The rise of OnlyFans

Would you feel the same way about other people who make their own hours/work irregularly/are free in the day a lot?

Genuine question - I know I have some internalised judgement (jealousy probably) despite having worked odd hours before. I used to basically be away for 6 days then home for a week, or work all weekend and free weekdays.

Tbh it would be hard to live with someone who worked weekends all the time.and I probably wouldn't want a long term relationship with a person with that lifestyle

If it was alternate weekends yes, as I like my free time. And I'm extremely independent. Me and the gf only do 1/3 holidays together. I thought it would be more of an issue, and although it's not ideal (I wish could do more together) it's not a problem either.
But day to day.. Evenings alone, weekends alone.. At that point I'd question if the relationship was worth it.

With OFs type of work though, many are very superficial, and tbh, I wouldn't cut the mustard with someone like that anyway. I'm no Chad.
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I think he is an incel because he's espousing incel talking points; looks above everything, value equal looks, if you or your partner aren't classically good looking then it's game over.
Well first of all there is a huge difference between real incels (involuntarily celibate) and online 4chan trolls that started the whole incel as an insult thing.

I personally know two involuntarily celibate people a man and a woman and they are both lovely people. They are just extremely bad at dating for a variety of unfortunate reasons.
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I personally know two involuntarily celibate people a man and a woman and they are both lovely people. They are just extremely bad at dating for a variety of unfortunate reasons.

The interwebz would say you are incorrect... Everyone knows that incels are neck beard wearing "men" with inept social skills and who live in their parents basement playing computer games all the time and espousing misogyny all day long in their online echo chambers /s
The interwebz would say you are incorrect... Everyone knows that incels are neck beard wearing "men" with inept social skills and who live in their parents basement playing computer games all the time and espousing misogyny all day long in their online echo chambers /s

What would you do in this guys situation? I'd probably just try and find the female equivalent at his level... which is generally what everyone does anyway right?

I'd stop gaming and watching anime all day for a start and work on the Nice Guy™.

Which reminds me, what happened to the poster on here with the anime signature who used to have wild takes on things and was an obvious misogynist?
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What would you do in this guys situation? I'd probably just try and find the female equivalent at his level... which is generally what everyone does anyway right?

Like this?


Or is posting the above out of order and misogynistic? :confused:

p.s. - this is a test ;)
I'd stop gaming and watching anime all day for a start and work on the Nice Guy™.

Which reminds me, what happened to the poster on here with the anime signature who used to have wild takes on things and was an obvious misogynist?

But isn't the reason that hes gaming all day because he has been rejected by people in real life? Some people can't recover from that. Very tough situation.
But isn't the reason that hes gaming all day because he has been rejected by people in real life? Some people can't recover from that. Very tough situation.

In that situation I think too many guys get wrapped up in their own heads, and it's made infinitely worse when they're perpetually online.

The best thing they can do imo is work on themselves and stop thinking about finding love/a relationship, they need to find a passion that gets them offline and helps them self improve. Once they start to feel happier in themselves that becomes noticeable to others in a variety of ways, it can have a very positive effect on a persons social life. I'm a great believer that a person should have at least two active hobbies, and that at least one of them should involve some sort of exercise. Hit the gym and lift, take up cycling or swimming or something. It makes you feel better mentally and physically, and greatly increases confidence in those lacking some once they get into the habit and stick whatever it is out. Many of these activities have excellent opportunities for socialising and making friends too. You're going to find healthier relationships when you're in a positive place, and while that might be hard wallowing is self defeating.
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In that situation I think too many guys get wrapped up in their own heads, and it's made infinitely worse when they're perpetually online.

The best thing they can do imo is work on themselves and stop thinking about finding love/a relationship, they need to find a passion that gets them offline and helps them self improve. Once they start to feel happier in themselves that becomes noticeable to others in a variety of ways, it can have a very positive effect on a persons social life. I'm a great believer that a person should have at least two active hobbies, and that at least one of them should involve some sort of exercise. Hit the gym and lift, take up cycling or swimming or something. It makes you feel better mentally and physically, and greatly increases confidence in those lacking some once they get into the habit and stick whatever it is out. Many of these activities have excellent opportunities for socialising and making friends too. You're going to find healthier relationships when you're in a positive place, and while that might be hard wallowing is self defeating.
Lol gay
What would you do in this guys situation? I'd probably just try and find the female equivalent at his level... which is generally what everyone does anyway right?

