****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

did you buy it new or 2nd hand?

i purchased mine and it came unlocked and whatever sim i put in just worked.

is it coming up with error msg's? like no network? or enter code?
got it new......

when going in to the calls menu it comes up saying network or sim error..... and when using orange sim it just says Emergency calls only

im sending this one back and i've just ordered another one, which i will receive by the 14th.
I see the original GS has its 2.3.4 update so I would imagine it will be close for us too on this.

Edit: Beaten too it by McMav.
Been ringing T-Mobile all week, almost everyday to get myself up near the top of the priority list. They said next delivery is friday, today. Rang twice this morning, still no deliveries but that I am on their waiting list, along with hundreds of others.
I then rang two T-Mobile shops, local and flagship oxford street, who've had emails from head office saying there won't be any available now for the whole company till July 1st. But T-Mobile on 150 have not heard that, so maybe it's just the shops.
I hope they get some in today and I hope mine gets sent out but I don't hold out much confidence tbh. :(
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Bah local Orange shop is out of stock now.

Does orange not have a direct free number like T-Mobile, where you can order directly from them? Worth trying that. T-Mobile on my freephone 150 number tell me they get priority of phone deliveries before the shops get theirs, so maybe the same for orange?
I only get my 25% line rental discount from instore.

I've just called another not quite as local store and they have 0 but might be getting 1 or 2 in this arvo so I've to call back but he said if one comes is he'll put it aside for me as ther have no-one waiting so fingers crossed now :D
Swype would be better if it supported the option to change long press delay. In fact every keyboard SHOULD have that option but the only ones I know of now that do are Thumb Keyboard and Cyanogen's Gingerbread keyboard mod.

You can do most punctuation without using long press, what do you need to do that needs long press?

I only get my 25% line rental discount from instore.

I've just called another not quite as local store and they have 0 but might be getting 1 or 2 in this arvo so I've to call back but he said if one comes is he'll put it aside for me as ther have no-one waiting so fingers crossed now :D

no one waiting? Blimey, I'm surprised, as according to T-Mob, demand is far outstripping supply.
Does orange not have a direct free number like T-Mobile, where you can order directly from them? Worth trying that. T-Mobile on my freephone 150 number tell me they get priority of phone deliveries before the shops get theirs, so maybe the same for orange?

also out of stock direct from orange
also out of stock direct from orange

Ah, right, seems to be across the board then. Well, I nagged T-Mobile again just now. They've just now had phone deliveries, but not the S2. She said there can still be later deliveries by about 1pm latest, so fingers crossed. But, unlikely.
Guy in the store said when they are getting deliveries in store they are lucky to get 1 or 2 in. So it does indeed eithert 1. Be very popular handset or 2 Samsung are not delivering that many to the UK.
Its cool, I was just saying :p

This might interest you though?


cheers. I won't try it yet though as my battery seems fine :)

Ah, right, seems to be across the board then. Well, I nagged T-Mobile again just now. They've just now had phone deliveries, but not the S2. She said there can still be later deliveries by about 1pm latest, so fingers crossed. But, unlikely.

Find yourself a 'Chitter Chatter' store - you can get the phone with them via the deal you have direct with t-mobile - if they say otherwise phone up t-mobile while your in the shop and prove the deal. That's what my cuz and I on t-mobile did - unlocked and unbranded handsets too.
Anyone on Orange Panther contract tell me if you can access the BT Openzone wifi hotspots. Still says on orange online that you cant do that on the sgs2?
Find yourself a 'Chitter Chatter' store - you can get the phone with them via the deal you have direct with t-mobile - if they say otherwise phone up t-mobile while your in the shop and prove the deal. That's what my cuz and I on t-mobile did - unlocked and unbranded handsets too.

Blimey, you're right. :eek: I just rang the closest one to me and they have some in stock. They confirmed they can do the same deal as my T-Mobile deal. Well then, I'll wait till 1pm to see if T-Mobile receive any first.

If I buy through a shop like chitter chatter there's no 7 day cooling off period like there is direct from T-Mobile. I'm wondering though if I'm going to be so happy with the phone that I shouldn't even worry about cooling off periods and just go for it. What do you think I should do, be patient and wait or go get one now? :p
Hey quick question about backing up before I flash to a new ROM. I have used CWM to backup and also used GO Launchers backup function but I am wondering will the CWM backup include the Widgetlocker setup I have?

Or is there a way to backup my Widgetlocker setup?
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