**The Official Star Wars Battlefront II Thread (PC)**

Yup I hope they keep losing money, honestly, would love to see them go down the ladder big time for this **** they pull:

If these youtubers really wanted to make a bigger impact and really corner EA, they should start boycotting them i.e. not show any EA game on their twitch/youtube channels and don't attend any events, which they are invited to.

played last night,
grinded enough points to unlock a hero
spawn as hero
get insti killed by someone running everyone over with a speeder bike
respawn as hero
get insti killed again by same person

running-over-guy proceeds to kill everyone and get top of the leader board by just running everyone over, over and over again for the whole match

so far i find this game a backwards step on the last one (2015)
Yup I hope they keep losing money, honestly, would love to see them go down the ladder big time for this **** they pull:

If these youtubers really wanted to make a bigger impact and really corner EA, they should start boycotting them i.e. not show any EA game on their twitch/youtube channels and don't attend any events, which they are invited to.

Wont happen as its a revenue stream for them.. if they done that they would lose a lot of money :( for a lot of them this is a full time job.

On a side note, someone like Crate (Grim Dawn dev) should see about getting a Star Wars License to make an ARPG Star Wars game! that would be awesomesauce.
the loot box system is so poorly thought out

I earn 2200 credits
I buy box with 2200 credits
3 duplicate cards, 50 credits and 20 crafting parts

so 2200 spend gets you 650 credits back and 20 parts :(

the boba fett purple rocket :D card is stupidly OP as well, killed my hero on spawn in 1 shot from full health
If you take away the P2W crate malarkey (which they did) your left with a stunning, fun fps. I have zero regrets buying it.
They've still left in an huge grinding game, and reduced the rewards for single player..

Yeah. I have got my money's worth out of the game but I don't think I'll continue grinding for much longer. 480 crafting parts to upgrade to a tier 4 card (well, not really it's 40+80+120+480 = 720 parts). I usually average about 25 in a couple of hours play unless I get lucky with a crate. It would take aeons to upgrade a character fully. They really need to fix the progression system because it is very flawed at the moment.
If you take away the P2W crate malarkey (which they did) your left with a stunning, fun fps.

Erm really? Honestly?
As I see it it's a shallow run around with crap maps, infected with grind, has no reward for skill and every mode is basically just deathmatch.

Fun I can understand for short while but stunning? Really?
Erm really? Honestly?
As I see it it's a shallow run around with crap maps, infected with grind, has no reward for skill and every mode is basically just deathmatch.

Fun I can understand for short while but stunning? Really?

Graphically stunning, I didn't make that part clear. Honestly? Yes, it's fun, not ground breaking not the greatest ever but definitely fun.
Graphically stunning, I didn't make that part clear. Honestly? Yes, it's fun, not ground breaking not the greatest ever but definitely fun.

Thats true, I'm a massive fan of the pavement pigeons and leaves that blow from beneath the floor. Adds that extra touch of realism.
Looks good, but nothing new what so ever. It was a much better game 12 years ago. For half the price and no gambling.

Yep I did mention a few posts back it's not the second coming. What I'm saying, and I know it goes against the trend is that it's fun.

One could argue Battlefield has gone backwards but people still enjoy it others hate it. During the 10 hour Origin trial I just couldn't get into it, I posted comments about it wasn't worth a purchase but I was wrong.

Nothing will ever come close to the Tribes series of fps, that's the benchmark for me but I can't sit here shaking my head at every fps that doesn't stand up to that game.
Tribes 2 was great, Ascend was good too but it lacked a lot of the content (and mod support) the older games had. It's another game that was ruined by the micro-transaction rubbish :/

Another one to try is Planetside 2 though. It has MT but it's probably the best system I've seen and it's F2P. Apparently it still makes a lot of money and the servers are still packed 5 years on, so EA's greed is totally un-necessary.

If they could make a Starwars game based on PS2 with the same epic sized battles, using the same F2P setup...they would win gaming, no point in making anything else :p
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The Battlefield community is split, its not like how it was from when BF3, BC2 and BF2 were around, and BF1 is like marmite.

When DICE began to make BF2015, myself and I expect other gamers expected a Battlefield style Star Wars game, but we didn't get that, it was a linear experience and I found it odd and disappointing that they took that approach, and maybe they wanted to not replicate the old BF2, but who knows...
I still enjoy the game a lot, but the grind is brutal.

The daily crates are pathetic.

My personal pet hate at the moment? Those players that choose to play a starship on a galactic assault level just to rack up kills.
I still enjoy the game a lot, but the grind is brutal.

The daily crates are pathetic.

My personal pet hate at the moment? Those players that choose to play a starship on a galactic assault level just to rack up kills.

Agreed on both. My daily crate today I got 5 crafting parts and 75 credits.

They should nerf the points for starfighters on galactic assault. It’s just an easy way to get enough points to be a hero. For example on Takodana, Jakku or Starkiller Base as the enemy AI is useless.

@‘Wes - split in what way?
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