The rise of OnlyFans

Imagine trying to white knight a bunch of whores on the internet.

I prefer the term escort or companion thank you very much, I find that women who use my services don’t like the idea of a man whore who is just coming round to give her good sex isn’t something desired mentally.
I'm beginning to think you have a comprehension problem as I've said at least twice that the losing respect is the desperation aspect, NOT the selling of underwear. How many times do I need to write this for you to understand?

So now you are backtracking and claiming you don’t respect people who chose an easy avenue at no real expense to themselves to help themselves financially when they are in economic hard times?

Were you born into money or something? Never claimed a benefit?

I think it’s way way smarter to sell used underwear and have simps moderate your onlyfans or livestream than it is to work a minimum wage job. I make more in 3 hours work than most people do in a week, and I have way more fun.

It means, if I'm able to suggest less desperate answers to solve, in this situation their financial problems, I will.

Big of you, but I think there are more worthy causes you can help out than people who are about to make money selling underwear.

I can tell you don't read my posts on here.

I have no idea who you are so no, I don’t follow you around this forum. I’m making an example out of you for bashing sex work and showing how small minded and cretinous it is to judge other people.

used to run 7 sexually themed sex channels online for over 20 years (some American adult stars came in there), and I was a senior moderator of a major adult related forum. Because of my situation I have a lot of time on my hands, that is how I became involved in all that.

I've also associated with people on the bdsm scene, gone to munches, and in the last few years met some women who do onlyfans.

I was in the sexual business arena when you were just an idea in your fathers mind.

Cool bro. Bet you’ve got loads of friends on Fetlife too.

Nobody should be forced into the sexual arena in anyway. When someone gives in immediately to doing things they don't want to do it changes my opinion of them. But doesn't stop me trying to help them. I very rarely write people off completely. I suspect you do.

I probably should have chosen a different word than respect, as it can have certain connotations, though in my defence I never said I lost all respect.

Nobodies forced into it, it’s a much better way of making money than stacking shelves or doing most other jobs for 8 hours a day 5 days a week.

The amount of posts you make to this thread tells a story of itself. 30+ posts!? I noticed you avoided saying your preferences because you knew where I was going lol.

On BD, and for any other woman going down this path, sometimes less is more. It's called erotica. But you only see the violent gonzo style today that is causing all kinds of problems, especially for young people.

Ok, I'm done with you both. You obviously have some mental comprehension issues going on, and are sexual obsessives who don't care about other people. You're more upset that people close to you are judging your activities!

While society is slipping into chaos here is you two emotive ones getting ate up about OF. Get some perspective on reality.

In a way I think the sociopathic mind set you both display ie, having no idea what I'm talking about, and you thinking nobody judges anyone else, when in reality you both accept judgements, just the positive ones, tells me you don't see the reputational dangers for people who don't think of the consequences of doing OF, or similar.

I hope sid one day can move past his current phase and get some perspective of the subject, instead of it being all about how much material he can get.

Stop waffling nonsense when you’ve been called out.
Things like OnlyFans have completely detached people from actual consequences and in fact get rewarded instead so others will see it's profitable to literally assault others it will only get worse.
Imagine trying to white knight a bunch of whores on the internet.
I prefer the term escort or companion thank you very much, I find that women who use my services don’t like the idea of a man whore who is just coming round to give her good sex isn’t something desired mentally.
Isn't that just what today's yoof call 'cope'? They might not like calling a spade a spade, but it's still a spade. One can dress it fancy and call it a 'unilateral open-ended excavation implement', but for all that it's still a spade. I've read this thread with interest, and wondered about your resolute defence of this type of thing. I honestly forgot you are/were on the game (or 'in the companion industry' if you prefer that turn of phrase) as well.

