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Thanks mate, I'll go with that one then :)

My basket looks like this :

Deluxe Vaping Kits > Riva 1100 Kit The VE Riva 1100 Deluxe Kit Stainless Steel VE151 Stainless Steel
£34.95 each

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Decrease quantity

Grizwald's Gourmet Range > Pick 'n' Mix Grizwald's Pick 'n' Mix Golden Burginia, Aniseed, Golden Burginia, 666, Cherry Pipe VE133
£12.99 each

x - remove Increase quantity

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Coupon discount (10%) = £4.79
Sub-total = £43.15

I hope I've everything I need there?

Yep, you're good to go. I wrote a big reply to your post when I first saw it, but must have forgotten to post it as I was on my phone!

I stuck a few other suggestions in the OP of this thread, as well as some info to help you through the jargon a bit until you find your way. The riva kit looks good to go, and if you feel like mixing it up you can always stick different atomisers on there for a different experience. Generally, I suggest starting on an 18mg strength juice until you find what suits your intake. Just be careful to get a premixed juice, not just the flavour concentrates as they aren't always clearly differentiated (if it has a nicotine strength it's premixed)!
I must say, I'm really getting the upgrade itch myself. I think I need a good VV battery, one that will handle dual coil attys, and some new atty that'll make good use of the extra volts.

There's supposed to be a new revision of the lava tube/torpedo that has a higher current limit isn't there?

Also, what beats mega DC cartos for vapour and throat hit these days?
I doubt it would be worth me trying to get one earlier for you A[L]C.
Definately worth the wait i.m.o., especially since Zen has stopped shipping his Mods to the Europe and hopefully Pailpoe will release these by August.
If you needed any more persuading.


Genesis style atties? Most people have to lower the level of nicotine in their juice considerably with them. I went from using 18-24mg to 11or12mg.

Sounds good, are they only available as mods with crazy waiting lists?
With that in mind can the OP correct the first one?

VG and PG are alternatives to each other and both do the same 'job' in the e-liquid. You can get e-liquids that have a bit of both in but 99% tend to be either PG or VG.

Yeah, I was trying to explain the difference between the two bases in terms of what a PG juice does compared to a VG juice (or how the mix affects the experience. I've updated it to try to make it clearer.

Any feedback on the OP is welcome btw guys. I don't stay on the cutting edge of what's happening in vaping all the time, so sections that need updating or adding are always appreciated. If you'd like to write pieces of relevant info for new starters just post them up here and I'll add them in. Just try to keep it jargon free and easy to understand.
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Cheers, have added your revised version estebanrey (left out PEG to keep it simple).

I did mention automatic versus manual in the battery section, but have highlighted it to make it clearer.
Strangely, I seemed to have settled on the ego-c for now
started on a ego-t, moved to CE4's then bought a bulli-A2T and now after trying the CE5's find that for everyday convenience, the ego-c's are my choice.
I still use the bulli at home, but find it is too variable, but that might be my wick making skills!

Everyone seems to be into the ego c these days. I'm still happy with my mega DC cartos, but I'm wondering if I should give them a shot. My next purchase is going to be a lavatube I think (when I get some cash to spare anyway), but a new atty would be cheap enough.
If you love the Mega Dual Coil, I would wager you will hate the Ego-C, or at least if you're anything like a heavy user. The C gunks up pretty bad, and i've never had a pack of them that didn't have at least one with serious issues when it came to drawing fresh fluid from the cart. The draw is also really tight, which is horrible coming from the Megas.

The Mega Dual Coils are the Nokia 3310s of the vaping world. Does what it says on the tin, works perfectly, no gimmicks and takes a nuclear blast to damage them. £10 for 3 and I bin and replace every month or so. I vape 10ml+ a day, of which about a third goes through these. Best value, no nonsense atomisers around.

Well they don't sound so great, why is everyone using them? Good to know my dc cartos aren't antiques yet, I'll stick with them and see if they're any good on a VV device.
Don't forget Dev, Dual Coils will only fire at 3.7 on a Lavatube regardless of the voltage GrimGreen did a video about it. Also LR stuff fires at 3.7 aswell its got to be SR/HR attys and SR/HR single coil cartos.

Get a chrome LT, on my black one the plastic end cap has snapped off and the plastic top cap has cracked, still vapes like a boss though but beware of the plastic bits

Ah, I knew that lr atties would hit the current limit, but I thought dual coils were alright (wasnt sure what resistance the coils were). Hmmmmm, that's tricky then. What do most people use with a lavatube then? No point getting a VV just to vape at the same voltage. But if I have to go to an inferior atty it might negate the benefits.
When I first got my LT I used the HV atty that came with it but now I just use my LR 1.5 Cisco 306.

I get what you're saying about no point in having a HV device and not taking advantage but theoretically vaping an LR at 3.7v should emulate vaping a HR at 6v. I don't think there's a massive difference really (well a HR 510 vs an LR 306 that is).

But the advatage I'm getting from the LT is the battery life. I'm a lazy mo fo so it's nice not having to put the battery on charge evry 10 hours. I can get a good three days of solid vaping with my LT and a week if I only use it in the evenings.

