*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

TBH the amount Kinect sells for these days it's not really worth selling. I've seen them going for £30 used. Knock off postage and it's probably worth keeping just for voice control and the odd occasion it might be needed.
Ok I'm being thick, where on the new UI can I consistently find Games with Gold section to check what's available/download this month? There doesn't seem to be an obvious subsection in the Store etc.
It's something like:
Friends > find someone > invite > game / party

Or if they message you, you can view profile and invite
Elite controller arrived today....going to take a while to get used too, to many options for my small brain to make custom.

It feels amazing. I love the weighting on the sticks compared to a regular X1 controller. I removed the smaller paddles for now and just sticking to A/B (jump/crouch) on the rear paddles. Also turned vibration down to the minimum. On my other modded controller I removed the motors, it's nice to have a little, max is too distracting though.
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