****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Here we go, finally got to 3Hrs and my predictions were sort of right. Hit 3hrs at 50% battery, but only 11hrs standby, still... enough to see me through the day with what I consider to be heavy usage, proabably never use my phone that much as when I'm at work I don't have it on me, only on my breaks, and when I'm home I've got my PC or iPad.

Anyway results, 11Hrs 15mins standby, 3Hrs 3mins screen time, ~25% brightness.
Hydrogenics 27/04, Netchips Kernel - CFQ/Ondemand, 200-1200
Voltages as follows:
200(875mV) 500(950mV) 800 (1025mV) 1000 (1075mV) 1200 (1150mV)




Enough info? Oh... 40 texts, 10minute phone call, loads of web browsing, Facebook, Autotrader and some SwiFTP.
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Here we go, finally got to 3Hrs and my predictions were sort of right. Hit 3hrs at 50% battery, but only 11hrs standby, still... enough to see me through the day with what I consider to be heavy usage, proabably never use my phone that much as when I'm at work I don't have it on me, only on my breaks, and when I'm home I've got my PC or iPad.

Anyway results, 11Hrs 15mins standby, 3Hrs 3mins screen time, ~25% brightness.
Hydrogenics 27/04, Netchips Kernel - CFQ/Ondemand, 200-1200
Voltages as follows:
200(875mV) 500(950mV) 800 (1025mV) 1000 (1075mV) 1200 (1150mV)

Enough info? Oh... 40 texts, 10minute phone call, loads of web browsing, Facebook, Autotrader and some SwiFTP.

The thing is that with WiFi on you're going to consume a lot less battery juice!

I've completed my day run test at work now, have been on HSDPA when idle and HSDPA+ when in use all day. You can tell when I left for work as the WiFi connection in the meter is blank and when I got back home :p

I've also used GPS for realtime tracking testing around the site at work and done a fair bit of browsing.

Screenshots to follow!
I just couldn't use the phone with the screen brightness set that low! I keep forgetting to use the screen brightness slider\notify bar so it gets left on 100% a lot :D I'm not finding Slim ICS battery life as good as what I had with CheckROM V6. I haven't played with any other kernels yet though.
That is more like it! :D

I take it you have the extended battery :p

That's alright then! And yeah Anker 1900mAh, probably isn't anywhere near that, if I had the Samsung 2000mAh, I'd possibly see another 1/2hr or so screen time at 50% battery I reckon.

that's some serious batterylife - what we're you doing on the phone exactly - usage.

As I said about 40 texts 3MMS not that it makes much difference as I'm finding that texts and MMS' send in literally no time at all. A 10minute phone call to Orange to sort out my roaming. Loads of web browsing (This Forum, XDA, Lottery and other random websites. For about hr and 1/2 of the 3). Browsing through Facebook, watched a couple of videos posted 3 or 4 music videos. Searched Autotrader for about 1/2hr. Transfer pictures and music with SwiFTP. Suppose I messed about with settings for a little while, wallpapers, lockscreen configs, messed with the data usage (which I think is brilliant thing and going to be a massive help when I go away later this week). Downloaded couple of apps off the Play Store. Few Speedtests (Yes I'm that sad :D). Emails and FB on 1Hr refresh.

But at the end of the day, as I said I'd rarely use my phone this much! Was struggling to find things to keep me tied to my phone to make it reach 3hrs on. 2Hrs on from my last post, I've only clocked up another 15minutes screen time but with a restart I have lost 7% battery :(

I've noticed that 25% brightness on GB is brighter than 25% on ICS. Need to whack it upto 40% now. Calibration has changed I guess.

This may sound strange, but I find the opposite, maybe it's just the fact that I came from MIUI but I find that at the very bottom, the screen is a lot lighter than it use to be. When I first converted I had to download a program to put a black filter over the screen so it wasn't too bright early in the morning haha.
Yeah wifi uses less battery as the network radio sits idle not using data.

Zpos, just copy anything to clipboard in Android and then when you want to use the clipboard just long press a text box am choose clipboard.

Cheers for the tip fella.
I kind of miss HydrogenICS ¬_¬

In recovery right now backing up Wnamlite and about to restore Hydro!

I also swear that with Wanam/Samsung ICS ROMs that my HSDPA speeds are slower because I've yet to get above 8Mb down with speedtest app on the same servers I used to on Hydro.

Restoring and retesting will confirm if this is the case.

Battery consumption on Wanam seems about the same as Hydro as well.
Given up on sammy roms for a while now.

I'm using D4 rom & it is the most stable ASOP rom I've tried. Been using it for two days & I love it :)
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Pulse I've reverted to netchip's kernel and applied the same voltages as you have used above. Will monitor tomorrow at work, as usual it's HSDPA only at work until our work internet gets upgraded over the next few months. We are a big business on a 2MB line (!!!).

Anyway, with Wanamlite (yesterday) using stock CF-Root kernel (so no tweaks) and NELP3 modem I got 3hrs 8mins of screen on time after 11 hours at which point it dropped to about 15% battery. In those 11 hours I did about 30mins of music streaming over HSDPA during the commute, some quick Youtubes, lots of browsing, some GPS (testing real time tracking apps) and playing online games (draw something, wwf/wf etc).
Mrk, hope they're as good for you as they are for me, was using 1125mV at 1200 but conked out during a benchmark, upped it and not had a problem since.

And Benjo, I wasn't really sure what that was, it went over my head a little bit, so I used it anyway :D Seems to be working fine whatever it did.

Although I did have a wierd experience this morning, woke up at 6, phone was 100% after being unplugged for like 2hrs (Awesome :)) But then I woke up at 8 and it'd dropped to 89% and was warm to the touch. No idea what had happened. :confused:
My 1200MHz @ 1150 seemed to cause a random auto reboot just now while walking between buildings at work so I've upped it to 1175 and will keep an eye on it. This is like PC overclocking stability testing, minus the 5MHz increments :p
I tested mine by locking it at the same frequency 200-200, 500-500, 800-800, you get the picture and then run Antutu Benchmark.
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