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I've got some more IGO-Ws, another IGO-L and another Nimbus clone (V5 they call it) coming from FT because I love them all.

And by having more I can mess about more with different sized air holes and stuff, my current IGO-W has 2 x 1.5mm and it's very airy, so will probably do 2 x 1.2 on one and 2 x 1.0 on the other.

The V5/Nimbus is probably my favourite, I really like it a lot, the allen head post bolts are faintly annoying but I bet others fit if they ever round off. In fact it's more than the tiny allen key is crap than the bolts.

I got the one airhole one so I could decide what to do with it. I use it for single coils at the moment - will probably drill the new one for dual. Love it though.

I've also got in a separate order an omega clone and a patriot clone, wanted them because they're 22mm. No idea how good they'll be but at what, £4 a go I'm easy.

Tempted by a genuine IGO-W3 because it's 22mm.

Nimbus clone here, I have no desire to buy anything else atm.

Cheers lads, I'll give the nimbus clone a go!
Decided to take out a coil from my igo w because one was higher res. It's great now! 2.1ohms too so I can use VW on my SVD. I must say I forgot how nice it is to have that function after using a mech for months and swapping batts every 5 mins!
Thanks for the input guys and not as simple as lighter and fag to mouth but I have gone with Tauren's advice.

Still none the wiser on juice but I can trial and error till I find something I like. I went with Menthol for now, as a trial but can easily order some other if that doesn't work out. Cheers for the help men :)

Menthol is a good all rounder I find, even if you never smoked menthols. It's a bit of a learning curve at first, but stick with it and you'll find it's even easier than lighter to cigarette (ecig to mouth!).
Awesome, a Vapers lounge! Been Vaping since March last year totally given up on the Tobacco.

Just bought myself a nice Provari Mini and a Vision Eternity Tank to replace my old VgO2, and it's really good :D I prefer the fruity flavours and get my juice from JacVapour who do some excellent UK Made flavours, Banana Milkshake, Strawberry Chew(its), and Raspberry my current favs.

BTW My Provari didn't come with Batteries, anyone else get one with them?

Welcome :)

Most tube mods won't come with batts unless you get a kit, so that's fairly normal.
Looking to purchase the following to start out.

AnyVape Davide BDC ASPIRE Tank

AnyVape eGo Twist VV battery - 650mah - silver

AnyVape eGo Twist VV battery - 1000mah - silver

USB eGo Charge cable

WizMix E-Liquid - Menthol Asylum - 10ml / 12mg

Anything I am missing, or better off getting?

I wouldn't bother with the 650mah, and would just get 2 x 1000mah batts.

I also am not a fan of usb chargers as my main charger, and recommend a decent mains charger to make sure your batteries and usb ports don't go pop.

Other than that, looks good. Twist batts are good and cheap, BDC atty should provide some good oomph, and menthol is a great starter flavour.
Cheers for that.

Would I be better off looking at mods then for a more compact device?

I'm really new to all this but have been trying to gain an understanding without actually purchasing!

I only smoke when I have had a beer (i'll possibly have one or two on a standard weekend), I'll smoke a pack of 20 on a night out which is no more than once a fortnight.

Nah, 1000mah twist batts would be fine. I would always recommend carrying a spare battery with you anyway, and they are very small as it is. a 1000mah ego battery with an atomiser on it is roughly the size of a small cigar, and fits nicely in the pocket with a bottle of liquid.
Awesome Lt_Red. Very nice indeed, I bet that cost a pretty penny :)
I'm considering the caravela or nemesis in 18350 size from FT but don't think the bottom will screw in or screw in flush with my button top battery plus a vape safe fuse.

I got my smokerainbow samples this morning. Not sure which to leave to steep, don't want to waste them as they're only 1ml, but dripper at the ready!


Wax seal at one end, and plastic to snip at the other end.

The Nemesis has a removable kick ring that would give you room to work with depending on how big the vapesafe fuse is (why not get a kick?)
If your e-juice goes dark brown in the cartomiser is it ok to still smoke it?

RY4 seems to go dark fast, are their other e-juices that don't do this so much?

Cheers guys.

Yeah it's fine. As you vape, some of the flavourings are left behind on the wick, and that starts to darken the liquid, along with the oxidation of the nicotine darkening it. You might notice if you keep refilling it that your vape starts to taste very strong as the concentration builds up, so it's worth rinsing it out every few fills. My brother gave me some pancake syrup that goes virtually black after one fill!
Thanks bud, yeah the RY4 that went dark did taste a bit strong / weird. I took the cartomiser apart and rinsed it through with warm water, not sure if you're meant to do this? Lol.

Filled it with Banana now, took ages to get the thing to vape again, nothing came out for like 20 tokes.. Doesn't taste to bad now but def not as nice as when I first got the kit. I might just buy some new cartomisers.

The wick needs to dry out, which is why it didn't vape well at first, otherwise that's standard procedure.
I did the same one new years eve. I couldn't hack the taste and it made me feel all light headed. Never again! Glad that vaping is going well for you gregster :)
Currently vaping a batch of 2 day old capella coffee cake, and it is pretty vile. Mixed it 12% and it tastes more like ginger than coffee cake. Either this one needs some serious steeping or I'm vaping at the wrong wattage, but I am not a fan! Sadly it's all I brought to Guernsey with me so I'm stuck with it for a few days :(
My daily smoke is Hanseng Menthol sensation . £5.99 for 30ml at totalEliquid . Been smoking it now for 7 months .

