A bit behind the times, but just got my Lavatube yesterday. Really liking it so far... simple, not too flashy and just works great. Awesome.
A mate came to visit last week with his shiny new Tesla. Lovely bit of kit.
They're a big step above the standard batteries alright. I got some great use out of mine. The build quality on mine (V2.1) was pretty rubbish and eventually the threads gave up the ghost, which is why I now carry the police baton that is my Vamo, which I love to bits.
i'm considering a PROVARI V2.5, would you say that a did setup is better?
If I'm honest, I wouldn't recommend spending that much on a device this early on, but the provari is a great device. As far as rebuildable atomisers go, I'd leave that for now, as they aren't very beginner friendly (not at all). Perhaps something like a Vivi Nova would work as a user-friendly tank atty to go on a provari or any other good variable voltage device. Like I said there are much cheaper options than spending £150 on a provari! Perhaps start out with a Lavatube or Vamo if you want to try bigger variable voltage mods without dumping huge amounts of cash into the problem. Either of those, or even the suggestions I made above, will be leaps and bounds ahead of supermarket disposables.