For me, it's all much the same thing. Fornication, sexual immorality, adultery, prostitution, whatever. The whole make ends meet line is nonsense. I've been starving (well if you can count several days' without food at a time 'starving'), homeless, destitute and everything in between. Never have I, my wife or anyone in my family felt the need to resort to perversion, selling ourselves or anything else. It is what it is, and some of the replies in this thread have been very thought provoking.
I've been starving (well if you can count several days' without food at a time 'starving'), homeless, destitute and everything in between. Never have I, my wife or anyone in my family felt the need to resort to perversion, selling ourselves or anything else. It is what it is, and some of the replies in this thread have been very thought provoking.
Glad you are out the other side and hope all is well these days without that stress.
Understand you or your family did not chose to go that route, that could be for a number of reasons. Not everyone will have those same reasons or opportunities out.
Some interesting comments and opposing views in this thread.

Is it a good idea to indulge in ‘depravity’? This extends to binging in anything really… even daydreaming.

For some people in moderation, it can be fun. But I suspect for most people, including me, it feeds a tendency of what might be unhelpful thought patterns.

There isn’t much point in indulging in something far removed from your day-to-day reality. It can make you subtly underwhelmed.
Isn't that just what today's yoof call 'cope'? They might not like calling a spade a spade, but it's still a spade. One can dress it fancy and call it a 'unilateral open-ended excavation implement', but for all that it's still a spade. I've read this thread with interest, and wondered about your resolute defence of this type of thing. I honestly forgot you are/were on the game (or 'in the companion industry' if you prefer that turn of phrase) as well.

For me, it's all much the same thing. Fornication, sexual immorality, adultery, prostitution, whatever. The whole make ends meet line is nonsense. I've been starving (well if you can count several days' without food at a time 'starving'), homeless, destitute and everything in between. Never have I, my wife or anyone in my family felt the need to resort to perversion, selling ourselves or anything else. It is what it is, and some of the replies in this thread have been very thought provoking.

I was saying it in jest, I don’t really mind being called a whore, I think it speaks more about the person calling me it and their use of language than it does about me.

Forced to make ends meet? I chose to do this, and still do now to this day to an even better degree as my reputation and networking increases

I’ve always picked my own clients and can turn down anyone for any reason. I make more in 2 days taking a wealthy lady to an event, then most do in 2 weeks. Since Onlyfans got popular and the bigger studios lost the monopoly I literally get paid to do things with some of the most attractive, interesting and kind women on the internet that other guys pay money to just for pictures of their feet or to send them one online message. It gives me plenty of free time to focus on my hobbies and my own appearance so I can parley that into more work.

I don’t know if you or your wife have got the looks or charisma to be successful in a very vain industry, so I don’t know if you could ever “sell yourself” or sexuality, nor do I judge the notion that you wouldn’t want to if you could, to each their own.

You not enjoying sexuality or “perversion” with women other than your wife in private, or not even enjoying that, doesn’t affect me, so why does me enjoying it with multiple partners each month affect you?

I’m delighted that you never “needed” to do so, but the notion that being homeless or starving is somehow better than having done what I do for a living is to me ridiculous. I could quit tomorrow and get a regular part time day job to keep me going as I’ve paid off my mortgage and car a long time ago, but even then, I’d be lazily stacking shelves in Tesco or putting in a lot of effort and stress into a career, I much prefer my life to that existence.
Since Onlyfans got popular and the bigger studios lost the monopoly I literally get paid to do things with some of the most attractive, interesting and kind women on the internet that other guys pay money to just for pictures of their feet or to send them one online message
What does that mean? Just curious What makes them interesting and "kind" lol :P
Kindness is a weird word to use, kind as in the opposite to self obsessed?
I dont think ive described anyone as kind in ages, although i know plenty of "kind" people it suits them well. Ill re-add it to my daily vocabulary lol
Has anyone made a bad joke about 'rise' from the title of this thread, oh they have, ok I'll just *mumbles and leaves, egg everywhere oh my god *

I quite like it when hurf gets going. And by 'quite' I mean 'hornbag handbag' and we're shopping in Aisle 1 today.
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