When you make a purchase, Samsung email a refer a friend link for the discount code which can only be redeemed 10 times. If you made a purchase you should have the email.
Here's a link to some codes exclusive referral link&f=Abrlhg9xsWyxipjCVjF9MnzWuZNlLmOkeGAXvZeTov6wbERgFTJK0b0vBNhI7RR6TWfpmf3pLxTmUOrmm4OSnU1ybJfGM6fMV6REi8RUbJe7Zi-z9Bi524WH7CbEIY_imMpb8eU8Eg4Ptix090lXB2eLtJhNiCSlMXT_eCjNstVJMw&filters=eyJycF9hdXRob3IiOiJ7XCJuYW1lXCI6XCJtZXJnZWRfcHVibGljX3Bvc3RzXCIsXCJhcmdzXCI6XCJcIn0ifQ==
Thank you.
I have re-ordered with a code and topcashback.