Nvidia’s technologies are more about increasing their own profits though, raster performance was becoming less of an issue so let’s roll out RT to give people more reason to upgrade. DLSS let’s them sell lower tier GPUs as higher tier for more money with Frame gen a continuation of that and now we have ray recontruction to push even more RT effects to make cards like the 4090 seem weak so if people want these effects then they’ll need to upgrade again next gen.
Raster was/is a problem for developers because of the amount of time it takes to get good results, nowadays, especially in development space, you simply can't let developers take years to get good results, this is largely why ray tracing was brought in the first place (and not just for gaming industry but the media industry where it has been used for yonks but gaming is the first time to my knowledge where it is real time ray tracing), of course, you could say it is purely just to drive more money to force us to upgrade to the new shiny shiny but can you name me a company that doesn't want this? If you don't want to be stuck in a cycle of upgrading then simply turn off the settings or/and make do with a lesser experience, no one is holding a gun to peoples head to force them to buy into this.
Don't think that just because amd do open source is from the bottom of their heart, it's simply because they have zero choice when they are last to the market and with a lesser experience/solution.
Also, there are plenty of games released recently that are raster only and they still run like ****, in some cases even worse than full path tracing..... see starfield for a prime example.
Another point as well is that raster has been around for yonks, as Bryan said it perfectly, people bang on about upscaling and frame gen being fake, well so is every single frame with raster effects lol..... If anything, frame gen, dlss combined with path tracing is probably more "real" than raster native and that's not a joke either.... Developers have had decades to get to know how to "hack" around raster methods, give ray tracing the same time and it will simply not even be a raster vs ray tracing thing.
The ONLY reason we have raytracing at all is because they needed to give the tensor cores something to do, you talk like this was some grand elaborate scheme nvidia set in motion to evolve the gaming landscape. When in reality it's just a by-product of nvidia's AI hardon.
DLSS is running on the tensor cores too:
Investigation into Nvidia GPU workloads reveals that Tensor cores are being hammered, just incredibly briefly.
To say the "only" reason is just silly, you're ignoring everything that ray tracing can and will provide over dated methods and this isn't just made up crap of "oooh shiny puddles" as proven/backed up by anyone who works in the industry. Rome wasn't built in a day.
And well, the results speak for itself tbh.
People really need to stop viewing ray tracing as a nvidia thing....