I finally built myself a shiny new rig at the weekend (i7 2600K, ATI 6950, 8GB) and bought this as a test of how well it can do shiny things.
Chuffed as it runs lovely and smooth on Uber settings and looks superb.
Gameplay wise though, i'm not a big RPG'er, love games like Oblivion and Fallout, spent hundreds of hours on those but have played about an hour of this and am not getting it.
Have done the first bit where you smash the tower and am now in the kings camp but looking at all this magic and alchemy stuff, I haven't a clue what they are or how to use them. Have got got where i am by just mashing the left mouse button fast and twatting things with my sword.
Question is, is all this alchemy, bombs, traps stones and magic stuff actually explained from this point ownwards or am i expected to just know how this stuff works?