*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

6 Jun 2010
According to the internet Sony do everything out of love 4 the players. :D

Yes, like shareplay and listening to gamers from the get go to create a console gamers wanted.

I personally think it's a great sign of things to come for people who only own an xbox one. Microsoft is working hard to secure exclusive games and content for xbox owners and is making changes regularly.

Agree, it's great if you have an X1 already but I don't feel the OS updates and TR are enough to draw people to the console over what Sony have to offer.

Let's face it sony are comfortably selling more consoles and they've not had to change much, the price is the same, no changes to sku, minimal changes to firmware features etc.

Exactly, lots of room to maneuver price wise. Sony have not had to even be near the top of their game to comfortably win the 1st year.

I also wouldn't rule Microsoft out, it's far too early. I think some people on the internet forget about the ps3 in the early days, everyone was proclaiming it a flop from the high price, bad e3, lack of rumble, rubbish online services, worse multi platform versions.

A few similarities with the xbox one, bad e3, high price etc

Yet Sony made massive improvements and the tables certainly turned. Added rumble, released great new i.p's, released the ps plus service, devs started improving multi platform versions etc

Even in 2007 (2 years after launch) the ps3 was apparently doomed. But things slowly improved to the stage that people soon forgot all the "issues" at launch and enjoyed the console.

It's way too early to declare "victory" to the ps4. Throughout the life of the ps3 there were many many backlashes from the launch dramas, to the removing features from console revisions, to the psn hacks and yet sony still came back from it.

Yet the internets verdict is as though the end of the line is now, there's no coming back for ms etc. It's exactly the way it was for the ps3 last gen at the early stages.

The PS3 came out looooooong after the 360 and as you stated came in at a crazy price point. The 360 was Microsoft's first real success in the console world where as gamers have been PlayStation fans since the mid nineties. The PS3 was always going to be a success due to the userbase in Japan and lots of Europe. The only doubts were the UK and America, 2 places where the PS4 is destroying the X1.

There's plenty of time to turn things around in my opinion, and Microsoft have started making changes a lot quicker than Sony did with the ps3.
15 Feb 2010
lol, you jsut proved his point, "blaming " MS?....you think Sony wouldnt have done the same thing if they had any money?

That's very true, Sony could really do with a high action, adventure franchise where you raid tombs. Perhaps they could call it....Uncharted :D

You have to admit it's a weird choice - pick up a game that wasn't a huge smash, that sold significantly better on your competitors console, that has a well-respected direct competitor which will release (probably) around the same time? I don't see many Sony fans will care about it when they can play Uncharted 4 instead.
26 Jan 2006

That's very true, Sony could really do with a high action, adventure franchise where you raid tombs. Perhaps they could call it....Uncharted :D

You have to admit it's a weird choice - pick up a game that wasn't a huge smash, that sold significantly better on your competitors console, that has a well-respected direct competitor which will release (probably) around the same time? I don't see many Sony fans will care about it when they can play Uncharted 4 instead.

Thats embarrassingly and very obviously not true.
7 Jan 2004
North London
That's very true, Sony could really do with a high action, adventure franchise where you raid tombs. Perhaps they could call it....Uncharted :D

You have to admit it's a weird choice - pick up a game that wasn't a huge smash, that sold significantly better on your competitors console, that has a well-respected direct competitor which will release (probably) around the same time? I don't see many Sony fans will care about it when they can play Uncharted 4 instead.

Yeah a little disappointed but overall their loss not mine i'll just stick with Uncharted and enjoy Bloodborne and other exclusives. I enjoyed the last Tomb Raider but it wasn't anything super special.

End of the days both consoles will do things like this, so there will always be unhappy people for both sides.
27 Apr 2004
Um, hello.

Just pre-ordered the white xbox one with sunset overdrive :)

An actual exclusive I want to play on Xbox and with Tomb Raider as an exclusive (WTF?!) as well, time to purchase the damn thing! :)
4 Jan 2011
Even for people who have both consoles, they would sooner play Uncharted 4 than Tomb Raider.

Not true, I've beat the latest TR and enjoyed it, owned all three uncharted games and barely played them at all, that said I don't think it is a huge exclusive for MS to get and clearly Uncharted is more popular at this stage
7 Jun 2010
valleys man
Um, hello.

Just pre-ordered the white xbox one with sunset overdrive :)

An actual exclusive I want to play on Xbox and with Tomb Raider as an exclusive (WTF?!) as well, time to purchase the damn thing! :)

Congrats mate but would it make more sense to get the call of duty one as it comes with a terabyte hdd as the white one is only 500gig
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter

Even for people who have both consoles, they would sooner play Uncharted 4 than Tomb Raider.

You could probably say that about most other games though in fairness.

I don't understand, if you have both consoles, why can't you play both? I hardly doubt they will be released on the same day.

I know this gen I will have both consoles, just enjoy the best of both...don't really see the problem of "picking sides".
30 Sep 2003
There's plenty of time to turn things around in my opinion, and Microsoft have started making changes a lot quicker than Sony did with the ps3.

I agree up to a point. But what MS can't do and what is a more marked difference this generation is the disparity in power between the XB1 and PS4. It may not be a big to deal to some, but it certainly is to others. Lower res and frame rates is noticeable and does effect gameplay. I'm not saying the XB1 won't have games that look and run great, just that if it was as powerful as the PS4 I'd already own one.
26 Jan 2006
I agree up to a point. But what MS can't do and what is a more marked difference this generation is the disparity in power between the XB1 and PS4. It may not be a big to deal to some, but it certainly is to others. Lower res and frame rates is noticeable and does effect gameplay. I'm not saying the XB1 won't have games that look and run great, just that if it was as powerful as the PS4 I'd already own one.

So you purely wont by a game because its not as high a res as it can be, how do you ever buy a game then?
27 Apr 2004
Congrats mate but would it make more sense to get the call of duty one as it comes with a terabyte hdd as the white one is only 500gig

I saw the CoD XB1 but tbh, I'm a PC gamer with CoD so wouldn't play the game on the console and also prefer the white XB1 :)

Looking forward to it, held off buying it due to there being no Exclusives I wanted yet.
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