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Hi Devrij,

How much did you get your batts for ? My starter kit with 2 batts has lasted me since November but is now not retaining charge

I'm currently toying with the idea of the ego-T and ego-C passthrough all in one. Trying to find a steel one for as cheap as I can :D

Probably worth the extra few quid and hopefully I'll be able to use them with Boge LRs

Sorry just saw that! I got my 1000mah manual batteries from TW on sale for about 14.99 minus the discount code for the day (see fb or twitter)
I filled the carto carefully to make sure not to flood it, tested, then filled it till it leaked out the battery end but didn't fill the central airway and dabbed away the excess till it pulled clear and tested again.

So afaik it's filled ok, after doing this for a few mins i noticed i do seem to be getting a bigger nicotine hit from the carto vs. the tanks and possibly a more developed taste, i have my fluid mixed strong (40% flavour) but it seems more depth to the taste,more subtle edge coming through or maybe just less burnt?

I've got both setup side by side now on my desk, swapped between them a few times to confirm the above.

Now i'm thinking that it is working ok but with virtually no visible vapour (im using PG-400 base, but still get lots of vapour with tank), throat hit is hard to tell as i'm using spearmint / menthol mix atm.

Thinking maybe its psychological as less vapour = not working so well in my mind.

PS. Definitely bigger nicotine hit, don't get them from the tank ever, even when perma using it, but have had a couple of 'hits' from the carto now, does this sound right? more nicotine transferred from cartos?

40% flavour!? My mix is something like 5ml VG, 2.5ml of 54mg nic, and 0.9ml flavour, and that's very strong flavour wise. Maybe you aren't getting good vapour or hit because you're trying to vape pure flavourings!
I had a few dual coils that just didn't work or were very poor until I read some place about the central post on them being loose and it sometimes being to far in to make contact with the battery. I used a small screw driver (for glasses) to wiggle it out a bit and like magic they all started working.

Cartos do need some rest time to. They juice has to seep in to the middle where the coil is. I've read that they work much better at higher voltage but I haven't tried anything over 3.7v myself.

Variable voltage is my next step, but I know most VV batteries have a current limit that makes higher volts limited use on multi coil attys. I'll have to find one that suits them well but still looks good
After I started smoking again due to a stressful time, I'm planning to switch over to vaping. I tried a tescos nicolites thing and can't say I was impressed, but ordered a 510 from one of the sites people listed on this thread.

I have a question though - do all e-cigs/vapes have the same harshness of the nicolites? I smoke rollies, and when I tried a nicolite, it was like inhaling fire on the back of my throat. Never found this with actual cigs.

Hopefully though the 510 and eliquids will solve this?

The harshness or smokiness of your vapour largely depends on the liquid you put in the cartridges. PG is generally harsher (higher nicotine strengths also add a kick) and VG gives you big clouds. Most liquids are 50/50 to give a good balance, but a lot of us mix our own to suit our taste (and save money!). It's best to start with premixed juice to get an idea of what's what though before you delve into mad scientist territory :p

The kit you went for is a good starter, and we all find the gear that suits us as we learn what we like and don't. I found it took a couple of weeks to get used to the whole thing, so stick with it and ask lots of questions!
Anyone tried these before?


Quite keen to start on these and bin the fags all together after a while. Will also save me time rolling fags and the mess that comes with it!


No, forget those. The battery will run out quickly and it won't give you a great hit. I also found the pressure switches in that type of ecig can be temperamental.

I suggest picking up 2 of these batteries (ideally, you have one to use when the other runs out so you can charge it).

a few of these atomisers

and a charger like this

Then all you need to do is choose a liquid flavour to vape and you're all set with a great kit that will give you a big cloudy vapour, good kick in the throat, good flavour and good battery life. It's the long term solution.

If you want to try something a bit cheaper for your first go though, the SD keyring has gotten good feedback from the guys on here that've used it.
got my lavatube/torpedo, 2 imist attys and 2 vision ego rainbows on tuesday and im very impressed. (also got 6 more 510 dual coil cartos)

i have been using the rainbow ego vision clearos on my egos and they give a nice amount of vaper and throat hit, plus they look awesome and not a single leakage so far, its basically what a clearomizer should be, and the flavours good too plus there is no plasctiky or rubbery taste like with other clearos i tried, only down side is the draw is a bit tight eg it doesnt feel like air is getting through when u suck it but it is :)

their supposed to be easy to take apart and repair or clean as well :)

now on too the imists i have been using them on my new lava tube mostly, they work good on the ego batterys too but their new home is the lava tube
now im impressed with them big time, they give a nice clean cool draw with plenty of air getting through and my liquid tastes like it should plus an awesome throat hit (was a bit weak at first but good now) and since their fully rebuildable im really loving them, its as simple as unscrewing the atty apart and pulling out the old wick and pushing a new one in :)

