day via Sammobile as was rooted, I have been having abysmal battery life compared to how it was before on 4.1.1 Used to get 3 days out of the phone, but this was dropping like a brick on 4.1.2 and was eating it like a tramp eats chips.

After some Googfu on it it appears that this is common issue reported by many people using 4.1.2 on a vast range of phones.

Further Googling led me to Android Revolution HD. I was looking for something that gave great battery life and also retained the functionality of S-Pen et al and have found it in this little beauty.

It is as close to the ROM that ships as can be and there are options to customise the ROM when you flash. Everything zips along nicely and battery life appears to be back to how great it was...11.5 hours on and 9% used (was overnight sat on bedside table). Can also confirm that the S-Pen works exactly as before with removing it providing the undock pop out

The ROM can be found here for those that are interested, it's a cracking effort and well worth it if you think that Sammy had it mostly right..but needs a few minor tweaks
Will the samsung galaxy s4 be similarly priced to the note 2 ?

Prices can be all over the place, it's in the hands of the carriers but the Note 2 will start getting cheaper from now so Note 2's might be a bit cheaper than S4's but Note 3's will be about £50 more than S4's , although roughly 6 months newer by the time they're out, for the sake of ten or so days I would wait till the S4 is here for pricing and hints as to what the N3 will have and cost.

I would only buy an S3 or Note 2 with a huge discount at this point in the phone cycle.
Well, having 'upgraded' to 4.1.2 the other day via Sammobile as was rooted, I have been having abysmal battery life compared to how it was before on 4.1.1 Used to get 3 days out of the phone, but this was dropping like a brick on 4.1.2 and was eating it like a tramp eats chips.

After some Googfu on it it appears that this is common issue reported by many people using 4.1.2 on a vast range of phones.

Further Googling led me to Android Revolution HD. I was looking for something that gave great battery life and also retained the functionality of S-Pen et al and have found it in this little beauty.

It is as close to the ROM that ships as can be and there are options to customise the ROM when you flash. Everything zips along nicely and battery life appears to be back to how great it was...11.5 hours on and 9% used (was overnight sat on bedside table). Can also confirm that the S-Pen works exactly as before with removing it providing the undock pop out

The ROM can be found here for those that are interested, it's a cracking effort and well worth it if you think that Sammy had it mostly right..but needs a few minor tweaks

Keep us posted with how you get on with this rom. I too am experiencing poor battery life after updating to 4.1.2
Is it possible to get flash working on this phone?
I want the bet365 horse race player to work, but it moans about flash player being required!

Ive tried a bunch of browsers but to no avail, anything I can do with chrome?

All seems to be back to normal after my flashing


I did bin Google+ during the install, but other than that, everything is as it comes. AM very happy again :)
Is it possible to get flash working on this phone?
I want the bet365 horse race player to work, but it moans about flash player being required!

Ive tried a bunch of browsers but to no avail, anything I can do with chrome?

Post #3907 is the answer you are looking for.......have Flash working on my one now
My new Anker batteries (only 3100Mah) seem vastly better than the stock Samsung one, so I am wondering if it's faulty. These are with the Anker batteries. Everything set to how I'd normally have it; 70% brightness, auto syncing, push gmail etc..


Just noticed my battery recently has been rather poor - turns out it was wakelocking when rebooted in vibrate mode (I almost always have it on vibrate) - turn it back to normal and the phone is fine - anyone else seen this? :)
Had my Note 2 for 2 weeks now, absolutely brilliant phone but a couple of niggles:

1. How do I prevent the Bluetooth auto-playing music when I link it to my 2011 Ford Galaxy? I want to be able to hear the Nav instructions only, but the phone stubbornly insists on piping music through at the same time.

2. Is there any way of forcing HD video on iplayer and Netflix when using mobile data (I am on Three's The One Plan, so no danger of going over any limit)?


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