Short of some dodgy coding yes. I don't remember a time in the past where people expected any hardware to run everything at all settings maxed out. Remember Crysis? No hardware was able to max it out. The hardware wasn't bad but it couldn't do that job. The same can be said now, a lot of the hardware is being upsold, 1080p cards sold as 1440p cards but only if you use upscaling. They were simply never 1440p GPU's and the 4090 isn't good enough to max out some games natively at 4K, that's ok but let's not pretend it can.
I think what you'll find it is more of is that developers are relying on upscaling and now frame generation to avoid optimising their games rather than it directly being the hardwares fault but alas when you have tech press like HUB and the community who only point the finger at the hardware manufacturers and not the game devs like Alex/DF do then things will never improve i.e. keep enjoying paying ££££ every 2 years to keep up with **** optimised games.