i could never go back to the old 510 attys now they are so horrible tasting and primitive compared to the i mist and the i mist ones never had the evil primer on them, oh and when u switch flavour tanks the cross over flavour only happens for about 5 draws at most :)

now on to the lava tube its just heavy and awesome with tacky feeling buttons on the voltage controls and a nice satisfying big clicky button for firing it up, it does exactly what i want which is a nice long lasting battery (first one lasted 2 days heavy vaping) with consistent voltage i can adjust on the fly and is brilliant for the wake up nicotine craving, i was a heavy smoker then replaced baccy pouches with ecigs and still smoked normal fags untill tuesday, when all that stuff arrived i have had no need to smoke a normal fag, if i get a strong craving for a smoke or nicotine then out comes the lava tube and a few puffs sorts that out, plus i noticed that 3.4 regulated volts on the lava tube is very strong compared to my ego type batterys that are supposed to be 3.7 volts :)

getting more confident at mixing liquids now, i made my first 2 flavour mix the other day and i think it tastes good mixed a good chocolate flavour with a cherry one for chocolate cherry flavour, my freind says it tastes like a chocolate liquer, hehe when you inhale it its like chocolate but leaves a cherry after hit :D

analogue free for 3 days now and im not missing the smelly rotten tasting baccy a single bit, so i reckon i finnally found good ecig set ups for myself after starting with a 510 starter kit then egos and now 4 egos and a lava tube with i mists and vision ego rainbow clearomizers, plus its getting a lot easier now as i think my body isnt craving some of the other 4000 chemicals from normal smokes after 2 days :)

Well done mate, if you ever have an analogue in the future you're going to be disappointed by how rough it tastes after just vaping for a while!
vaping is like my pc but affordable as a hobby im always looking at new vaping equipment but i can actually afford the vaping equipment, as you can see i have a new hobby lol

amen, I never thought I'd end up buying as much hardware for either hobby, but at least with vaping I can get a new flavour for a few quid, or try a new type of atty for a fiver. The battery mods are a bit dear, but they're not necessary, just fun.

Oh yeah, green cow is supposed to taste like red bull btw. Just copyright avoidance :p
I'm also on the green cow... a sentence I never thought i'd ever say. I don't think it tastes like red bull personally, its just... sweet. But its nice. Trying to find a decent tobacco flavour for the evenings though, as I don't want all that caffeine in the evenings.

Are people still doing trades and such on here? I have a bunch of 5ml samplers I'll never use again that I'd happily give away for trade or what-ever.

Thus far: LF Home Counties, LF Original Red, LF Virginia Aromatic, XO Supreme, XO Kentucky Blend and a Virginia I got some vapeescape. They're premixed, not just flavours. Anyone who wants them is welcome, or a trade if you have some you're not fussed about.

EDIT: Just got a package from LF :D Drip tips, as well as tank atomizer and some tanks. Not been a fan of the cartomizers I was using, so we'll see how this goes.

I have nearly 20ml of 11mg tiramisu that I don't want if you'd like?
With green cow, i've found that if I let the atomizer run for a second or two before my first inhale, it helps a bit with the clogged carts. But I concur, it is a problem with the stuff.

Devrij, will e-mail you!


I also just received a 10ml bottle of DV DY4 flavouring a couple days ago, which I'm not a huge fan of.

If you like state express (I know there're a lot of you weirdos out there), you'll love it as it has a thick tobacco/toast flavour similar to the state express flavour, but with a soft caramel/citrus exhale.

I occasionally love it and occasionally hate it, so I figure someone else might want to do a swap in case they just love it. It's missing 16 drops, so pretty much full.
Oh, I also discovered an epic tip on another forum for all you DIY mixers!

To get that 2 week steeped flavour, but straight away (for instance if a new flavour turns up and you can't wait):

Mix your juice up (in a glass bottle preferably), then stick it in a pot of boiling water just deep enough so it doesn't float or become submerged. Leave it for a minute or two, shake it up, leave it for another minute or so, shake it up again. Done.

Let it cool (or not if you want to fill a new mega carto quicker, but watch out for seepage), fill up your gear, and vape away on perfectly even flavour and vapour.

Forgive me for not reading though 57 pages, but I'd like some advice please. I've been off the ciggies for 14 weeks, using patches but also the Nicolite electronic cigarettes from Tesco, however at £7 per 3 refills it's becoming an expensive habit in its own right.

Can anyone reccomend as follows;

  1. A starter kit for a heavy user (ex 20-25 a day smoker), something powerful that gives me a good hit at the back of my throat like a real cigarette
  2. A refill that tastes something like a Lambert & Butler, you know that slight vanilla sweet taste you get with a 'good' cigarette? From what I've read the Nicollite ones are some of the better tasting ones with folk trying to recreate the same taste from various mixtures. I've tried the 'Vapestick' ones from Tesco and they are disgusting in taste.


Welcome to the world of vaping!

