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I was tempted to do this with a battery that was flaking a bit. What did you use? Also I just ordered a brushed steel atty so they must've started doing them recently

Brushed atty on platinum battery, looks nice.


Vg vape in a cup, thanks to whoever suggested enjuice, although their menthol ice is lacking a bit in flavour. Loving the big cloudy vape though!
Going to try some juice from vapeescape, might as well get an attie too. Anyone use the 1000mah batteries? Are they much bigger than a standard manual TT/ET battery?. Had my two TT batteries for two months, alternating them daily. Anyone know if the just die or do they whimper out?

Mine are still going strong 4 months later, although I think they're best for the first half of the charge.

I've decided I like vg juices a lot, just upped the nic to 18mg to get better throat hit. Enjuice juices I have now really lack flavour though :/
10ml might get you through 2 weeks if you're just starting out (you tend to vape more as you get used to it). Also, I'd go for 11mg juice to start with.

My two favourites are decadent vapours lotus flower (when it's in stock) and red label coffee. I like red label tobacco as well (some may disagree) for when I don't want anything sweet.
If you want fruity, I'm currently vaping some dv Apple which is nice and isn't too sweet.

I may have to try this ecigwizard stuff out if its that nice. I usually go for dv or red label, but the only thing I've ordered from places other than TW turned out to be pants (enjuice lacked flavour) so I'm hesitant to try others.
Got my megalodon through today and have been giving it a whirl. Put my tornado tank atty on it and surprisingly it actually vapes much more with more taste, I guess the batteries have a lot more power and this is why, even though the voltage is still low (3.7v). When I get my other batteries through the post I'm going to be giving it a go at 6v :D

Can you post a pic with the tank atty on it? Also, I was worried the tank atties wouldn't wick fast enough at high voltages, are you having any issues with that? Otherwise, I am watching with interest so give us updates on how you're getting on with it.

I'm away house sitting and my backup atty has died a death (weak weak vapour), and my current atty seems to dislike my current all-day vape (not wicking properly for some reason) despite being fine with everything else. If this Don is what it's cracked up to be I may have to convert.
For a beginner, I think the tornado tank is the simplest and least hassle. Drip tips are a balls-ache imo, tank is easy: fill, vape all day.
Oh yeah, I'm gonna give that tornado booster voltage mod when they come in so i'll report back on that when I do. My main worry is that the tornado wick wouldn't be able to keep up. When they get on a bit they start losing their wicking capability and if you aren't careful you end up with horrible tasting attys. Remember, if it starts to taste at all burnt, stop! Usually a twist of the tank and a few dry hits gets the juice flowing again.
I guess that's the rub for me: I want something as simple as a tank, but with the kind of vape you get from other bits of hardware. I'm hoping that the booster is going to get me that, but I'll just have to wait and see I guess.
That, Im begining to think, is the holy grail of vaping..

First cartomisers arrived yesterday - should they be so noisy? Im talking rice crispies noisy, snap, crackle and pop type thing?
I ordered
Boge Low Resistance Cartomiser
Boge Standard Resistance Cartomiser
Dual Coil XL Cartomiser Resistance : 1.5ohm - Low
ClearoCartos - 1.5ml - Resistance : Low - 2.4-2.6 ohm

Im using one of the cartomisers, but I don't know which one as they all look the same and there was no labelling. Gives a hell of a throat hit though :p

As for the cheap ClearoCartos - how do you fill them?

I took the o-ring out from the top and dripped into it, and most of it came out the other end. Im guessing that the wicks need to be wet, but should there be fluid visible as well, or is just getting the wicks wet enough???

Let me know how you get on with them, I was debating trying all of the above only last night, or whether I just pick up a couple more tank atties. I'm hoping I'll be able to resurrect dying tank atties with the booster mod when it comes out.
Hey guys, does anyone know what the average life of a Tornado Tank atty is,

Reason for asking is, well mine seems to have stopped working completely, battery is fully charged and theres juice in the tank, but nothing :|

anyone spec me a nice new one, looked on the TW site but can't see anything that remotely looks similar to what i think i need lol


Pick your colour mate :) As long as you have a tornado battery that'll be fine.

Mine usually last for a couple months before they're disappointingly weak, although I'd say after a month they're on the way out performance-wise. I've never had one fully die on me (gone through maybe 5/6 by now, I make em last!), but I have one that might as well have been dead for how bad it got.

