wtf are you like, you sound like the rich kid at school who makes people do stupid things for money to get a laugh.... if you don't want the stuff give it away, why make people act like fools by sticking things on their head?
How long does Totally Wicked normally take to deliver? i ordered on sat morning
sorry i just don't get it, you either give something away or not, why would you get people to perform for something?
sorry mate did not want to upset you, just did not get the concept really.
Received my prize today, some paradise vape grape juice. Thanks a lot for that Devrij, much appreciated. I'll give it a whirl later today, have fancied trying a grape flavour for a while
Also, a couple of general questions. Is a clearomiser basically just a see-through atomiser? Do they hold any benefits over normal ones? Additionally, i guess a cartomiser is a cartridge with a built in short life atomiser? Again are there any benefits to this?
I am amazed!!
This vaping lark has stopped me smoking after more years than I can remember
Still on the hunt for my perfect juice tho. I like the Rok original and virginia. They come in bottles that have an extended neck which is easy to fill a tank. I tried their blackcurrant eugh! not again.
Grizwalds 666 reminds me of bacardi and coke
9 days solid of no cigs yay!
Troll, what are you a sheep? follow everyone else on the internet with the word "troll"
Think of something new, it's old and boring now.
If you consider me talking about the damages that smoking does to the body, trolling, then you need to learn a few things.
Hi Guys, i need your help, apologies ive not read the whole thread as im not a smoker so dont really have a clue.
I want to buy a starter kit for my gf's mum who wants to quit smoking but as above i have no clue.
ive looked at this from a vid a saw on youtube but it seems quite dear
Also depending on the brand you buy are you stuck with their refill cartridges or can you get them from other places.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to good starter kits, also i think she would prefer if the cig looked like a cig as ive seen some in this thread that dont.
Cheers guys
I got fed up with tanks and tank atties quite quickly. Nothing beats the convenience of cartomisers imo. Drop a few drips on the wadding and go. No leaks (if you don't overfill) less fiddly to fill, better flavour, better vapour, cheap per unit cost (I know that they can work out a bid more over time) so less heartbreaking to bin.
Hi, this looks rather interesting.. been thinking of quitting. 20 a day here atm.. any advice?![]()