If you want something cheap and easy to get you started, try the SD keyring

but if you want something with better battery life that'll go better in the long term:

pick up a couple of these batteries

and don't forget a charger as well, although I prefer mains ones, here's a USB charger

and a couple of these cartomisers (atomisers with the cartridge built in. They allow you to just pour your liquid straight in without having to carry loads of spare carts around with you)

Once you have all that, you're sorted. Atomisers do wear out over time, but you can replace them cheaply every month or so for a few quid. Your only real running cost then becomes juice.

As for liquids, it's very much a personal taste. I don't vape many tobacco flavours these days as they all taste like cigarettes smells in the packet (kind of raisin-y). But generally you can pick up a month's supply of premade juice for about £15 Browse around the websites and read the descriptions to get an idea for what's there, but it's all trial and error. For a starter, I suggest about 11mg to 18mg strength juice, just until you find what suits you. Buy small amounts (10ml) at first until you find something you really like.
Updated OP to include more basic info and some current kit. If anyone has any other stuff they think is worth including or other guides/websites/etc to add PM me or post here and I'll stick it on.
Can someone on here help me out with a flavour recommendation please?

A while back I tried a friend's Titan RY4 premix and loved it: pure caramel inhale, with a dry ashy tobacco exhale softened by the faintest hint of vanilla (or perhaps the tail end of the caramel). It was perfect and I would have vaped it all bloody day. Imagine Black Label Realtabs and a low strength DV Caramel mixed together, but it working.

Since then I've been on a quest, seeing as they don't do a concentrate for it, to find something like it in a flavour concentrate so I can mix up giant batches and swim in its excellence. I have failed.

So far I've tried Hangsen RY4, which is nice, but the tobacco is the raisin/cigarettes in a packet type taste, and the caramel is non-existent. I was recommended DV own version "DY4", which was horrible and actually made me feel ill (thick cloying state-express type tobacco with no discernable caramel. Ugh).

I'm at my wits end, can anyone suggest anything?
Right, I've ordered a little 10ml bottle of this El Toro Cigarillos Naturales that everyone's been raving about being the "most realistic" tobacco juice. First time I've bought a premix in a looong time, but I feel like something special. And this is what happens when I sit on the web late at night. It's impulse buying waiting to happen. I'll report back when it arrives.
Well, I got some new DC cartos in today so decided to give the new el toro el cigarillos a shot.

It's definitely the closest thing to a real cigarette that I've had, but with the heavier tobacco leaf taste of a cigarillo or rolling tobacco chucked in to add a bit of interest. So don't expect marlboro red, expect amber leaf. It's like a clean cigarette, if that makes any sense. I really like it. More to the point, it doesn't taste "fake". I think I'll vape it for a few days to see if I still like it, but at this point in time, it could be my all day vape. Which is bad because it's only available as a premix! I'm vaping the 18mg and it has a nice balanced throat hit that matches the flavour quite well. Two thumbs up :)
Right im starting to lose my head with the vaping now, IVe had a Ego-T, Ego-C, and most recently a torpedo and DCT combo, all have been shockingly bad, T used to flood, C was always a bad burnt taste, and the DCT i cant make a cart last more than 5 days before its totally flooded and hard to draw...I dont know what else i can try, im attempting to use the Atomizers from the Torpedo/Lavatube, but these are **** and are burnt all the time or the 3-4 drops of fluid comes out the bottom :(

Maybe try some dual coil cartos? None of the flooding issues you've been having. Cheap as well.
Thats what is inside the dual coil tanks, a dual coil cart, but it floods after 5 days, and it appears to be saturated but blowing them out makes no difference and still hard to draw.

Yeah I was thinking without the tank constantly feeding it you might avoid the flooding issues. I've never had a DC carto go tight on me. I use the mega DC if that makes any difference though.
Fair point ill grab a couple of those and try them out, im thinking its my fluid aswell...What type are you using?

Im using pre-mixed freedom smoke USA RY5 50-50 pg/vg stuff

I mix my own stuff at about 80%VG to 20%PG, so if anything my juice should be thicker than yours. I do find brown liquids (eg coffee) seem to reduce the effective lifespan of atomisers, perhaps something in them clogs them up?
Yea your probably right, reading around the darker liquids kill them quicker, so instead ive gone for my old favourite which was C9Vaping RY4, nice thin and yellow.
Should start thinking about mixing my own RY mix so ill have a look through the thread and see if anyone posted a good guide earlier on.

Not that I've seen. There don't seem to be many good RY4 concentrates out there, and I haven't found any good combos of concentrates either. The only RY4 I've tried that I really liked was Titan RY4, which doesn't have a concentrate :( Let me know if you find something good though! I might try dropping some caramel into the last of my el toro el cigarillos to see if it works.

Next up, I'm going to get some of this new TW gold label shizznit and try it out. Apparrently it has realistic flavours not the sweet shop type, so I'm tempted to try out their blueberry. Once they get a proper cappuccino concentrate I'll be on that like a rash though!
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