*** The Official Xbox One Thread ***

It feels amazing. I love the weighting on the sticks compared to a regular X1 controller. I removed the smaller paddles for now and just sticking to A/B (jump/crouch) on the rear paddles. Also turned vibration down to the minimum. On my other modded controller I removed the motors, it's nice to have a little, max is too distracting though.

I bought it a lot with Halo in mind, so I have a slight problem in that two paddles would be enough so not to confuse me..but theirs a reload - Jump - Boost that would work well..maybe I can just train myself :D
I know it's still in preview but I don't feel like the new dash is that much faster. Opening up the guide has a noticeable delay, and opening apps can still take a while on occassions. I might notice it more if I went back to theold dashboard now but I was hoping for a much bigger improvement on the 'snappiness' of the new dash.
I know you can use RT on the Home screen to go straight to your pins, but there's so much wasted space on the new home screen. I really hope they continue to improve it, I much preferred the old home screen.

The guide is a welcome addition, but as I said above the slight delay in opening it makes it a slightly jarring experience.
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