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im happy with my vamo and kanger protank, im not an electrician or a mechanic lol some of this stuff is a step too far for me lol

I've been vaping for 2 years and only just dipping my toe into genny style atties now. No need to rush into it. Find what you like and stick with it. You appreciate upgrades more that way. I'm going to be using my RSST as my "at home" atty until I really get the whole wicking and coiling thing nailed. My wick and wire should arrive tomorrow, so for now I've just been fiddling with my clean RSST. I think I'll want to drill the airhole out, but I lack the means to do so :/
I'll be flying out to Poland next weekend but this will be my first time with the vaping gear. Any issues with it in hand luggage?
I'll be taking a Vamo VV/VW, a bunch of Novas and Vapeonly BCCs and my RSST + a few bottles of fluids.

Should I put the fluids in the hold just to be sure?

I took my vamo etc to Rome with me the other week. Batteries must come in hand luggage (brought my spare novas too), and I took my juice in plastic bags in carry-on as well. Just plonked my vamo on top of my jacket in the tray so it was clear I wasn't hiding anything, and I never even got questioned. Put my spare wire and wick in hold luggage.
I have used that exact wick before and it gives am amazing vape.

Tips: Never dry burn, burnt cotton is disgusting.
A boil to clean it is recommended.

Wire wise, 0.20mm or 0.18mm if you want a bit higher resistance.
personally would recommend 0.2mm as it is more useful in other applications.

As I have posted these everywhere else today, I thought I may as well put them here as well. Got my juice from scorpionblood.com and it is amazing.

First set up in an IGO-L, was lovely but a little warm. (Just a link due to resolution)

Second set up, in dual coil.

Don't those coils short with the wraps so close?
I still use my novas on my vamo, and have been getting on fine with it, but a bloke at work has given me some 200 mesh and a steel wire cable (apparently it wicks like a beast) so I'm going to give that a go until royal mail pull the finger out and deliver the mesh I ordered on Thursday for my RSST.
Well, 20 popped coils later and I'm going to call it a night on my rsst. I think .15 nichrome wasn't ideal, but it's all I had. It sort of works now, but the legs are hot as hell.
Make sure and break down your RSST and clean it well. There has been a number of reports of swarf being left behind and causing shorts.

Thanks I'll do that. I've got a working coil now, although one coil is not as hot as the others. Either way, the thicker kanthal is definitely more robust to pulse with. Makes it much more forgiving.
Can i ask a silly question regarding RSST's?
Why do they use mesh and not say a few strands of 3mm wick?

Some atties can be used with silica, but I believe it has to be a U wick. Having it just flop out of the wick hole must not work as well. I considered trying it myself, but I'm soldiering on with the mesh for now.
My friend is going to test out some wire rope that Youtube reviewers are raving about.

It seems the Mesh Company are selling them now: Link

The next big thing for genesis atomisers? Time will tell....

I'm using it now. I'm still a noob when it comes to ss wicks so I haven't quite nailed it yet. Seems to wick slightly better than a full mesh wick, but it's also quite a heatsink so the coil heats up slower. I'm still undecided on it. Then again I have yet to get a good coil with no shorts going yet!
Hamster is spot on :) basically find your personal sweet spot for your gear and juice and away you go

And to who posted about the SS Wire Rope, i have been using this for about a week and a half now in my AC9 (KnightStalker over UKV too) Fantastic is all i can say, its a bit hit and miss sometimes but overall its miles better than mesh alone in getting juice to the coils - I have over 6 different types currently in testing, from 1.5mm to 3mm stuff, just waiting on new cutters to continue as mine have been chewed to hell cutting the 3mm stuff. One thing i will say, be very careful with the heat of the atomiser on initial setup, i have had my AC9 reading above 160F according to my infra red temp gun, thats seriously hot, never seen it hit that when set up and juice is cooling it. Coil at full whack was reading way above 250f, temp gun refused to read it lol 0.9ohm 4 wrap of .5 ribbon - 2mm 7x7, 325mesh.

Mine gets super hot too. I oxidise the mesh because pulsing it from the start would melt the orings on my rsst! Do you wrap your mesh the whole length of the wick or just at the top where the coil is? I've been doing just the top, but my juice is getting burnt so not sure if my fill plug needs to come out or if something else is amiss
Currently using my 0 Nicotine juice watermeon in the vivinova on the Vamo with 6 Watts and its good but still waiting for my butterscotch 18mg juice :O.

Thats the real test.

How do you adjust the Wattage? I'm in N02 mode, at 3.7v - but feel like the vapour is lacking...

Crank up the juice guys! I vape at 10W on my nova (roughly equivalent to 4-4.2V I think). 6W would leave me dissatisfied in the extreme.

For fruity stuff, I tend to drop it to 9-9.5W though. You'll taste the difference if the juice doesn't like the extra watts.
Maybe try something a bit lower strength. I like 12mg myself, but it's all personal taste really. I'll mix something up for you if you like?
Ahh dude id love that <3 literally cant afford to start paying for more juices to experiment till on pay day. 8mb will be great how much you want me to pay for it i just need something smooth with a smooth throat hit. 16mg is obviously to strong lol i didnt think the nicotine would hurt the way it does.

Don't worry about it. Just trust me your address and I'll pop a 10ml sample in the post.
Which juice did you have in it? Some juice can chemically attack polycarb tanks making them weaker or even cracking them. Cinnamon and banana juices are well known for it.

It was RY4 or chocolate, so should have been fine (fine in my novas). My Vamo button is starting to play up, so where's this chinese site where I can pick a spare up on the cheap?
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