The rise of OnlyFans

19 Feb 2010
Bear with me on this but:

An OF account where the numpties from the Graphics Card forum separate into two equally dreadful teams, get naked, and then hurl insults at each other until someone either cries or furiously wets themselves out of the sheer injustice of their favoured team being misrepresented.

I would unironically subscribe to that channel.
Culminating in someone furiously rubbing their junk on a 4090 for a happy ending? :eek:
11 Jun 2015
Be aware of them being vulnerable though.
Like an addiction. They could be lonely, mentally compromised but wealthy.
Being manipulated into paying for it. But they haven't really got the money.

Don't be too quick to judge.

No one is putting a gun to their head to make them send money over to these people so I don't think it's reasonable to call it manipulation. The girls will stop showing interest as soon as the person stops sending them money because that's all they're after. They're in the business of making money not making some chumps feel like they have an eGirlfriend.

It takes about 30 seconds of self reflection. "Would this girl be giving me any attention if I wasn't throwing money at her?". in 99 cases out of a 100 the answer would be no but they've let themselves trick themselves into thinking if they spend enough money on a person they'll get something in the end.

This isn't subway or a coffee shop with a loyalty card guaranteeing you something after X amount of spends. Treat it like a strip club. You can spend your money but it's always looking but no touching. No matter how into you they act to get the transaction completed.

It's no different to therapy and therapists. I got along really well with who I had. We had a good relationship for a year or so, he knew how my brain worked and I opened up to him and told him things I wouldn't normally reveal to others. Once we got to a point we thought I was OK he said there was no need for any more sessions and once my work stopped paying for it, we never spoke again. Onlyfans is no different.
13 Jan 2010
No one is putting a gun to their head to make them send money over to these people so I don't think it's reasonable to call it manipulation. The girls will stop showing interest as soon as the person stops sending them money because that's all they're after. They're in the business of making money not making some chumps feel like they have an eGirlfriend.

It takes about 30 seconds of self reflection. "Would this girl be giving me any attention if I wasn't throwing money at her?". in 99 cases out of a 100 the answer would be no but they've let themselves trick themselves into thinking if they spend enough money on a person they'll get something in the end.

This isn't subway or a coffee shop with a loyalty card guaranteeing you something after X amount of spends. Treat it like a strip club. You can spend your money but it's always looking but no touching. No matter how into you they act to get the transaction completed.

It's no different to therapy and therapists. I got along really well with who I had. We had a good relationship for a year or so, he knew how my brain worked and I opened up to him and told him things I wouldn't normally reveal to others. Once we got to a point we thought I was OK he said there was no need for any more sessions and once my work stopped paying for it, we never spoke again. Onlyfans is no different.

You're thinking from your perspective.
If it was that easy no one would have an addiction. No one would lose their life to gambling.

You may be able to say no. But many many people can't.
19 Feb 2010
You're thinking from your perspective.
If it was that easy no one would have an addiction. No one would lose their life to gambling.

You may be able to say no. But many many people can't.
I believe OF themselves acknowledged this was a problem by capping tips/private messages to $100 at one point.
11 Jun 2015
You're thinking from your perspective.
If it was that easy no one would have an addiction. No one would lose their life to gambling.

You may be able to say no. But many many people can't.

At least gambling you have the potential of making a gain. This is just throwing money away

At some point people need to be accountable for their actions and not be made excuses for. I have no issue with people using OF either the users or the content creators. None at all.
I can't even judge. When I was single I used to pay for my access to a, for the sake of the forums age rating, lets say lifestyle website.

But if someone is willing to pay twenty thousand pound for a hug.... Na, they deserve all the judgement I can muster up.
11 Jun 2015
You're thinking from your perspective.
If it was that easy no one would have an addiction. No one would lose their life to gambling.

You may be able to say no. But many many people can't.

At least gambling you have the potential of making a gain. This is just throwing money away

At some point people need to be accountable for their actions and not be made excuses for. I have no issue with people using OF either the users or the content creators. None at all.
I can't even judge. When I was single I used to pay for my access to a, for the sake of the forums age rating, lets say lifestyle website.

But if someone is willing to pay twenty thousand pound for a hug.... Na, they deserve all the judgement I can muster up.
30 Mar 2010
Is it just me or is this becoming scarily ubiquitous now?

