**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**

Yes that's true but it reveals players over short and long distances.

If you play the Assault class you get a dart on your third ability that reveals enemies within a small vicinity for everyone to see for about 3 seconds (can be extended with cards :( ) It's like the orb's you lobbed in BF 2142!

I have to admit, I'm really enjoying the MP now. If you take away the scandal of the loot crates it's a really fun pick up and play fps game. Plus, it's tied with Ass Creed Origins for the best looking game of recent years.

The dart used to be a plain old star card in battlefront 1 but it was better as it used to form a scanner around you and moved with you. I too enjoy this pick up and play fun!

Have you played Hunter Call of the Wild? Honestly Star Wars is great graphically but wouldn’t compare well at all to hunter.
The dart used to be a plain old star card in battlefront 1 but it was better as it used to form a scanner around you and moved with you. I too enjoy this pick up and play fun!

Have you played Hunter Call of the Wild? Honestly Star Wars is great graphically but wouldn’t compare well at all to hunter.

I grabbed Hunter a while back on sale but never really got around to playing it, I'll have a look later though.
Yes that's true but it reveals players over short and long distances.

If you play the Assault class you get a dart on your third ability that reveals enemies within a small vicinity for everyone to see for about 3 seconds (can be extended with cards :( ) It's like the orb's you lobbed in BF 2142!

I have to admit, I'm really enjoying the MP now. If you take away the scandal of the loot crates it's a really fun pick up and play fps game. Plus, it's tied with Ass Creed Origins for the best looking game of recent years.

Classic game, i often wondered what titan mode would be like if you could destroy walls and with updated graphics it would be amazing.
I’ve never seen the AT-ATs get taken down on Hoth. They’re way too strong.

My luck on loot crates is very bad too. Mainly get basic tier stuff. Had one blue and a green apart from that.

I don’t think I’ll be maxing anything as it will take too long. I’ve had fun in the game though and probably at 25+ hours now.
Classic game, i often wondered what titan mode would be like if you could destroy walls and with updated graphics it would be amazing.

They will probably never make another Battlefield like that again, because EA. They will just keep re-hashing the same content yearly instead of spending the money to innovate :(
I’ve never seen the AT-ATs get taken down on Hoth. They’re way too strong.

When the original game was in beta it was hard - and it should have been - to with as rebels on Hoth walker assault, way harder than the release game but with most of the people in the beta (at that point) experienced gamers there were good back and forth games with wins for both sides - to win as rebels was extremely challenging but when you had a dedicated team who really worked for it incredibly satisfying.

I hate how dumbed down it ended up in retail and how so many people just want everything balanced into mediocrity and to be able to win without effort, etc.

EDIT: Glad I got to play it in beta actually as several things were more fun due to not pandering to a mainstream audience and you didn't get to progress far enough to realise just how much was fluff, shallow or poorly thought out, etc. beyond the first like 15-20% of the game or so.
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@Rroff I don’t want it dumbed down but as it stands the first phase of Hoth is pointless as the Imperials always get through. They could experiment with the time the AT-ATs are vulnerable.
Personally I liked that it ends up a long drawn out battle with the rebels getting pushed back and forced to mount a defence at the mid point of the map.

IIRC if you do well in the first phase, even if you get pushed back, you can grab some of the powerups, etc. that make it much more feasible to mount a defence around the middle of the map and take out at least one of the walkers there - though I might be confusing between the beta and retail game now.
Yes, actually had a couple of good games on it today. Was just a bit frustrating that I hit the walkers 3 times myself and nowt!

I do like it when you get a longer match.
agreed galactic battle can end short when the team don't play well.

Like deathstar2 one team can lose badly but when the sides switch completely own the previous winning side.
EA's share price taking a battering after their greed going too far, excellent. I didn't have much interst in mulitplayer anyway but definitely not playing now that players can basically pay to win - feels like cheating.

Single player looks really good so far though. And I just tried it on my new curved VA monitor last night adn it looks freakin' awesome! Really stunning visuals and the gameplay is good enough, I think. Still not really bothering witht he whole star cards thing. Oh and the performance is a joy, for once a modern game runs at 100fps on Ultra! So at least not all modern PC games are poorly optimised. :)
$3 billion in stock value wiped out for EA!







I also see all these companies invested in their grindy games/micro-transactions are speaking up and saying that it isn't gambling etc. as well now, seems like these greedy ass companies are getting concerned :cool:

Thank you DICE/EA for starting this uproar/uprising, battlefront 2's death will not be in vain :) :p
$3 billion in stock value wiped out for EA!







I also see all these companies invested in their grindy games/micro-transactions are speaking up and saying that it isn't gambling etc. as well now, seems like these greedy ass companies are getting concerned :cool:

Thank you DICE/EA for starting this uproar/uprising, battlefront 2's death will not be in vain :) :p

Its a relief that they have had so much stick and that has, at least temporarily, hit them where it hurts in their wallet. Maybe, just maybe, we won't see them try to introduce any of this crap in the next BF.
I can see them releasing the next Battlefront/Battlefield game with an MMo monthly subscription model that gives extra XP - bag space - etc etc and probably still charge you to buy the game.
$3 billion in stock value wiped out for EA!







I also see all these companies invested in their grindy games/micro-transactions are speaking up and saying that it isn't gambling etc. as well now, seems like these greedy ass companies are getting concerned :cool:

Thank you DICE/EA for starting this uproar/uprising, battlefront 2's death will not be in vain :) :p
Warms the cockles doesnt it :)

The principle - assuming you can't pay to get an immediate advantage over people who've put time in isn't a bad one. It is something that works quite well in Eve Online whereby people with more money but not a lot of time can effectively pay for the subscription of people who've got a lot of time but not much money and generally balances out quite well.

While I'm no fan of EA though I put a lot of the blame here at Dice's door - they can make nice looking games but their principle studio is **** at gameplay decisions and design but for some reason it comes back time and time again to them rather than utilising some of their other studios like Dice LA who've proved they can do better on that front.
$3 billion in stock value wiped out for EA!







I also see all these companies invested in their grindy games/micro-transactions are speaking up and saying that it isn't gambling etc. as well now, seems like these greedy ass companies are getting concerned :cool:

Thank you DICE/EA for starting this uproar/uprising, battlefront 2's death will not be in vain :) :p

Yea and the fact they are still trying to defend it says it all. They could change their ways, make customers happy and eventually recover their losses by just making good products. But nope, keep pushing gambling boxes and dig the hole deeper...
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