Im also getting bored of Clearomisers and like .

So can anyone link me the best clone and all the parts required ?

After years of messing about with clearos, tanks and the like, I'm much happier with an igo-w. It just works. Pop a microcoil in and swap the cotton out once a week. Easiest low maintenance device, and excellent flavour too. I always carried a bottle of liquid on me anyway so no change really. £5 from slowtech and everyone is a winner.
Try a few different wattages through the coil maybe? Sometimes too hot can really mess up some liquid's flavours. I tend to use a bit more cotton than others so it doesn't dry out so quickly. Still needs regular topping up, but a good 5 hits before that at least. As above, pics of the deck might help. Maybe a stray leg wire is burning the juice?
Actually I recently put a cotton wick in a nova and it was great. No leaks, great flavour, great tank volume. Easy to rewick too. Just got to hold the wick in place with a toothpick/drillbit while you clip the legs in and you get a straight shot at the coil when you unscrew the tank. Highly recommended. I've been on a dropper for months now and just couldn't go back to tanks though. So easy! So reliable!
Hey all! Looking to upgrade by vaper, currently using http://www.myshishapen.co.uk/products/rechargeable-refillable-electronic-shisha-pen

Have no real problems with it, only when changing flavours the clearomizer will still taste of old flavour for a while, I know simple solution is to buy clearomizer for each flavour.

What do people suggest for an upgrade on my vaper? Nothing to fancy, not sure if variable voltage is my thing.

The best upgrade for you is going to be a different atomiser to replace your clearos. You'll still be able to use your existing battery if you want, but those ego-style batteries don't put out much voltage, so some people might find them a bit lacking in "oomph".

That's where variable voltage comes in. More vapour/throat hit, provided your wick and coil can take the extra heat without burning your liquid (this is where a good atomiser comes in).

If you are happy with the current setup you have, maybe pick up a few different types of atomiser to put on your battery to see how they compare to what you have now. Rebuildable atomisers can allow you to replace the wick and coil so you get the best flavour all the time without shelling out loads on new atty heads. You can even rewick most disposable attys like novas/protanks etc. If you feel like you aren't getting enough hit/vapour, maybe look into an ego twist battery. Gives you a taste of what variable voltage can offer, but in the same size/form as your existing battery. They're cheap too.

I wouldn't recommend a mechanical mod unless you already have a bit of experience rewicking and coiling atties. It would just be a bit too much hassle and could put you off.
Thanks, would a Ego twist and a pro tank work together? It much work to re-coil/wick the pro tank?

It would, but a protank mini would be better. The full size protank would want a plinth/beauty ring to support it so it didn't look silly/snap at the threads.

I find protanks a bit fiddly to rewick myself, and getting it wrong can cause leaks as they are bottom coiled. Despite lots of newer atties out there, I'm still a fan of vivi novas (mini novas equally good), and I find them much easier to rewick. Youtube some tutorials on rewicking either and see what you think you'd get on with. Novas are great when you wrap a coil with cotton wick, and if you wrap a coil around a toothpick and keep it there to hold the coil in place (it sits neatly in the wick groove) while you clip the legs into place, it's then very easy to yank out the old cotton and just thread a new wisp of cotton through when you need to replace the wick without having to replace the coil. Like I said, see what seems like the easiest for you though. Some guys on here swear by protanks and think novas are old hat!
What is the benefit of a mech mod, over a Vamo (which I have)?

Just curious as the Nemesis Clone is quite cheap to order from China. Can I use it with an Aerotank, which I am thinking of upgrading to anyway from my Protank 1.

As the other chaps have said. Mechs look great, are more compact, and very reliable. They are also fiddly because your atty needs to be the right resistance since you won't have VV/VW, and you'll find yourself changing batteries fairly often to get that 4V kick back. Either that or you put a kick mod in, and forfeit the benefit of no electronics. I'm tempted to get a kick myself just to have a more compact VV mod. I have no idea how you can tell when your batt is nearly dead though!
It sounds to me that you are ready for the next step lol.
I dont have an SVD personally, but VV/VW is next for you.
So have a look at the SVD, Vamo, Evic, MVP, VTR etc... and pick which one u like best.
If you are not in a hurry, some bargains can be got on fasttech.com but allow 3-4 weeks delivery.

I would just skip straight to the KFL it will save you more money int he long run as you will eventually end up with one lol
I do see these going on the vaping forums for about £50-£55 if you want to buy used.
I would agree with the above. Having owned both, the SVD is more durable than the Vamo, so I would recommend the SVD. All you need to decide then is what atty to put on it, and whether you expect to vape a lot (18650 batts) or not too often (18350 batts) or have sets of each size. I tend to use 18350s for nights out.

Atty wise, I can't speak for the Kayfun lite, but it has been very popular so I expect it works well! Alternatively, you could forgo the tank and go to a dripper like the Igo-W (cheap clone available on FT for £5), or even have both for different situations/backup. Drippers are easy to work with, and they don't ever leak or give dry hits (provided you keep them topped up!). Just don't leave your juice at home :p
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