I always thought this was just for camgirls and the like but I've spoken to 2 women in my local area who say they do it, one of whom has a boyfriend and he doesn't see any problem with it. :eek:
And what makes those 2 women NOT camgirls ?
13 Jan 2010
At least gambling you have the potential of making a gain. This is just throwing money away

At some point people need to be accountable for their actions and not be made excuses for. I have no issue with people using OF either the users or the content creators. None at all.
I can't even judge. When I was single I used to pay for my access to a, for the sake of the forums age rating, lets say lifestyle website.

But if someone is willing to pay twenty thousand pound for a hug.... Na, they deserve all the judgement I can muster up.

Well have to disagree with this. If someone is spending 20k for a hug and they are not a millionaire doing it for lols they must have an issue.

Social media is built by design to grab people who have an addictive personality.

If you're exposed to this young and or vulnerable it must be hard to escape.

For me, these people need help not ridiculed. A big issue in our society is around "because I can do it, everyone can". I simply don't agree with this.
17 Jan 2016
Most women on OF don't make much money because the platform (and other similar platforms) are over saturated.

There is a moral decay in society because these women are getting money for nothing.

Back in the day it would be an admission of failure that you're unable to do anything else so have become an object to look at. That was looked down on by most people in society, especially by other women.

Though like we've mentioned before with cheating in games. Many people have very little morals these days. As long as they can justify their actions to themselves they do it, regardless of the consequences. If they even realise there are consequences. I'm thinking of the kid who got ripped into because of his mothers OF pictures online.

I think because of the over saturation, the competitive nature, it is sad to see women openly degrading themselves. It is one thing to have risky pictures or videos of yourself. But it's another to be naked (and another to be doing sex acts). I've seen more womens arse holes in the last 20 years than I did in the 20 years before that.

I think a lot of these women think their material can't be leaked. There are places online whose whole purpose is to leak material like that. We know big companies struggle to protect their copyright with the free corn video sites so one person on there own is going to struggle.

Because of over abundance it devalues the individual woman. I'm hoping (maybe wishful thinking) that as we get a history of this that it might lose its attraction, like Page 3 did. People stopped seeking it out. OF is Americas Page 3 moment. I think that's why it's hyped up so much. Because Americans have never had an acceptable legitimate access to corn before.
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
I don't get why you would pay for pr0n in the first place that stuff is plastered all over the Internet for free.

I think the bigger concern should be for how pr0n has warped society with many people nevr having relationships well intontheir 30s. Only fans just breeds a generation of parasocial incels who have money but not chance at a relationship due to.aultitude of other issues. These are the same people that are slowly coming around to the passport bro mindset.
30 Aug 2014
Its mental, twitter and Instagram are basically onlyfans advertising platforms now. Any trending word these OF 'models' are all over it posting comments with pics of themselves or edited vids. Instagram is now doing some advertising thing where they pay a fee and you get their instagram page flashing up as you scroll down your feed and that of course has a link to their OF page. The money some are making is mental, over a million+ per month in some cases, obviously that's not the norm but for phone pics and videos it seems a ludicrous amount.
Add YouTube to that too.
11 Jun 2015
Well have to disagree with this. If someone is spending 20k for a hug and they are not a millionaire doing it for lols they must have an issue.

Social media is built by design to grab people who have an addictive personality.

If you're exposed to this young and or vulnerable it must be hard to escape.

For me, these people need help not ridiculed. A big issue in our society is around "because I can do it, everyone can". I simply don't agree with this.

Lets just agree to disagree. I don't think we need to make excuses for men simping over women. It's a tale as old as time it's just more rampant now.
30 Aug 2014
If I was a woman? I'd absolutely be doing it.
Beats 9/5 working in a job that's a nothing more than a job.

As a guy really, you have to work hard, be smart, run a business etc etc to get a decent job

Now, especially now, if you're a woman.. You just have to market yourself.
Or a man doing AI generated pics and videos of women. I'm amazed people seem not to care if it's AI generated, I've sometimes wondered how easy it would be, but then my conscience gets in the way :cry: .
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19 Feb 2010
Lets just agree to disagree. I don't think we need to make excuses for men simping over women. It's a tale as old as time it's just more rampant now.
Simps gonna simp, but I do see what he's getting at. What if some of these guys are on the spectrum or have some other mental issues that lead to poor decision making?

I can't think of any other reason why some of these guys will kiss a woman's boots and empty their account at an ATM for them.
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