**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**

Can be had now for £39.99 on key sites. Could have been had for £28.99 a few months back.

Even for 29, I wouldnt buy it. For what it is my max would be 20. When it reaches 20 I'll pick it up, unless it comes up free with an EA/Origin account before then anyway of course
Part of the problem was not properly separating people - a lot of very casual players picked it up due to being Star Wars who got absolutely wrecked by experienced gamers and unsurprisingly called hacks.

Part of the problem perhaps, but not the only one. I regularly saw people with 100+ kills and 0 deaths, and spectating them showed clearly what was happening. I'm not claiming to be a gaming god but I'm not stupid, hacking was/is a big problem in that game on the PC and the second instalment will be no different because the developers don't care.
Go play bf 2015 right now, and you will see every round has at least one 100+/0 kd cheater

I have been trying to play it all week and every round has been the same, I'm guessing EA are not policing it anymore with bf2 due in a week, the player report function seems to have even been disabled in the last few weeks also?
Must just be me but I hardly ever see any cheaters in any dice/ea game, encountered maybe 20-30 max in bc 2, bf 3 and 4 and combined I would have easily had 2500+ hours in them, star wars battlefront 1 and BF 1, not as many hours but still, I could count on one hand the amount of cheaters I've seen..........
Go play bf 2015 right now, and you will see every round has at least one 100+/0 kd cheater

I have been trying to play it all week and every round has been the same, I'm guessing EA are not policing it anymore with bf2 due in a week, the player report function seems to have even been disabled in the last few weeks also?

You mean bf3?

I have many games with over 100 kills 0 deaths in that game and never cheated in my life.

Wtf bf3 was released in 2011.
You mean bf3?

I have many games with over 100 kills 0 deaths in that game and never cheated in my life.

Wtf bf3 was released in 2011.
I think he means battlefield that was released in 2015 I.e the first (recent) Star Wars shooter.

I did see some cheaters in the early days , hovering and auto targeting you but it seemed to die down. Haven’t been on since Hunter call of the wild released.
Battlefront 2015, and yes go play it right now, every game for the last few weeks has a player instant headshot killing everyone from the other side of the map have played this game a lot since 2015 and have only seen a couple of cheaters at most but this last few weeks it's every single game

I agree hardly any over the life of the game but I think some new cheat must be out and EA are busy on bf2
The more I play this, the more I am certain I wont buy it. Increasingly match after match, encounter after encounter is being won by someone who is a low level but is carrying multiple high lootcards, combine that with next to nobody playing the objective and everyone treating every match like its just a team deathmatch, I can see that I wouldnt get enough enjoyment from it to justify a pricetag, it would just be a game which frustrates me more than creates enjoyment.
The more I play this, the more I am certain I wont buy it. Increasingly match after match, encounter after encounter is being won by someone who is a low level but is carrying multiple high lootcards, combine that with next to nobody playing the objective and everyone treating every match like its just a team deathmatch, I can see that I wouldnt get enough enjoyment from it to justify a pricetag, it would just be a game which frustrates me more than creates enjoyment.

Well you quickly changed your tune ;)

I will still be buying it, even with the loot crates. For the simple reason that, as Angry Joe said in his video, the game is fun to play. In fact Angry Joe went into quite a bit of hyperbole about how much fun he found it. At the end of the day, I will definitely get 35 hours of playtime out of it, which is enough to warrant me spending £35 on it.

Frankly, my biggest issue with the game isnt the loot crates, its the idiot playerbase who think every match is deathmatch and dont play the objectives. The loot crates dont spoil my game, but the stupid damned players do.

Everyone finds different stuff fun. I play a wide variety of titles, this is fun for me. In a braindead, run and gun sort of way. As for not buying it because of not supporting pay to win..that wont stop me. I dont really give two bags of **** how the industry goes in the long run. I play for fun thats all. If there was no gaming in my life , my life wouldnt be worse off. At the end of the day, I will buy any game which I find fun. If I dont find it fun, I dont buy it, but no other reason is going to stop me from having something that I think is fun. Which is why I will buy this and why I will also buy Shadow of War (as well as South Park and Destiny 2...expensive few weeks ! :D )

So as you can see, even though you didn't care about the loot crate system, it turns out it is impacting you and your "fun" now and this is why people should vote with their wallet now because if they don't, this is the future of MP games.
So as you can see, even though you didn't care about the loot crate system, it turns out it is impacting you and your "fun" now and this is why people should vote with their wallet now because if they don't, this is the future of MP games.

