The Witcher 2 - Thread

Just updated my Nvidia drivers (27533) and I get just about playable fps with ubersampling enabled (gtx470 q6600) anyone else experiencing better performance with ubersampling?

Yep i noticed this too, think i was around 30fps at 1920x1200 with it on ultra without ssao....when i replay 2nd playthrough will check but did certainly seem smoother than previous official driver.
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I like the look of ubersampling too, and it means you don't need to run SSAO or AA, IMO. I've left it off for now though because it causes the odd drop to 30fps in outdoors areas (5850 xfire) and I like to run a solid 50fps vsynced. If they sort the xfire performance in the next driver (still don't get 100% utilisation of the GPUs) then I'm hoping I'll be able to run it full time and keep 50fps solidly.
Just installed the new 11.6 cats and all is well in Flotsam (yes I am still on chapter 1 :o), well graphically speaking anyway. The odd indoor lighting issue is gone, as is the flickering in the menu and loading screens when vsync isn't on.

Sadly, ubersampling still doesn't 'feel' right, even though I'm getting good fps, it just isn't anywhere near as smooth as when it is off. Ah well, I can forget that and get back to trying to beat the king slayer.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that there are no new conversation streams with Triss, especially now that we have erm........gotten to know each other better. ;)
I finished the game a couple of days ago and can't help but say that i feel shortchanged. I mean great game and all but too short. Just when the story takes off it ends. I think i missed only 1 side quest mystic river but the rest i finished. Yes the difficulty changes many thing but mainly combat. Anybody know of like an expansion due for this or some dlc?
How would this run on my AMD Phenom X4 3.2Ghz - 4GB DDR2 - 4850 1GB running at a res of 1440X900?


I would imagine you would be able to set everything to high (ultra is highest), with no ubersampling with that set up at that res. Maybe turn off SSAO as well.

Will certainly look very good regardless.
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