I did it with the online form. They emailed me to say it was done and it was reflected as such in my account status. I advise you move quick, they leave at 1pm.
is there any proof of the 3d party cap as it's complete nonsense or is it just someone says it's capped on here? sure there is plenty of users of tmobile that signed up through a 3rd party, perhaps we should make a thread to test what speeds people are getting?
why dont you go for giffgaff 10quid top up goody bag, where you get 250mins unlim text and truly unlim internet, and they use o2 network.
check http://giffgaff.com/goodybags/10pound-facebook-goodybag
Never heard of this before... do Giffgaff sims work in O2 locked phones?
Yep, it's locked to O2 but apparently they're willing to unlock it for a small fee. Some people argued that they wouldn't do that for 12 months however, but i think that was just a rumour in the end.
Can i just make sure that if I get the O2 PAYG, can I just slot my current contract O2 Sim into the phone and use as usual?
Has everyone else who ordered the PAYG from o2 got a confirmation email yet? ive had nothing off them and nothing showing up under the my o2 section of their website
Yep, that'll work. You might need to change some settings (some networks use different settings for contract and PAYG) but that's easy enough.
Erm..hope thats an easy thing to do.
Basically that means they are out of stock and waiting for them to come back in,im in teh same boat.