Well I still stand by that earlier post, lootcrates alone wont stop me buying a game, as I said in that post you quoted, if I find a game fun I would buy it lootcrates or not ( major case in point being AC:Origins, which has stuff you can buy but is a serious contender for my game of the year ) , perhaps if people played the objective in BF2 , so that I could actually enjoy the matches then I might still buy it but its frustrating when you are the only person trying to do the objectives and everyone else just isnt bothering. So its not the lootcrates singly which is putting me off buying, its that the game isnt fun with the existing userbase.
Well this part says to me that it is largely the pay to win system caused by lootcrates that is putting you of :p

The more I play this, the more I am certain I wont buy it. Increasingly match after match, encounter after encounter is being won by someone who is a low level but is carrying multiple high lootcards, combine that with next to nobody playing the objective and everyone treating every match like its just a team deathmatch, I can see that I wouldnt get enough enjoyment from it to justify a pricetag, it would just be a game which frustrates me more than creates enjoyment.

Difference between AC:O lootcrates and star wars battlefront loot crates is that AC:O is single player therefore it doesn't matter at all as it is not affecting anyone else.

Granted the player base will also be a factor for you not enjoying the game but at the same time, surely you should know and be use to this by now given that every BF and any game that requires team work is always terrible for just that? In fact, take battlefield, it is even worse, aka snipers sitting on buildings/far edges of map yet you still found those games fun so what is new about that in SWBF 2?
To be fair to Battlefield, I do see more objective play in Battlefield than in this, people in BF1 for example DO try and take and retake the flags etc. Not seeing that in BF2 though, maybe thats because many of the players arent intending to play beyond the free 10 hours so arent bothered or maybe its just a mentality thing, I dont know. Maybe its also that there are more players in a match on Battlefield so the impact of those who arent playing the objectives is not so noticeable than the fewer number of players in a match on BF2

Although I say more and more low level people have high cards, to be honest, its much the same to me in terms of the results of an encounter. Im really not all that good, so even if they didnt have the lootcards they would still probably kill me :) , which makes playing the objectives, having players escort the package carrier etc all the more important to me. They arent bothering to do any of that and thats really my biggest put off.
You must be playing a different BF game to me :D Only time I see proper good team play is when on with the guys from here.

Lol, I only play on public servers, very rarely grouped with anyone before hand. Couple hundred hours in Battlefield 1, countless thousands in all BFs dating back to BF1942. On the whole, people attempt to take the flags and attempt to retake them. If I was to find fault it would be that usually they flag hop rather than defending a flag, prefering instead to lose it and then retake it but they do at least take and retake flags. The random squads I am in might not but people elsewhere in the team do.

Must try and find another way of shorting the game names, confusing at times whether BF1 is meant as Battlefield 1 or Battlefront 1 and likewise with BF2 :D
Watched a game spot video last night and it delved into loot system and upgrade seem a mess that being said I pre-order months ago at 27 quid, cancel now it will cost more to buy if I change my mind. Won't lie it does look like it will **** me off tbh however I want to try it for myself, I don't have origin access so the trail isn't an option
4 hours left of my 10 hour trial. Today was better, the team I was on played the objectives, even escorted the package carrier etc. I'm still not entirely sold on the game, I feel I could potentially have fun but I also feel that I could equally have frustration and the last thing I play games for is to be in a frustrated mood when I logout (especially with so many good games around at the moment). Perhaps if more of my gaming buddies were interested in it, that might sway me to the purchase side, trouble is that their consensus is "Battlefront 2? Isnt that the game that everybody stopped playing after like 2 months last time? No thanks mate, fancy a game of PUBG as you're online?". I think what I will do, is get someone to buy it for me as a Xmas present, that way I dont need to open my wallet for it but can still hop onto it from time to time if the fancy takes me :)
I'm not sure if that video is serious or not? Why did he pay 79.99 in advance? You dont need to do that in order to get the 10 free hours. Why did he find it so hard to find the trial download? Or am I just super intelligent to be able to find it easily? Maybe I am seeing as I dont pronounce it Andro-meeda :p

I've never watched that guy before so I dont know if its meant to be parody or serious.

It only takes 40 hours of gameplay to unlock just one hero :o


So yeah game still isn't grindy or pay to win...... :D

X's tweet made me laugh too:


My prediction, player base is going to drop quicker than the first one, at least for PC side anyway, come 6+ months when there is only a couple of thousand still playing, dice/ea will then choose to address the main issues that people complained about in the beta by which time, once again, it will be a case of too little, too late.
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