The Official 'The Dark Knight Rises' Spoiler Discussion Thread...

15 Nov 2007
It was good, but it had some flaws and I prefer the Dark Knight out of all three.

Everything went wrong for too long - Bane taking over, trapping the police, blowing the stadium, making people go fish on the ice... the pacing was wrong. It got to the point that it felt like the film was going to end with Bane winnning.

The ending was poor. Better films leave something to the imagination, leaving you questioning who lived and who died and how (see: Inception) But just when I thought it had ended, they spelled it all out for me. It felt rather unnecessary - Oh look, Bruce is alive and he's with Selena etc.

Loved Anne Hathaway, she did a good job (although not as good as Michelle Pfeiffer). Tom Hardy wasn't bad as Bane but overall no-one can really beat Heath as the Joker. That was a seminal performance for me.

I'd still say Batman Returns and the Dark Knight are the best two Batman movies. I can't decide which of the two is better though.
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18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Well finally got round to watching this epic movie last night with the missus, went to westfield in shepherds bush and watched it on the vue xtreme screen. Cinema was packed to the rafters which was surprising but i imagine a lot of the people were there watching it maybe a second or third time.

What can i say about the movie other than wow wow wow WOW, absolutely epically immense. Was extremely pleased and even the missus loved it.

Fave bits were Bane, i thought Tom Hardy done an absolutely sterling job with him...only niggle i had with him was that at times it was hard to make out what he was saying but i thought he was absolutely immense. I was a bit worried about Catwoman but have to say again pleasantly surprised at how well Anne Hathaway portrayed her. But i thought Bane stole the show completely, he was just simply superb...was he as good as the joker in the one previous?? hard to say but he was definitely on par with his performance.

I thought he would break batman near the end but it seems he does it in the middle of the movie and thats why you get the Dark knight rises as he makes his way out of the prison pit. Definitely didnt see Cotillard as the mastermind behind everything, thought it was Bane in all honesty. But superb special effects. loved the bat wing especially.

Only thing that had me scratching my head somewhat is that they really didnt delve into how Bane ended up with that mask???. I know he was attacked when he was helping Talia out of the prison...think that was her name. But as i was saying, it looked like he was attacked but what sort of injuries did he sustain in order to have that mask on his face so that he could survive. Because near the end when Batman nails him, a few of the pipes on his mask came off and he was having trouble breathing and was in pain. Does anyone know or can explain why he needed the mask ie what injuries did he sustain when he was set upon??.

All in all i thought Nolan has done an epically superb job on re-booting the Batman franchise, just a shame that this is his last one. Think hes producing the Man Of Steel from what i saw of the trailer.

Definitely one of my fave movies this year, next to Avengers Assemble...10/10 for me.

A definite must buy on blu ray for me when it comes out.

My favourite line of the whole movie was Bane saying to Batman, when Gotham turns to ashes then you have my permission to die. What a line, what a line but i loved how Batman used the same line on him near the end of the movie.
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4 Nov 2004

The ending was a little too simple.

Would have been better if they'd just have albert in the cafe and he looked up with a change of expression. Film ends. Leaving it open but not being soo obvious. Or ending with a Morgan freeman expression after being told about teh auto pilot.

I'm being picky though, sensational and Bane was a beast!
31 Jan 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Only thing that had me scratching my head somewhat is that they really didnt delve into how Bane ended up with that mask???. I know he was attacked when he was helping Talia out of the prison...think that was her name. But as i was saying, it looked like he was attacked but what sort of injuries did he sustain in order to have that mask on his face so that he could survive. Because near the end when Batman nails him, a few of the pipes on his mask came off and he was having trouble breathing and was in pain. Does anyone know or can explain why he needed the mask ie what injuries did he sustain when he was set upon??.

All in all i thought Nolan has done an epically superb job on re-booting the Batman franchise, just a shame that this is his last one. Think hes producing the Man Of Steel from what i saw of the trailer.

The mask releases gas (more of an anasthetic) to numb the pain from the injuries he sustained in The Pit. It is released from the two canisters at the back of the mask. When Batman clipped the pipes, the gas wasn't numbing the pain, thereby it was epically excruciating for Bane to handle the pain. Hence him telling the agent at the beginning of the film that it would be extremely painful for him (The Agent not Bane) if he even attempted to remove the mask.

