The Witcher 2 - Thread

Hasn't grabbed me...

at all.

Finished Tales of Symphonia on the Gamecube before playing this, and played it up to the point where I'm about to leave the first village.

Every time I think about about loading it up, I stop as it feels more of a chore then a pleasure.

Really looked forward to this, it has good points but it just has not grabbed me at all.

Hopefully Skyrim will be a killer app.
So it doesn't matter that I ****ed of triss after romancing her, saved alvin and the witch, got that knight to the leader of the group etc..?

Nope it has no effect at all, It is kind of disappointing.

Yes it does, it's subtle but it does!

I killed the sided against the Order in the forst game, and they remembered in the second.

Thery gave me a hell of a lot of grief about it as well.
The Items help sure, but there are little things that add in.

The decision to give the Grand Master to the Wild Hunt is also important and helps with you discovering what the Hunt is all about.
The things it adds might not be prominent, but if you care for the story they are important in helping to portray "your" Geralt.

The desicions made in the second game are sure to have an even larger inpact in the up coming Third installment.
Really annoyed there's no option to respec your talents in the game unless you make specific choices earlier on which later allow you to do it once - which I didn't. Basically accidentally wasted 2 points with a misclick. Why not give every player the option to respec at least once? Half the fun of RPGs is trying out new trees/builds.
Really annoyed there's no option to respec your talents in the game unless you make specific choices earlier on which later allow you to do it once - which I didn't. Basically accidentally wasted 2 points with a misclick. Why not give every player the option to respec at least once? Half the fun of RPGs is trying out new trees/builds.

The miracles of F5.

Before I make a choice like that I always quicksave.
Yeah im finding that i have to drop it down to easy for some fights. But then it becomes to easy lol No middle ground.

i played the first game on easy and have no regrets as some of those fights were still tough...when i pick this up i will also shove it on easy straight away.

i dont play the witcher for brownie points by plaing it on normal or hard i play it for the story and environments etc.

for people saying its short , define short? i sunk 25 hours into the first game (according to steam) without realising it. is the game shorter than this?
I do too, but what happened was at the start when you have to spend 6 points in the training tree before you can move to another, I only spent 5 but thought i had spent 6 so bought 'dagger throwing' (utter tripe ability) in an attempt to unlock one of the other trees, which it did. Only much further through the game did I realise I had infact two abilities in the training tree with 1 point in, so had to spend 1 more point in the ability I had actually meant to max out, and in order to make dagger throwing even viable waste another point in that.

Just a PITA, there's no excuse for not allowing players a respec.
for people saying its short , define short? i sunk 25 hours into the first game (according to steam) without realising it. is the game shorter than this?

My first playthrough of the first game took 55 hours, and i didn't do absolutely every side quest. (btw, don't trust steam in terms of game time)

2nd game took me around 21 hours.
Having a strange problem and am wondering if its just me here is some screenshots on the first you can see loads of pixels or Triss's face and 2nd on the edge of the shadows.


I don't think it's just you. I noticed when I was in that area all the characters in conversation had a kind of grain on their face.
Ok thats good to know, Weird question what does the Texture Memory Size do better higher or smaller?

Edit : Found my own answer.
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I finally built myself a shiny new rig at the weekend (i7 2600K, ATI 6950, 8GB) and bought this as a test of how well it can do shiny things.

Chuffed as it runs lovely and smooth on Uber settings and looks superb.

Gameplay wise though, i'm not a big RPG'er, love games like Oblivion and Fallout, spent hundreds of hours on those but have played about an hour of this and am not getting it.

Have done the first bit where you smash the tower and am now in the kings camp but looking at all this magic and alchemy stuff, I haven't a clue what they are or how to use them. Have got got where i am by just mashing the left mouse button fast and twatting things with my sword.

Question is, is all this alchemy, bombs, traps stones and magic stuff actually explained from this point ownwards or am i expected to just know how this stuff works?
So what is causing loads of pixels or Triss's face then? That looks weird. Anyone figured it out, or is that normal for everyone?
I have those weird pixels showing up on Triss's face as well.

Bit confused about the throwing weapons like the balanced daggers. Can I only throw one once and that is then it? :(
I have those weird pixels showing up on Triss's face as well.

Bit confused about the throwing weapons like the balanced daggers. Can I only throw one once and that is then it? :(

Yup, they are like any other projectiles in this game. They do decent damage, but whether you want to carry tons of them around all the time is up to you.

That is EXACTLY my experience with it, unfortunately..

Bring back FUN in games.

Would like to add, every time I go into the inventory screen I drop an item or unequip one when I'm trying equip a new item... the witcher powers are completely stupidly named, and they could have easily put a sub-title under each to remind you what each of them do, helpful when your new to the game. I bought it on GoG so have to open a PDF file to remind me about so many of these poorly implemented game mechanics.

Like I said, roll on Skyrim (In the meantime, I'll play Skyes of Arcadia on the Gamecube, yeah I'm turning into a retro console gamer, sums up the state of affairs with the current gaming platforms).
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