The Official 'The Dark Knight Rises' Spoiler Discussion Thread...

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Couldn't anyone have walked up to that big hole in the ground and thrown a rope down? I also thought batwoman was a bit unnecessary.

Yeah if you wanted to die or be chucked down there. You know the people in charge wouldn't like that.

And what batwomen.
28 Mar 2004
why did no one in the prison just make a brigde across the gap that wayne and the kid jumped!

Enjoyed the film, just didn't feel like the other 2 to me. I think it was mainly down to what another poster mentioned earlier on, Gotham is a night city and not much happened at night.
28 Jan 2003
why did no one in the prison just make a brigde across the gap that wayne and the kid jumped!

You think the owners of the prison would stand for that? How are they supposed to get the materials up there to build it?

You know being as there is a guy at the bottom who ties people up to the rope for the climb, can you imagine him letting them up with tools/supplies to build a bridge?

The one question I have about the prison though is would they not limit the amount of attempts to escape? Or are they confident no-one can make the jump they don't care?
25 Sep 2011
I enjoyed it - But didn't really like it.

I genuinely felt like I was watching one of the old Batman Forever, or Batman & Robin movies. It just had that feel about it. That, This doesnt make sense but its a Batman movie, who cares.

Just too many things that didn't add up and didn't have that sense of this could be possible to it. Let alone that half hour in you could already see how it was going to pan out.

"Oh I was adopted and my parents killed" Oh right your robin then.
"You need to fix the Autopilot" "Theres a bomb" He's gunna fly that out
""Bane was tra" .. League of shadows.

Bane - My god yes, he was brutal, and I think Tom Hardy did everything he could with the character, but without being able to understand half of what he says, and as an actor not being able to express facial emotion, it doesn't leave you with much else to go on. Imagine Heath Ledger's Joker without face emotions..
Dont get me wrong, Watching him in those brawling scenes were brilliant, I think he did a cracking job of it, and he properly raped Batman mid way. Like, if the whole world is handing out ass kickins, Batmans just there going "yeah, me, shove them up my arse". But where was the shot of him with half his face broken off?? urhh.

Don't even get me started on that plane tho. That ruined it for me. Too overkill.

Catwomen was ok, she did an alright job of it. But, too much assumption that we know who she is. No backstory at all. Poor.

This is exactly what I mean:
25 Sep 2011
I think I've figured it out..

It felt like I was Rocky 6.

Thats it, thats the feeling I had.

An old out of the game bloke, battered and by all rights should be in a wheelchair, but thanks to hollywood, gets up and kicks ass to save the day.

Rocky 6.. Thats the exact feeling!

Anyone else?
7 Mar 2008
You think the owners of the prison would stand for that? How are they supposed to get the materials up there to build it?

You know being as there is a guy at the bottom who ties people up to the rope for the climb, can you imagine him letting them up with tools/supplies to build a bridge?

The one question I have about the prison though is would they not limit the amount of attempts to escape? Or are they confident no-one can make the jump they don't care?

What owners? He just walks out of it. As far as I could tell there wasnt any guards in there, if there was then they would end up killed pretty quickly. The rope guy was just another of the prisoners, he didnt have any weapons. That whole prison made no sense. Like a lot of things in the film.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Prison made perfect sense. What do you think would happen in such a place. Bruce had the resources to leave, a person from the town wouldn't, would be recognizable and known and what do you think the authorities would do for them. They don't need shards as no one in their right mind would throw a rope down as they know the consequences.

It was actually the best of the trilogy.

Also @ ChocolateStarfishRammer how could you not understand bane.
25 Sep 2011
Also @ ChocolateStarfishRammer how could you not understand bane.

I do.. More then most if anything..

Bane wasn't really my issue with the movie, aside from those slight moments where its difficult to understand what he's saying, but hey, that could have been the cinemas acoustics if anything.

My point was, no matter how much I had hoped, Rises was never going to be as good as TDK. Because what made it was Heath Ledgers Joker. He was so good because of the brilliant acting, and most of that was to do with his excellent expressions and facial movements. Point being, and with any actor, you sell a performance with your facial expressions. Unless Bane knows morse code with his blinking, this was out of the equation so he was never going to top a "baddie" like joker. Simply because of the character, not actor or acting.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
See I'm the opposite, if bane had facial experiments I would have hated it and said he was a rubbish actor. I don't read the comics so that might change it. But bane shouldn't have any emotion, other than when he brakes and has a tear. Other than that he's just a machine.
Oh you kind of say that. I actually thought it was the best of the trilogy. As superberbb acting as it was, a one man acting doesn't make a film. You still have the rest of the story, action, characters and for me rise was a better story. Although cat women was a bit odd.
25 Sep 2011
See I'm the opposite, if bane had facial experiments I would have hated it and said he was a rubbish actor. I don't read the comics so that might change it. But bane shouldn't have any emotion, other than when he brakes and has a tear. Other than that he's just a machine.
Oh you kind of say that. I actually thought it was the best of the trilogy. As superberbb acting as it was, a one man acting doesn't make a film. You still have the rest of the story, action, characters and for me rise was a better story. Although cat women was a bit odd.

Yeah, I know what your saying. And as much as I agree, I disagree lol.

And Catwomen, Yeah, odd, but I did enjoy her character, I thought she re-sparked it well and played it well. But, Nolan just didn't add enough back story to the character, as if again, he cut so much out. Like, to jog your memory.. who was that other woman Catwomen seemed to be living with? the blonde chick.. yeah her. remember? lol No story what so ever. But, from memory.. I do remember in the olden day Catwomen having a little prostitute teenager following her around, so I would assume its meant to be her,, but thats a complete guess.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
It doesn't matter who the women was as she wasn't a big part in the film, so you don't need back story.
I thought the backstorys was done excellent and far better than the other two films and the way it all tied into each other as you got closer and closer to the end of the film.