And yes Nolan is producing Man Of Steel with Zack Snyder directing. I cannot freaking wait.
Can't type for toffee
14 Jun 2004
Newcastle U/T
Watched this last night with the missus, really good movie.
Didnt like the voice on Bane, a little hard to make out what he was saying at times.
Catwoman, hell yes, clever how her goggles when flipped up made ears :p

The ending definatley threw me lol and never saw the true culprit coming :eek:

Int he comics wasn't bane some genetic experiment?
25 Jan 2009
I really enjoyed it but I didn't like the way Bane died (or did he die??). Like someone else said earlier in the thread, it was a bit of an anti climax. I guess Batman had essentially defeated him but I just wanted to see him get some proper payback. It was just cheap to see Catwoman sneak in with a bike kill. Wanted Bane to go down more epically.
10 Jan 2004
BRILLIANT film, the Bane/BM fights were superb, not about finesse at all, about power and rage. Just disappointed that Bane was taken out in a bit of a sucker punch move but overall a great 'baddie', up there with Joker easily.

People have said the pacing feels wrong and have to agree in places it seemed like some things were bolted on to explain certain situations but overall i think the flow was pretty consistent.

Ending was a little cheesy but still walked out the cinema with a smile on my face and thats the bottom line for me.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Although the rumours for a 4 hour cut of this film were unsubstantiated, the editing in the film was a bit clunky and made it feel like bits were missing, so it makes you wonder if there is a longer cut somewhere. Hopefully we'll get some kind of directors cut or something.
17 Jun 2010
So there is a novelization of the film?

I must get this book.

Yes, Greg Cox. I believe it's slightly less ropey than the other two film's novelisations.

It was good, but it had some flaws and I prefer the Dark Knight out of all three.

Everything went wrong for too long - Bane taking over, trapping the police, blowing the stadium, making people go fish on the ice... the pacing was wrong. It got to the point that it felt like the film was going to end with Bane winnning.

The ending was poor. Better films leave something to the imagination, leaving you questioning who lived and who died and how (see: Inception) But just when I thought it had ended, they spelled it all out for me. It felt rather unnecessary - Oh look, Bruce is alive and he's with Selena etc.

Loved Anne Hathaway, she did a good job (although not as good as Michelle Pfeiffer). Tom Hardy wasn't bad as Bane but overall no-one can really beat Heath as the Joker. That was a seminal performance for me.

I'd still say Batman Returns and the Dark Knight are the best two Batman movies. I can't decide which of the two is better though.

I thought Pfieffer's Catwoman had the raw sex appeal (thanks to the outfit and mannerism) but Burton simply went along with the usual Catwoman characterisation - the victim, the woman scorned.

The Nolans and Goyer pretty much redefined Selina Kyle and elevated her character up so much that if I were DC I'd be using this as a template for all future stories involving her.

Fuuuuark I just love how deep the writing goes in this trilogy.

Everyone should read these two reviews of the first two films, I can't wait for his TDKR one:

This is why the trilogy rocks so much.

EDIT - also as said before with the ending, this isn't a Batman trilogy meant to be a 'slice' in the Batman universe. It's a complete Bruce Wayne character arc, from traumatised child to man free of his past. Killing himself at the end would have rendered the huge character arc he goes through all for nought, just as him carrying on as Batman would have been a terrible idea too in the context of these films.
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17 Jun 2010
Although the rumours for a 4 hour cut of this film were unsubstantiated, the editing in the film was a bit clunky and made it feel like bits were missing, so it makes you wonder if there is a longer cut somewhere. Hopefully we'll get some kind of directors cut or something.

Nolan would have to break tradition - his releases are usually one and only one. No extra scenes on the BD/DVD, no longer cuts etc. This depresses me since of the three films, this one feels like it could include even more and only get better.
19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Nolan would have to break tradition - his releases are usually one and only one. No extra scenes on the BD/DVD, no longer cuts etc. This depresses me since of the three films, this one feels like it could include even more and only get better.

Yeah, I know it would be, but he's made interesting decisions with home video releases in the past so it's not impossible. Merely improbable.
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