The rise of OnlyFans

It doesn't help when you need several hundred quid to go out on the town compared to my youth. No wonder everyone is using apps to date now. A 4 pack of red bull, a bottle of vodka and a £20 note would be all it took to hook up with a girl in a night club back in the day. Almost guaranteed success.
No, the vast majority prefer men their own age or slightly older. I never said he wasn't still attractive, but it's a different era. If it was the norm for women to prefer much older men, we'd see it across the board. I think you're confusing age with status, because 60-year-old celebrities who are far less attractive than Clooney could still date and sleep with a new young woman every day if they wanted to.

Although not explicitly stated, the language is the same old tropes that the Red Pillers trot out at every opportunity.

I've generally found women lean towards moderately older, though also OK with their own age group, because older men can come across as more confident, whether they are or not is another matter, but not just older men indiscriminately (which is kind of obvious).
in other related social media news
thats the covid effect, people not being locked in doors and being able to leave the home...

Internet dating surely to everyone is a waste of time unless only one goal is on your mind.

They are the perfect place for manipulators and people with ulterior motives too
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Here's an interesting case study for you guys.

I have a friend of a friend who is incredibly desirable. She's really interesting, she's exciting and full of life, she's very attractive. She travels (seriously she's impressive how much she makes of life). She comes with one big issue.. Long term health issues. And I get the picture shes quite intense in relationships.

She does a lot of Instagram but I'm pretty sure not OF as she has a bf. She'd make a bomb on OF.

She's had a string of failed relationships. She's blessed and cursed with that desirability.
She could probably get nearly any guy into a relationship. And this is a problem. Because she can, she's dated the rich, she's dated the chads, but they all have failed. Mostly... She's dated douches. I get the picture she's the trophy gf.. Then the novelty wears off.

She's now mid 30s, wants a kid of her own, has thesehealth issues, and her latest relationship is on the rocks.

The curse of that desirability is certainly double edged. She's also cursed with wanting to travel and wanting a family and those physical health issues. Imagine being the next guys she dates... She's funny, she's hot, she's adventurous. great.
The reality sets in.. She still seems to want it all.. Travel, family, with health issues, and a top tier guy.

Let's say she doesn't get what she wants, she can always drop back to OF. I wish I had that option.
What makes this a case study?

She sounds like a pain and difficult to have a relationship with. Even the most ‘desirable’ can settle down, have relationships and have health issues behind closed doors. Travelling and wanting to live like a free spirit are life choices and there’s nothing wrong with that.

If she wants to do only fans down the road then so be it, that only proves the point about her being a pain and not a good fit for a long term relationship.
She doesn't sound desirable to me.

Maybe I'm an odd ball in what I find attractive. Because I find most women are attractive.

If you go out on Friday or Saturday night at least 80% of the women could be swapped out with models and nobody would notice.

Desirability means she has a trait very few have *

My idea of a desirable woman is someone who looks good but isn't aware of it, and stays humble.

* This is why virginity is prized.
What makes this a case study?

She sounds like a pain and difficult to have a relationship with. Even the most ‘desirable’ can settle down, have relationships and have health issues behind closed doors. Travelling and wanting to live like a free spirit are life choices and there’s nothing wrong with that.

If she wants to do only fans down the road then so be it, that only proves the point about her being a pain and not a good fit for a long term relationship.

I think any women in their 30's who hasn't settled down is going to be a high percentage lost cause. All the good ones are taken in their 20's.

Regardless of how stonking beautiful they are after the first few months that is no good if you just cannot get on. High maintenance women are just not for me either.
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She doesn't sound desirable to me.

Maybe I'm an odd ball in what I find attractive. Because I find most women are attractive.

If you go out on Friday or Saturday night at least 80% of the women could be swapped out with models and nobody would notice.

Desirability means she has a trait very few have *

My idea of a desirable woman is someone who looks good but isn't aware of it, and stays humble.

* This is why virginity is prized.

She is, especially on first meeting. She's chatty, interesting and attractive. She has good stories and hobbies.

When I mention OF.. I mean she could if she had to, so it, but she wouldn't.

Also I don't know her that well, but of the few meets I've had, she was fun/nice to be around
If a woman is that good looking and wonderful to be around then she would have been married with kids but before 30.
Only if she wants to be, they are their own human too.
Not everyone wants to be married, kids and all that before 30, some people do want a life first.
Only if she wants to be, they are their own human too.
Not everyone wants to be married, kids and all that before 30, some people do want a life first.

True but mothernature and the biological clock doesn't care about. The geriatric rules still apply to them.

I'm 40 and the amount of women who I have met 35+ who say "I want kids one day" and I'm like... "Yeah, if you want to be upto your eyeballs in IVF payments"
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No one debating that, but the absolute need/must to be married and kids by 25/30 is pretty much gone.
Yeah that's society says. Doesn't change the rules of nature for having healthy kids with less complications.

Don't want to start a family before 30, fine but don't complain later on in life if it doesn't happen because you waited too long as that's what I see plenty of times now.
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Don't want to start a family before 30, fine but don't complain later on in life if it doesn't happen because you waited too long as that's what I see plenty of times now.
Well this took a turn.
Understand where you are coming from and you seen it a number of times, does it mean thats the way it works for everyone? Not really.
No one debating that, but the absolute need/must to be married and kids by 25/30 is pretty much gone.

Who said anything about marriage and kids? Doesn't change that most of the good women are taken in their 20's whether you have babies in your 20's, 30's or never at all.

Just like these Onlyfans girls who have just replaced the easy totty that you would get on a night out. You would never have a relationship with them. The only difference now is you don't even get to smash it but use your right or left hand instead!
My work place is predominately women and for my research every single one that's over 30 and single "still wants kids" has been/is "mental" in one way or another.

Ranging from thinking they are a streaming E-girl sensation (late 30s very average). A Militant feminist (still thinks a man will go near her) and the classic thinking she is much better than the guys that do go for her (normal guys) and trying to find a man that doesn't exist in the real world, she is extremely average looking too....

For what its worth there was one women mid 30s, who i think is absolutely great, (im already happily married oddly u may think :p), and she struggles to find a guy but i have no idea why, there's obviously something mentally wrong with her behind the scenes...maybe she just attracts freaks myself inc.

If your looking for a wife and want to move to a forest near the arctic circle, you'll be knee deep in clunge.
Also if you are a psychiatrist and want to move to a forest near the arctic circle, you wont be short on clients.
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