The Witcher 2 - Thread

I just can't get to grips with this game, everyone is raving about it and i love RPG's but just hate the combat with this! It just feels so awkward and unresponsive. So many time i've wanted to change targets and ended up going after the wrong guy, putting me in a bad position and getting smacked up.
The combat takes practice, but it does get better with time. Where do i find out how many hours ive played?
Can anyone please recommend a good place to buy this game from, Dixons Download has it for £20 but the website is not agreeing with me :(

Any other places that sell it for a similar price? :)
Strange, I started my second playthrough last night but had a little fiddle about with the config files, didn't manage to get anything working but my friend says he got better performance when he deleted the paul.dll file. I gave it a try and it seems so much smoother, I must have gained at least 15 fps in areas even with higher graphics settings than before. Even when the framerate drops the wierd stutter seems to have vanished as well.
Just updated my Nvidia drivers (27533) and I get just about playable fps with ubersampling enabled (gtx470 q6600) anyone else experiencing better performance with ubersampling?
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