*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

Id agree the controller speaker can be annoying at times, especially at night when you forget its enabled and blares out a load of chatter. My gf loves that :o

I did like the light feature with GTA V where it flashes red and blue when the fuzz are after you. In a dark room with the light level on max I found it quite amusing, makes you think a rozzer is about to boot your bedroom door in. :D

That is a great use of the light bar.
I really like the voice commands on Kinect though, and lol at the comment about the system launching games saying play Forza and it should know which one I want to play based on times played, what if you actually wanted to fire up Horizon 2, if you've not played for ages, you'd soon be saying it's a waste of time because it's always playing the wrong game. :rolleyes:

Gamers a re a fickle bunch and 99% of the time fon't know what they want.

Rant over.
That is quite a rant. It's frustrating when people blindly jump to the defence of a console and not question how things can be better. Kinect voice commands need to be smarter, and this is something that Microsoft (thankfully) are well aware of, even if you are not.

The example you've given has a pretty simple solution - if you have Forza 6 and Forza Horizon 2, saying "Forza Horizon" should launch the latter. In reality, you have to say "Xbox, play Forza Horizon 2" even though there is no Forza Horizon 1 on X1.

It gets pretty ridiculous when you have games like Guacamelee ("Xbox, play Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition"). A smart system should be able to work out what you mean, and learn from it, loading the most appropriate option or presenting you with a couple of options to choose from. It's pretty basic stuff that the likes of Siri has done for a long time, and now with Cortana coming to Xbox, hopefully we'll see big improvements here.
Might be sorted with Cortana.

Same old stuff from people on here though.
Fine to say something is utterly terrible, but if you say you like using your opinion is only deemed as stupid.

Never change OCUK.

Want to trash talk about gimmicks?.. okay..hows that first party support for the Vita going?
I use my Kinect every day, I walk into the lounge say "Xbox On" and by the time I am sat down, it has powered up, turned on my TV and AV receiver, like wise turning it off in the evening it shuts down, powers off the TV and AV receiver.

I like the use of it in Forza for the satnav stuff, the fact any noise you made would attract the alien to you was rather scary, sneaking about and your mobile goes off followed by an arggh dang it moment as you get nommed on.

I have not used it for Skype so not sure how good it would be for that, but understand it is meant to be pretty good.

For me it helps me be lazy which I like :)

Tried taking a screenshot, that worked. But it will NOT save. I can select it and then it says "Sorry the capture you selected was not saved, please try again"

Any clues, fixes etc? I am trying this with AC: Syndicate if it makes a difference.
Its **** anyway.

Was just coming into this thread to moan about how **** and utterly useless the thing is. Had the xbox since it was released and i never have been able to get the kinect to work properly.

When ever i tell it to record stuff it just does something else that sounds nothing like 'Xbox record that'.

Tonight playing Fifa, the mrs was catching up on her xfactor on the laptop and the kinect must have picked up a word from that and made the xbox go onto the home screen then i clicked across to party by accident. Was about this --> l--l far from putting the kinect through the wall.

Now disconnected.

Only just noticed this reply to my post about my broken Kinect working suddenly.

Despite the problems I've had with it not powering up, when it has been on I've never had the kind of problems you've had. Have you tried re-calibrating it? My Kinect understands the commands 95-99% of the time, no issues.
Anyone know of any headset issues with the Beta dashboard?

Got a new one and not sure if the MIC even works...anyway I can test?

I've been having some issues with group chat, one day it works, the other it doesnt. Only been happening the last 2-3 days.

I cant hear chat but my son can hear me ok.
xbox one doesn't support USB headsets?

wtf is up with that? why does it have so many usb ports?

cannot believe you need a wire from the controller. not a huge issue but shocked they don't support usb headsets.
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