*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

12 May 2005
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Thanks for posting this. I get tired of reading just how superb live is, when in fact it's not as good as most make out.

Love it when someone posts facts like these.. Kudos.
Xbox live is better than PSN - no one really has ever disputed that, what I agree is tiring is somehow that its bulletproof which looking at how poor the service has been on XO compared to the X360 really puts it in a harsh light (conversely PSN has improved feature-wise over what it was on the PS3).

I just wish people spent less time with petty jibes like what ni11ck and others attempted and if they want to make a point at least try and make it useful, relevant and researched. Otherwise it comes over as petty...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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12 May 2005
Xbox live is better than PSN - no one really has ever disputed that, what I agree is tiring is somehow that its bulletproof which looking at how poor the service has been on XO compared to the X360 really puts it in a harsh light (conversely PSN has improved feature-wise over what it was on the PS3).

I just wish people spent less time with petty jibes like what ni11ck and others attempted and if they want to make a point at least try and make it useful, relevant and researched. Otherwise it comes over as petty...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Agreed on all points. Live on 360 was bloody excellent , apart from 2006 or 2007 xmas when it collapsed , remember that as I just got a 360 to play project Gotham. No online all over xmas.

But it does seem to have got worse with x1 , and psn is always having one trouble or another... But your points are good and a agree with them .
19 Dec 2010
Yeah great online service - http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/...g-this-weekend-was-a-technical-disaster-34045

Even 343i blamed Xbox live for all the issues :p

Try and talk less ******** if you want to make a decent point

ps3ud0 :cool:

What is this post about? What did Cu3eD say that was so bad that warranted this reply?

He claimed it was a decent online service and it is. You even say yourself it is better than PSN.

Xbox live on 360 had it's fair share of issues too, you are looking back through rose coloured glasses. It was buggy for the first couple of years and went completely for 11 days in 2007.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
What is this post about? What did Cu3eD say that was so bad that warranted this reply?

He claimed it was a decent online service and it is. You even say yourself it is better than PSN.

Xbox live on 360 had it's fair share of issues too, you are looking back through rose coloured glasses. It was buggy for the first couple of years and went completely for 11 days in 2007.
Considering the previous posts were all about MS moving away from buying third party exclusives there was no relevance to even mention their online service. Its pretty obvious once you review it...

ps3ud0 :cool:
6 Nov 2003
West London
Yeah, I don't get the attack made on Xbox Live either. cu3ed said it was a "decent online service" and then people respond by saying there were connection issues during a Halo tournament. What's the relevance? Are you saying it's not a "decent online service"?

Xbox Live has shown for many years that it's the most stable of the two major console services. You can pick out individual incidents all you want (for me, this week was the worst as there were issues 3 out of 4 days) but overall I don't think anyone can argue against it being the better service. Well, they can, but I can't seeany people other than fanboys agreeing with them.

Edit: the reference cu3ed made was about where MS choose to invest their money. I think that is very relevant in a discussion where one said is saying MS can't afford to pay for 3rd party exclusivity anymore.
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19 Dec 2010
Considering the previous posts were all about MS moving away from buying third party exclusives there was no relevance to even mention their online service. Its pretty obvious once you review it...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Oh you mean mentioning where MS might have spent their money is not relevant in the conversation where people are talking about MS not having money to buy third party exclusives anymore? And that's what prompted your superior than thou post?

That's pathetic and more of a petty jibe than the very posts you were calling petty jibes.

Here is a quote you should try living by

Try and talk less ******** if you want to make a decent point
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Oh you mean mentioning where MS might have spent their money is not relevant in the conversation where people are talking about MS not having money to buy third party exclusives anymore? And that's what prompted your superior than thou post?

That's pathetic and more of a petty jibe than the very posts you were calling petty jibes.

Here is a quote you should try living by
Its stupid to accept the premise that MS cant afford to buy third party exclusives and then run with such poor logic - perhaps I should run with the thought presented that MS cant afford to buy third party exclusives because of their investment in their online services.

Its a stupid premise to say (which Ive already pointed out when I referred to ni11cks point), its even a stupider premise to defend/accept like you are doing. Jesus the idiocy in this thread - somehow doubling down on a fallacy is impressive...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
on a less trolly note.

Streaming from Xbox to PC after installing windows 10 over the weekend i gave this a try (purely to test it) and its got some SERIOUS latency issues on my current set up.

I am on a temporary network right now set up of my hotel room (WiFi and a crappy Korean router) but if its not 500% better on my home network then this will never be used.

TBH if the lag is this bad then my worrys of people making virtual game pads and playing with M&K are total irrelevant
31 Dec 2003
Stoke on Trent
I still have same issue as mentioned few pages back (extreme lag when streaming) I've tried:

Opening certain ports
Changing the router
Lowering the quality of the stream
Laptop running preview build
Desktop running full version
Xbox running preview

Safe to say I give up, it's obviously an issue MS side or maybe some hidden option.

only thing you could do with is trying someone else's Xbox on your same lan. I was in your struggle the other day but tried wired for the first time and the difference is night and day VS wireless to me so i'm going to mod my house to fit this
26 Jan 2006
SO this is happening?

18 Oct 2002
What bandwidth are people getting when streaming to Windows 10? Sometimes I'm getting an average of 3mbps which is too laggy to play. Sometimes it's as high as 8 but still pretty poor. Is it because of crappy bt router?
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