*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

21 Jun 2006
Why are there all these new xbox hardware items being released but still no wireless headset? All I want is one similar to the original wireless one on 360.
Had my second wired headset break this week. They're crap buid quality, and expensive to replace (luckily MS do it free but I'd rather buy a decent wireless one..)

search for 5.8 mixamp on ebay ;)
13 Jun 2007
Anyone having trouble streaming Xbox to windows 10??? Mine just fails to do it and when it does come on it takes about 400 years to realize I have pressed a button.

I think it maybe the ****** useless BT Homehub 5 that I am using. Given that it can't even manage to let a Xbox 360 and Xbox one work properly online when both are switched on. Guessing it can't handle streaming either?

Not sure if the streaming goes through the ISP or just the router but I have a 100mb line so that shouldn't be a problem.

Any ideas anyone?
17 Oct 2002
Streaming is all local, so it is your own equipment and internal network that is the limiting factor and not your ISP connection.

Unfortunately streaming has always been great for me, even since it was introduced in the preview builds, but I have a pretty decent router and stable internal network.
16 May 2006
I managed to stream TESO to my Lenovo 8" Tablet, all wireless (Router is equal distance from TV location and tablet, ~6m through a floor, Plusnet hub) and was really smooth. Took me by surprise. Only thing that didn't work properly was the voice chat, I couldn't hear it on the tablet but can hear it on TV.

Now I need to learn how to make the tablet accept the wireless controller, then I'll be gaming in bed then :p
16 Mar 2010
Anyone having trouble streaming Xbox to windows 10??? Mine just fails to do it and when it does come on it takes about 400 years to realize I have pressed a button.

I think it maybe the ****** useless BT Homehub 5 that I am using. Given that it can't even manage to let a Xbox 360 and Xbox one work properly online when both are switched on. Guessing it can't handle streaming either?

Not sure if the streaming goes through the ISP or just the router but I have a 100mb line so that shouldn't be a problem.

Any ideas anyone?

This isn't going to be much help but I have a Homehub 5 and it has always worked fine for me. Both PC and Xbox One are wired up though, no wireless.
13 Jun 2007
This isn't going to be much help but I have a Homehub 5 and it has always worked fine for me. Both PC and Xbox One are wired up though, no wireless.

Do you have the ports forwarded?

The router does not allow me to forward the ports for the Xbox one as the Xbox 360 uses one of the same ports that is already integrated into the router. I can reset the router and just hook up the Xbox one and forward the ports but as soon as the 360 is connected it is given first priority by the router and then my Xbox one goes back to having a strict nat.

BT forums has a load of people moaning about this with no solution other than to bin the 360, but I don't think my boy would be too happy about that lol

Edit: Saying this though, I can happily stream 1080p content from my laptop to the Xbox one. I'm at a lost with... :rolleyes:
16 Mar 2010
Do you have the ports forwarded?

The router does not allow me to forward the ports for the Xbox one as the Xbox 360 uses one of the same ports that is already integrated into the router. I can reset the router and just hook up the Xbox one and forward the ports but as soon as the 360 is connected it is given first priority by the router and then my Xbox one goes back to having a strict nat.

BT forums has a load of people moaning about this with no solution other than to bin the 360, but I don't think my boy would be too happy about that lol

Edit: Saying this though, I can happily stream 1080p content from my laptop to the Xbox one. I'm at a lost with... :rolleyes:


I used to have 2 Xbox 360's and a Xbox One all on at the same time with no problems. Now its 3 Xbox Ones currently all online in the house. I have gaming kids :)

Maybe I have just been lucky, never had any issues with the homehub.
28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
Got an Xbox One yesterday - so I now have both consoles, handy to not miss out on anything coming out for one and not t'other :)

Thoughts so far on the xbone - it's very quiet, reminds me of how quiet my PS3 was over the 360; so it's kicking the PS4's arse in that respect so far - though I guess having that power brick keeps a deal of heat out of the console.

The operating system... rubbish. Honestly, it's a complete mess with tiles everywhere, and a decent chunk of my hard drive (about 140GB of 500GB) was taken by it! Not happy here so far, and I have also noticed an oddity:

When installing a game, it seems like the console then cannot download something else - the other items shows as 'Queued'.... is that normal? I'm used to the PS4 downloading and installing at the same time.

The controller - meh, it's ok, not as comfortable asthe DS4, the triggers are especially uncomfortable - I found after a good few hours on Forza 5 that the pads of my fingers were getting sore; I still can't decide if the rumble triggers are any use as well.

Love the xbone's headset though, much better than the PS4's offering :)

Thoughts so far, early days, just glad I have both consoles again as there's bound to be things I'll want on them both in the coming years.
10 May 2004
South UK
The operating system... rubbish. Honestly, it's a complete mess with tiles everywhere, and a decent chunk of my hard drive (about 140GB of 500GB) was taken by it! Not happy here so far, and I have also noticed an oddity:

When installing a game, it seems like the console then cannot download something else - the other items shows as 'Queued'.... is that normal? I'm used to the PS4 downloading and installing at the same time.

Totally agree, the UI is total dog poo, it annoys me having to use it. I wish they would just make simplicity their priority and not 'design'. I guess the XMB is copyrighted (rightfully so) by Sony so they can't steal that design and let's be honest, it's streaks ahead of Xbox. Why don't they just redesign the old 360 UI, at least that was user friendly.
20 Jun 2004
Scrolling a long horizontal list of items sorted by most recently used? That's considered "good"?

On X1 you either tell it to "Go to Witcher 3" or navigate to the pins section and start playing.

On PS4 you have to scroll along the list actively searching for the game you want to play. If it's not in that list you then have to go into the library and start looking again.
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