It's like saying those people working with the commissioner, what is there back story other than being a cop. It doesn't matter in 99% of casses as they aren't important.
13 Dec 2006
On the forest moon Endor
Just back from watching this myself and I think the best word to describe it is: Moneysupermarket - "Epic"

It rounded off the trilogy nicely while still leaving the possibility of another "add on" film with "Robin" as the main protagonist depending on how good/bad this one goes down. Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Gary Oldman all provided the usual quality acting that is to be expected in a film of this calibre while Anne Hathaway was utterly stunning as Selina Kyle ;)

Special effects were all up to the usual standard you'd expect, and the soundtrack courtesy of the musical God that is Hans Zimmer fitted the film perfectly - all in all a really good night out at the cinema imo.
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17 Jun 2010
copypasta from a guy on imbd who supposedly has the official novelisation:

Okay, got a hold of the Official Novelization of the movie by Greg Cox. This may be as close as we ever get on having an offical "this is why it happened that way" from Nolan. I'm sure Greg Cox, the author of the book, had the script and/or the movie to help him in novelizing the movie. So here are some things I have found interesting from the official novel:

-1st off the end. It really happened. NOT ambiguous. The scene in Italy even mentions Alfred looking 1st at a table beside him hoping it's Wayne and it's not. It never is. Then, 2 pages later, Alfred looks up and sees Wayne. He sees a "lovely young brunette" who he thinks resembles the maid that stole Waynes necklace and thinks her name was Selina. He gets up and walks away with a spring in his step.

-Lucius is able to assemble a variant model of The Bat by using components that had survived Bane's incursion. That is what he uses to discover that the autopilot had been fixed.

-It WAS indeed Talia and Bane's plan to die all along. Extremists indeed.

-The rope outside The Pit was used to lower prisoners and sometimes supplies. No guard was posted outside when Wayne climbs out because it seems basically impossible that anyone can ever escape. He lowers it down to help the others escape and I believe this can imply that everyone in The Pit will be grateful to him for doing so and will not notify Bane of Wayne's escape.

-The purpose of the small bomb Blake throws is to alert the cops that an explosion is coming and to get away from the rock. The Bat then comes of course and blows open a hole big enough for the cops to escape through.

-Bane does indeed die by getting shot by the Bat-Pod.

-The Joker is mentioned! I will give you the exact quote. "Now that the Dent Act had made it all but impossible for the city's criminals to cop an insanity plea, it (Blackgate Prison) had replaced Arkham Asylum as preferred location for imprisoning both convicted and suspected felons. The worst of the worst were sent here, except for the Joker, who, rumor had it, was locked away as Arkham's sole remaining inmate. Or perhaps he had escaped. Nobody was really sure. Not even Selina."
22 Feb 2010
just got back


Bane scared the **** out of me - I knew he was going to beat the hell out of Batman but was shocked by how brutal it was

even the second fight - thought he was loosing until he broke the mask

Selna was good too - slinky and would kick your arse

Robin setup and Italy ending was amazing way to round it all off

bad points ? not many maybe took a bit long to get going on the first and second reels, also the design of the bat was maybe a little out there for me, the bike and tumbler seem so grounded in realty - the bat seemed a bit odd
4 Nov 2004
Amazing, amazing, amazing!

Loved it and the perfect 3rd part.

Also lol @ the complaining and bickering on here, only internet geeks could do such things soo well :D
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17 Jun 2010
Yeah, I know what your saying. And as much as I agree, I disagree lol.

And Catwomen, Yeah, odd, but I did enjoy her character, I thought she re-sparked it well and played it well. But, Nolan just didn't add enough back story to the character, as if again, he cut so much out. Like, to jog your memory.. who was that other woman Catwomen seemed to be living with? the blonde chick.. yeah her. remember? lol No story what so ever. But, from memory.. I do remember in the olden day Catwomen having a little prostitute teenager following her around, so I would assume its meant to be her,, but thats a complete guess.

She serves an important function in the Wayne character arc.

Alfred's desire for Bruce is similar to Bruce's for Selina in terms of making choices. Both of them have been selfishly motivated, both of them make decisions that redeem them: when he blows Alfred out he goes headlong into the abyss, trying to find his grave in it, then with the prison and dr. guy sequence he finally relearns the fear of death he lost in BB, and thus finds a reason to live again.

She fulfils the trust he puts in her to do the good thing rather than the easy thing and is also the only character on his side not tied to Gotham (at that ponit), that offers him a way out and also understands what he's put himself through. The romance aspect simply cements this further as over the three films the objects of his affection have either died horribly after they chose another guy anyway, or contrived to destroy his body and soul after taking everything away from him.

It's not a coincidence that he ends up running away with the character whose entire motivation in the film is to move on herself.

As Jon Nolan has said, although they were apprehensive about putting her in first, the films are a complete Batman suite - they aren't supposed to be a 'snapshot' of Batman, like the previous films were, but a complete beginning-to-end - and with her being such a vital part of the Batman universe over the years she had to be put in.

I thought she stole nearly all the scenes she was in tbh.
10 Jun 2003
New Zealand
Loved every minute, probably the best trilogy I've seen although close with LOTR.

One thing my missus pointed out that made me laugh was that after months underground none of the cops had grown any facial hair!
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