I would forget about dating any women, invest in a gym membership and start going there.

But isn't the reason that hes gaming all day because he has been rejected by people in real life? Some people can't recover from that. Very tough situation.

Well that's life. Happens to everyone, from dating to applying for jobs. You keep on trying.
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Many a guy will claim to have some kind of standard which means they won’t date an OF model, but then I look at their life, and it’s fairly easy to see who would be desperate to have the other in their life and not the other way round. It’s never the guy who doesn’t want the OF model girlfriend.

My theory is the reason a guy claims to not want to date someone experienced is because he is worried about the comparison, the same goes for other guys having seen their partner naked, something triggers an insecurity that I am yet to see a logic for (other than them being lacking and not being able to and thus not wanting to compete)

Maybe some guys just don't want a women that has had 1000 spam javelins inside of her and want something a little more than just sex?

I also don't care if men look at my wife either. A lot do especially on holiday as she has a good figure. That is just natural. I would feel more uncomfortable if the blokes were looking at me instead!

We have been together 17 years now and have two kids together. A relationship is a whole lot more than just sex. You end up in your 40's lonely with no one to share anything with and all the good women end up being taken. I have plenty of friends just like that.

My wife will ring me at work asking me when I am coming home and when I get home the dinner is ready on the table. She didn't have to do it. She does it because she cares. That mutual love is what helps keep a man happy. I repay in a similar way. Not only is she my wife but also my best friend. We pretty much do everything together bar some hobbies.

What OF "model" is going to do that for you? I am sure they are using you just as much as you are using them.

If that is how you want to live your life. Fair play go ahead but to accuse men of being "weak" and they are jealous of no strings sex isn't really true as there are many other valid positive points to being in a full relationship.

We might be completely different age brackets here though because I was pretty much like yourself in my teens and early twenties. Then crack on.
I would forget about dating any women, invest in a gym membership and start going there.

Well that's life. Happens to everyone, from dating to applying for jobs. You keep on trying.

The gym ain't doing much for him though, maybe broadening him a little, but not changing all that much. The girl posted underneath on the other hand.
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The gym ain't doing much for him though, maybe broadening him a little, but not changing all that much. The girl posted underneath on the other hand.

Gym can work for anyone if they put in the hard work. But most don't, they take shortcuts, expects results after a few weeks or make excuses.

If people want success in dating and Im talking about both men and women. Then they should focus on their health and fitness first.
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Maybe some guys just don't want a women that has had 1000 spam javelins inside of her and want something a little more than just sex?

I also don't care if men look at my wife either. A lot do especially on holiday as she has a good figure. That is just natural. I would feel more uncomfortable if the blokes were looking at me instead!

We have been together 17 years now and have two kids together. A relationship is a whole lot more than just sex. You end up in your 40's lonely with no one to share anything with and all the good women end up being taken. I have plenty of friends just like that.

My wife will ring me at work asking me when I am coming home and when I get home the dinner is ready on the table. She didn't have to do it. She does it because she cares. That mutual love is what helps keep a man happy. I repay in a similar way. Not only is she my wife but also my best friend. We pretty much do everything together bar some hobbies.

What OF "model" is going to do that for you? I am sure they are using you just as much as you are using them.

If that is how you want to live your life. Fair play go ahead but to accuse men of being "weak" and they are jealous of no strings sex isn't really true as there are many other valid positive points to being in a full relationship.

We might be completely different age brackets here though because I was pretty much like yourself in my teens and early twenties. Then crack on.

I’m almost 40, my long term partner and I own a home together, my dinners on the table regularly, and I have fathered 3 children.

I think your assumptions in your post show how arrogant you are to the notion of OF girls.
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