*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

Haven't heard of any just yet. Thankfully the Xbox stereo one plugs into the controller which I don't mind too much. Having wires coming across the room would be a massive no no for me.

Would Microsoft really sell the Xbox division?

Most likely nonsense but they suggest Barnes and Noble or Nintendo purchase that part of the company. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Amazon after they bought 2 games companies....

It's been on the agenda for high profile shareholders for some time. These are involved investors who don't care about entertainment and don't believe Microsoft can make enough profit from it.

If enough pressure is put on, and if profits aren't big enough then yes, MS could easily sell XBox.

It shouldn't be a huge surprise, everything has it's price in the business world.

Imagine if Amazon/Google bought XBox and Netflix.. would be interesting... :D
Rumblings to this effect have been going on for years now, with investors concerned that Microsoft’s Entertainment and Devices division is an unnecessary distraction that will never make enough profit to be worthwhile.

You can't really argue with that considering the vast majority of Microsoft's profits are still in software and servers. Microsoft must have some master plan with Xbox though otherwise they wouldn't have stuck it out for so long?
You can't really argue with that considering the vast majority of Microsoft's profits are still in software and servers. Microsoft must have some master plan with Xbox though otherwise they wouldn't have stuck it out for so long?

Well the relative failure of Windows 8 has perhaps set alarm bells ringing. Whether it happens of not is unlikely but I think it's safe to say it's been discussed. They could pull more resources into the larger parts of the business to stop the slump. Only making around 40 odd billion now :p
Good job MS.

In other news, the chat adaptor has been announced.


Hmmm... this stinks of anti-competitive practices to me. They change the connection on the controller, fair enough. Then they don't supply third parties any way to connect to it - telling them they'll have to wait until the new year for the adapter.

Then when they announce the adapter, it handily enough comes with an MS branded headset announcement - due for release on the same day. Now, MS get their own product out (bundled with the adaptor) and there is no third party market with a head start.

Third party headsets (if you chose to buy one because you don't have one already) now have the unfortunately problem of having to be more expensive (because they have to supply the adaptor) OR tell their customers that they have an extra expense of having to go off and buy another adaptor. Many people (and definitely parents) will just see the MS headset as a all in one, better solution.

You can't tell me that they took the same amount of time to create a headset as they did to create the adaptor. No, they delayed the adaptor release until their headset was also ready.

If I was in the US I would be getting the FTC all over this

I am sure 3rd parties can buy a license to release headsets. This adapter is just for headsets made for 360, new ones will come with the correct connection to the new pad. Maybe Sony should have let us use 360 pads on the PS3 though :D
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It's been on the agenda for high profile shareholders for some time. These are involved investors who don't care about entertainment and don't believe Microsoft can make enough profit from it.

If enough pressure is put on, and if profits aren't big enough then yes, MS could easily sell XBox.

It shouldn't be a huge surprise, everything has it's price in the business world.

Imagine if Amazon/Google bought XBox and Netflix.. would be interesting... :D

I highly doubt it could happen, Regardless of what some of the shareholders think Xbox is responsible for a huge part of their brand image these days and is probably now the main product they have that is supporting their "one windows operating system for every device" and "cloud future" that they are focusing on, It would be a massive step in the other direction for the company if they did it.
It wont happen, its just one of those rumours based on absolutely nothing that get made into click bait headlines based on absolutely nothing that never existed in the first place. Utter rubbish article.
It wont happen, its just one of those rumours based on absolutely nothing that get made into click bait headlines based on absolutely nothing that never existed in the first place. Utter rubbish article.

Agreed. They've evolved the Xbox brand to fit in - rightly or wrongly - with the rest of the Windows family, so they're not just going to sell it now. It's a key part of MS' strategy.
Yep, and even if it was true, after how disastrous the 360 was at the start, the XO wouldn't even have made it out of R&D if it was going to be sold off.
Its part of MS now, you cant just sell it off, and the notion I find hard to get past is that MS would even sell it off, they would do what they have always done, just kill it themselves, but they wouldn't sell it off, I don't think they could.
Yeah, but it's just one of those things to say at the moment "sell off Xbox and bing because they don't make enough money, concentrate on the enterprise and make money hand over fist". There will always be someone calling for something.

If you look at it Xbox is a key part of MS strategy as mentioned above. People get excited about the here and now but if you look at the long game we're moving to a point where Windows 8, or more to the point its successors will be the same OS across Laptops/tablets/desktops/phablets/phones and, importantly large screen home hubs (i.e TV & Xbox).

Whilst still catching up we shouldn't underestimate the potential success that being able to buy an app once and have it synchronised and run on every device you have might have, be it games, full applications or apps.

There's a way to go but Xbox is certainly a key part of that strategy I think and so is unlikely to be sold off.

As for closing down Bing, can you imagine there only being one index and search engine left for the entire web with no competition? I don't think anyone would think that was healthy.
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You don't have to be a Microsoft VP to realise it would be dumb to spend all that research and development on xbox one to then sell it off immediately. It won't happen.

I was tempted by 410 xbox one minus 10% staff discount the other day but I think I'll either way or buy a bigger TV for 360 first =P
I'm really interested to see how say the Polk 4Shot w/ adapter compares to not using (bypassing) a mixamp.

Not sure what we should expect from this setup?
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