****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

The Official Samsung Case arrived this morning and I have to say that it is better than the Case Mate Barely There in terms of design. However it does leave the edges slightly more unprotected and is thinner, but the design makes it easier to press the buttons and makes it feel smaller.

My Samsung Galaxy II has been posted and should be with me tommorrow... when I get it im going to run to the toilet and cover it in salty manspaff.

I am worryingly excited, and my colleagues think there is something seriously wrong with me as a result... dancing around the room whooping when I saw "Status: In Transit" probably didn't help with that. :D

My Samsung Galaxy II has been posted and should be with me tommorrow... when I get it im going to run to the toilet and cover it in salty manspaff.

I am worryingly excited, and my colleagues think there is something seriously wrong with me as a result... dancing around the room whooping when I saw "Status: In Transit" probably didn't help with that. :D

Deary me. :rolleyes: You like our dog :p

What phone do you have now? is it a big step up?
Deary me. :rolleyes: You like our dog :p

What phone do you have now? is it a big step up?

My Motorola Milestone broke so for the last month and a bit I have been using a Nokia C6-00, officially the worst phone ive used in recent memory. I am quite literally almost desperate for the phone, genuine reasons being:

  • Google syncs with my Outlook calendar and work wont give me a company BB thus, I use it to stay organised.
  • Not having an Android phone impacts my sleep. I use Lightning Bug and Gentle Alarm to go to sleep and wake up in the morning, and i've REALLY missed not having them for the last month.
  • I can buy train tickets on the phone app for my local train network: this has saved my bacon many times.
  • I can't browse on the go, game, or use any of the media-rich apps I used to use daily. This is a ******* nightmare on trains when I travel for business.

In short, it's amazing how much I have actually come to rely on my Android phone in my dailylife, and without it I feel a tad lost. Sad, but true. :p
Got this phone yesterday and only started using it today. Very impressed :)

Is there an equivalent to HTC's FriendStream on the Galaxy S2? i.e. something that displays feeds from all social website feeds in a widget?
Battery is much better since last night. Charged to 100%, factory reset, charged to 100% again and ran the battery calibrator from xda and unplugged. Currently sitting on 85% after 12.5 hours, lost 4% in the 10 hours from off charge to waking up this morning and checked twitter and facebook for 30 mins and sent a few txts. Much better!
Out of curiosity what software version are you on? Until last night I was running KE1 and whilst at my desk at work I was only getting a dot of wifi (eg no bars) and the bandwidth was iffy at best, but updated to KE7 last night and now getting 2 bars and speedtest reports good pings/bandwidth so think they may have done something.

Saying that, it is just the status after 30 minutes and being the only person in the office :p

"XWKE7" apparently. worrying to hear it is actually worse on previous versions !
Well then the fault is with how you've interpreted things, rather than the phone not being thin. For what it is and what it does, it's ridiculously thin and still manages to feel very solid, it's a hell of an accomplishment.

What next? "It's not that fast, I was expecting it to be at least a third faster"?

why are you taking it personally? no need to get so up tight about it i just simply stated i thought it'd be about a third thinner from comments on here. what's wrong with that? do you think that me saying it's not as thin as i thought means i don't still think it's thin? that i don't think it's a good phone?
why are you taking it personally? no need to get so up tight about it i just simply stated i thought it'd be about a third thinner from comments on here. what's wrong with that? do you think that me saying it's not as thin as i thought means i don't still think it's thin? that i don't think it's a good phone?

Not taking it personally at all, I just find it curious that people expect even more from the phone than it's actually delivered. You did say "it's not a thin phone" after all, when I think everyone can realistically agree that it is.
come on orange, get stock of these.........

Just got off the phone with them, got the "early June mate, we've not even got any prices for them yet" jibber-jabber.

I think they're too busy chucking all their **** software on it :(
Villain ROM 1.1 installed, all good!

The use for that cable is basically just playing back movies from your phone? Will it mean there's sound on the TV if encoded with dts?

Everything, it mirrors what is on the phone on the HDTV, audio included too yes. So you can browse the web, watch a movie, play a game etc.
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