****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Got to admit miui was absolute mint yesterday. 55% got me through 3hours yesterday and that was straight out the box, no modding or anything. With a decent custom kernel you may see even longer. My total screen time was 7hours but I had airplane mode on after I only had 45% battery left, plus being on a plane ment I wouldn't get signal anyway :p
No need to purchase it, it's free via the XDA forum as the author attached it to his post.
Woo. I'll get the application off of XDA and if I'm able to use it to solve my problem then I will buy it or donate to him, won't begrudge him £1.74 if it is useful :p

Yeah - I used the free version to determine that the Exchange Service in the stock mail app was killing battery, think I'll buy it from the market now.
Have they fixed Sky Go with ICS yet? Use it a lot. Don't want to upgrade until they have. On Virgin and was sent my download notification today?
Forgive the noob question but I'm a bit out of the loop having neglected my SGS2 somewhat since purchase.

If I wanted to update my SGS2 and put ICS on it, what process do I need to go through so I don't lose any apps or data.

Currently running a rooted Gingerbread.XWKI4, with Titanium Backup etc. No custom ROM's
You're rooted so you have CWM, just flash a stock, rooted NO-WIPE firmware :)

Wanamlite has a stock version that's unthemed with ICS colours :)
Try taking out the battery, dunno why but <something> happens that causes utterly horrendous battery life, removing it fixes/resets whatever it was, or at least did for me but mine was a bit worse (10 hours tops from full to empty)

I did just that. Turned it off, took out he battery,charged it while it was off, and it's been fine since.
Have they fixed Sky Go with ICS yet? Use it a lot. Don't want to upgrade until they have. On Virgin and was sent my download notification today?
I'm on Wanamlite v11.3 and speedmod k3.16 kernel. Everything's spot on - Sky Go works great and battery life is awesome

The only issue I had was my wireless bluetooth headsets wouldn't pause/play - next/previous worked fine though - but I've found a workaround with an app called Media Button router so all's fine and dandy now! :)
Tablet mode

Already in D4 rom v10 it works OK but not great. The dev has joined with a guy from the Nexus who has done Per app DPI & they are putting it into a new ROM. Which you can see above.

Maybe too much of a gimmick!
Tablet mode... Already in D4 rom v10 it works OK but not great.

I've tried it with D4rom, as it annoyed me that the phone-mode Google Music widget doesn't have album art. Tablet mode wasn't worth keeping simply for the better Google Music widget though, the ridiculous DPI made the ROM barely usable.

Per app DPI should help a lot though, I'll have another look once it's all worked out.
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