I've jumped ship, again... (XB1>PS4>XB1).
Desperately need some friends, especially for some hardcore Destiny fun when it's released. Please add me.
Gamertag: oHUTCHYo
Just took myself out of the preview programme
Every time I wanted to use the XO there would be a new massive update, spent more time doing those than actually playing anything.
I was wondering, do updates on the preview program not silently update like the official releases?
Friend just gave me his Xbox one, any real good games I should be considering? (I've not really been keeping up with news and releases)
Dead rising 3
Titanfall ( if you like multi eg older cods)
There is also ryse (too short, rent) and watch dogs (multiplat)
Destiny coming out soon, also gta5,sunset overdrive and halo.