I guess so. I usually get about 2 days from my 900mah batts, but the best vape seems to be right at the start and then it seems to trail off. Makes me think the voltage drops off pretty quickly, so even if I could keep it consistent that'd be an improvement.
Yea i did think about that, maybe im expecting them to last too long, currently using one of the dual coil tank systems so the carts are cheap enough as it is, just expected them to last a little longer, but the Ego-C ive got doesnt like dark juices thats for sure, somehow the juice clogs up around the wick and coil thus preventing any juice to hit the coil and you end up flooding them, ive had those little attys last 4 days using RY5, not good when a new strip is quite expensive.

I've found dark liquids are bad news for most attys. My beloved coffee juice destroys cartos like mad. They do better than 4 days though.
Couple of points. Dual coil atties are lower res than each coil, I don't understand why so can't explain it. They are designed to be used on ego batteries which normally run from 3.2 to 4.2 (only some of the stranger ones) and they don't tend to run at the 3.7 volts you'll see listed some places.

I've got a version 1 lavatube and dualcoils ain't that great on it. It seems to me like they pulse on it, like the power is going on and off every second. I've not looked into it just my impression.

I was going to give one a try there on both a lavatube and an ego to give you a quick review but I can't find the ego adapter for my lavatube. I seem to remember the ego seemed better somehow but they are real old cartos so likely not the best to test with.

I've mostly been vaping Vivi Novas and boge since lately. Been on a bit of a made mixing spree so been dripping a lot too for flavour testing.

Just an update for Devrij really. Since I'd been saying dualcoils weren't great on lavatubes. I've been reading they ain't too bad on the v2. Another cool thing is the v2 reads attie res like a provari it seems. Sure you can use a mutlimeter but it is a bit of a faff.

Yeah I was in two minds after reading that they weren't great, but seeing loads of people using DCTs on them and loving them. So I was a bit confused lol. I think the V2 has a higher current limit maybe? I'll check it out anyway. Cheers for the feedback.
Apparently the flat nosed 18650 fit with no issues, now ive got to work out if its worth buying the chrome version when i use 1.5ohm dual coil cartomizers in my DCT

Answered my own question lol 1.5ohm gets limited at 3.8v making it no better than a standard ego battery in that respect.

Apparently the V2 has a 3.9A limit? This is what I've read from a quick google anyway. All the UKV threads are shut so can't read those, but the yank sites are stating that. In theory that would allow you to push nearly 6V through a 1.5ohm atty

E: and yet the safercigs description says it's limited to 2.5A. Hmmmm

EE: nope, there's a V2.1 which has the 4 amp limit, but I think it isn't out yet?
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No problem, ive just been searching for the perfect setup, but like everyone else not quite found it yet, although im highly tempted to buy the full kit of that 2.1 LT even though ive got batterys and charger from my black V1, as i really want to push the volts on these dual coil carts ive got to see if i can find that sweet spot everyone wants.

Not sure how far id be able to push a 1.5ohm cart with a 3.2amp limit but i think its close to 5.5v maybe.
Sod it, ordered the full kit version, shiny syndrome has hit me hard :( lol

Edit2 - Thanks to PapaLazaru for the suggestion on the black jack juice, couldnt resist so bought a bottle yesterday and it smells amazing just like a black jack sweet, i havent vaped it yet as supposedly i have to let it steep or something (no idea as this is the first time ive been told this) so im waiting patiently but im on my last 3ml of RY5 :(

Awesome, let us know what it's like. Should get 4.6V about on a 1.5 ohm. Wouldn't want more anyway or you might melt it. Will watch with interest.
Well i couldnt quite stretch to that, otherwise i think i would have done that aswell lol

And to Devrij vaporhut will get the body only versions in next week sometime. And ill be sure to update the thread with my views once it arrives.

I'll have to go for the full kit anyway (only got ego batts), if I had the funds I'd be on it like a rash mate.
Ahh thought you had a V1 LT, as it stands im a little unsure if the website is up to date on the stock so time will tell if i get my v2.1 this week or not.
looks like i will be...yay! lol
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Edit- Rather than creating another reply, ill ask this here
Im asking this here as i know some of you mix your own juices so probably the best way to get a good answer.
Steeping juices - do any of you do this and is there any sure fire way to speed it up a little, ive read nuking them for 3 secs, sticking the bottle in hot but not boiling water for 10mins etc, getting impatient to try this new juice out but as it was mixed monday and got to me tuesday, thats around 24 hours, and i didnt touch it yesterday so roughly 48 hours from point of mixing to now, is that enough do you think?

Yep, that method works a treat. Mix, stick your glass bottle mostly under the water for a few minutes, shake, dip again, shake. Cool down (or it's very thin and will leak out your atty) and away you go. Makes a huge difference to the flavour. I always wondered why my mixes were tasteless at first and great at the end, but now they're good all the way through.
Work with plastic bottles aswell? (id imagine so but you never know if it will react) i may have a glass one somewhere if i kept it.

I'd stick with glass, the plastic ones might melt or release chemicals into your juice. Can always decant into a plastic one afterwards.
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