****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Going to be putting my gf's S2 on eBay tonight as she's gone and brought an iphone 4S. So need to wipe it and delete as much as possible. Can i basically delete all the folders on the phones internal memory, Factory reset it, then flash a standard samsumg rom thought ODIN?

It's currently running on Sensation 3.3 and there's loads of folders, that i'm assuming are mostly app related, and the ROM related stuff is in the Root area of the memory.
ICS for Orange Gt-I9100P is out.

My brother in law has this version phone on o2, I've checked "checkfusdownloader" for a new version but it doesn't even list an old version for it :confused: No mention of o2 anywhere hmmm.

I wonder is it possible to stick a normal i9100 ROM on it? Obviously NFC won't work afterwards but I wonder if there is much else changed.

Anyone know if that is possible?

Also Sky go have stopped me using 3 devices so I no longer have it on my phone. So I've decided to give F1 GalaxyNexus ROM a try what kernel would you guys recommend for an ASOP ROM?
Hey guys, hoping some of you can help me out, i have a phone on t-mobile and want to get it back to how it was out of the box so i can update using kies.

I currently have the foxhound ICS rom installed and the phone has these details:
Baseband version: I9100ZSLPE
Kernel: 3.0.26-neak-2.0.1
Build: Foxhound 1.0 -xwlp3

Previously to get it rooted i installed a rom called cf-root-xx-owa-kh1

Now when i browse the xda forums there are soo many options and choices for roms, if i had to pick one i would choose:

Android 2.3.4

This package has: PDA: XXKH3| Modem/phone: XXKH3| CSC: OXAKH3.
Download: Download

XXKH3 Stock Kernel: Download
Password: intratech@XDA

Would that be the right one and would i then be able to upgrade to ICS using Kies?
The phone is on t-mobile.

Hey guys, hoping some of you can help me out, i have a phone on t-mobile and want to get it back to how it was out of the box so i can update using kies.

I currently have the foxhound ICS rom installed and the phone has these details:
Baseband version: I9100ZSLPE
Kernel: 3.0.26-neak-2.0.1
Build: Foxhound 1.0 -xwlp3

Previously to get it rooted i installed a rom called cf-root-xx-owa-kh1

Now when i browse the xda forums there are soo many options and choices for roms, if i had to pick one i would choose:

Android 2.3.4

This package has: PDA: XXKH3| Modem/phone: XXKH3| CSC: OXAKH3.
Download: Download

XXKH3 Stock Kernel: Download
Password: intratech@XDA

Would that be the right one and would i then be able to upgrade to ICS using Kies?
The phone is on t-mobile.


Just grab this http://fus.nanzen.se/download.php?id=12 Under choose a firmware Android > GTi9100 > UK-tmobile & then click check firmware on the left. Then you should get this in the box at the bottom

Product Code: GT-I9100LKATMU
Latest firmware: I9100BVLPB/I9100TMULPC/I9100BVLPB/I9100BVLPB
Modified: 10/04/2012 17:17:45

Hit download & then flash with mobile odin or odin. No need for Kies.

Darryl_1983 Factory reset, wipe everything & then follow the steps above but for the carrier your girlfriend was on.
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Try "umount".

Tried that says command not recognised.

Alternatively can't any one point me in the direction a working fuse.ko

Siyah kernel auto mounts ntfs is read only so it won't let me unmount to remount in read/write but the stock cyanogenmod kernel doesn't.

Read that as unmount so I went looking in system bin and found umount then realised that a what you said all along.
I've installed Slim ICS now, much better experience. CM9 just wasn't smooth at all (Nightly release 24-04).

How stable is it? Currently running CM9, but there's a bug where a notification will reduce the volume of music over headphones, it's crazy annoying!
Been running the stock ICS update on an unbranded SGS2 now for a week and the battery life is terrible and the performance isn't great either.

I've read on a separate thread that a factory reset will help but if I do this I'd lose all my app data, if i'm going to lose my app data I might as well root and use a custom rom surely?

I've rooted tablets in the past but have always been reluctant with phones as there's always been a several root methods dependant upon kernels so have been over whelmed. Is there a universal root that will get CWM on where I can then flash a custom rom from there? If so what sort of stable stock android rom would people recommend?
I'm running stock Samsung galaxy ics and battery life is good. I would bet your problems come from a bad app or two and if you didn't factory reset, and it's just as likely that.

Having used aosp and Samsung, the latter is more stable with less bugs and better battery life, but isn't as fast and I dislike touchwiz. For aosp, and I would go for cm9.
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