I just ordered some mixing bits: 30ml 54mg plat ice (PG), 60ml VG, and 5 random concentrates (the £29.99 deal on at TW now, I'm sure I could've gotten it cheaper but I was worried I'd get the wrong stuff somehow). Looking forwards to getting all mad scientist. That and knowing for sure that I'll not run out of juice any time soon.
Finding your flavour is trial and error alright, we all trade the ones we don't get on with so don't feel they're a total loss. I'm still after a good minty vape (menthol I've found is not my thing). If you don't like a strong throat hit then juices made with higher vg content might suit you, as its the pg (and nicotine) that gives it its harshness. The atomiser you use will also contribute to how strong the hit is. You'll find you get used to it quite quickly though.
Thanks for the replies.
I think I am probably just putting a little too much pressure on an straight transistion from the coffin nails to better health, having tried all manner of cessation aids which invariably make me gag.
The PG/VG business did have me scratching my head, so I think I'll get another order in tomorrow now that I have a bit more info under my belt and perhaps try and avoid replicating my regular smoking experience.

Don't worry so much about the quitting for now. Get the right gear/juice for you, and you'll probably find you just prefer vaping. I had a bedtime cigarette for the first month I vaped, until I just decided I didn't want it anymore. Get your setup right and you'll realise how pants analogues are in comparison.

I quite like red label tobacco, if you want a smoother tobacco flavour, or their coffee flavour is just tasty :)
[TW]Sponge;20047552 said:
Don't want to read through this whole thread, but can somebody tell me what this vaping is all about? I smoke around 10-15 a day and looking to stop.

Vaping isn't so much quitting smoking, but choosing a much healthier alternative that doesn't involve any "giving up", is cheaper, and can be done legally anywhere you like (as it's just vapour and there's no "smoking" actually happening). It's also just plain awesome.

There are good e-cigs and crap ones, and like a PC, getting good hardware the first time round makes all the difference. For beginners, totally wicked's tornado tank is the easiest way to get started. Some people prefer different atomisers to get a better vapour or flavour, but I like the simplicity of the tank and think it gives a pretty good smoke. Typically, a second battery is a good idea so you aren't stuck if yours runs out, and most starter kits come with 2 batteries and atomisers.


An e-cig consists of a battery, activated by a button in most cases, screwed into a atomiser which heats the liquid contained in the tank/cartridge and creates a vapour.

The liquid is made up of a mix of PG and VG liquids with various strengths of nicotine content. Predominantly PG juices give a better throat hit, and VG juices are smoother and give a thicker vapour. Finding a balance that suits your taste, as well as what kind of flavours you like is a personal thing that takes a bit of trial and error (lots of 10ml taster bottles to start with is recommended until you find one you like). You can mix your own juices, but premixed is a good way to start.

In practice, it's as easy as screwing a battery into an atomiser, filling up a tank, and puffing away. Most people find that they prefer vaping to smoking once their tastebuds and sense of smell recover long enough to taste what we've been inhaling for all these years!
I have had such a bad run on atties that I have given up for the next 3 weeks and switched to carts.
1st kit atty was great and lasted a month, the other atty that came from the starter kit lasted 3hrs before going pop. My spare atty (generic from e-cig) works sometimes, on some batteries, but when it works, seems to be when it decides to, some days nothing I do can get it working..
The two itank atties I bought, one OKish, but it is like smoking a silk cut ultra - vapour, but no taste and absolutely no hit, no matter what i put in the mix. The other atty was DOA..

Carts are nice, great throat hit, but last me about 2.5 to 3 days at best, with a decline in taste from about 1.5 days onwards so long term are just too expensive..
So it is carts for me until payday when I will take the plunge and either go for a rebuildable atty

So far the iatty at £62

Or the Mark-T @ £90 – rumoured price

Or the Buli A2-T at 69 Euros

The iatty is too ugly, so will wait for the reviews of the Mark-T before deciding..
The only concern I have is that the Buli-T has been described as a bit 'airy' - which if so will put me off as I like a good hit on the throat..

Thanks for the links, I'll definitely be keeping tabs on the Mark T, as I agree the i-atty is hideous (although it seems to perform very well, which at the end of the day is what I want). I'm curious as to how much of a difference the battery makes, and if it's worth it, which battery is both good, low maintenance, and doesn't look like it was made in a shed?
Well, my pot-luck mixing order arrived today. My five randomly selected flavours:

Rum Grape Ice
Dji Soma Soma (or something to that effect)


Either way, looking forwards to trying out these weird ass flavours and mixing them around. :p
Rosemary is surprisingly okay actually. Go smell some fresh rosemary, that's what this is like. Got the mix right I think, too strong would be wack
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Moved on from rosemary (which with 1 part vanilla was actually really nice) to cigar, which is not so nice. Maybe it's still mixed with some rosemary in the atty, but I think it's going to be a day of bleh.

On route to me:

DV Lotus Flower (my fav)
DV Cafe Braziliano
DV Caramel
DV Tobacco
DV Melon

I think I'll like these better, and I have plans for the caramel, tobacco and vanilla.
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