The Witcher 2 - Thread

That is EXACTLY my experience with it, unfortunately..

Bring back FUN in games.

Would like to add, every time I go into the inventory screen I drop an item or unequip one when I'm trying equip a new item... the witcher powers are completely stupidly named, and they could have easily put a sub-title under each to remind you what each of them do, helpful when your new to the game. I bought it on GoG so have to open a PDF file to remind me about so many of these poorly implemented game mechanics.

Like I said, roll on Skyrim (In the meantime, I'll play Skyes of Arcadia on the Gamecube, yeah I'm turning into a retro console gamer, sums up the state of affairs with the current gaming platforms).

Personally I find it entirely refreshing to have a game which doesn't mollycoddle gamers, hold hands, and treat us as if we're drooling incapable vegetables who can't comprehend anything unless it has 10 paragraphs of tooltips and requires actual usage of brain functions. That escapist magazine review is basically just him complaining that it's too complicated for him >_>
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I finally built myself a shiny new rig at the weekend (i7 2600K, ATI 6950, 8GB) and bought this as a test of how well it can do shiny things.

Chuffed as it runs lovely and smooth on Uber settings and looks superb.

Gameplay wise though, i'm not a big RPG'er, love games like Oblivion and Fallout, spent hundreds of hours on those but have played about an hour of this and am not getting it.

Have done the first bit where you smash the tower and am now in the kings camp but looking at all this magic and alchemy stuff, I haven't a clue what they are or how to use them. Have got got where i am by just mashing the left mouse button fast and twatting things with my sword.

Question is, is all this alchemy, bombs, traps stones and magic stuff actually explained from this point ownwards or am i expected to just know how this stuff works?

Its not very well explained to be honest. You need to look through the tutorials to figure it out. I have been playing for about 5 hours and I have only just figured out how to throw bombs/daggers.

Steep learning curve but I love it.
I'm on my second playthrough and using these two mods (meant to be used together):

Basically balances weapons, items, signs, abilities, enemies etc. pretty much everything to make the game more challenging but more logical in how things work. Supposedly stops the sudden easy mode of the game once you get to Act 2.

Both look like excellant mods, I was about to start a 2nd play through but I might way a few months and then start fresh with a whole bunch of mods that will no doubt be released by then :)
Personally I find it entirely refreshing to have a game which doesn't mollycoddle gamers, hold hands, and treat us as if we're drooling incapable vegetables who can't comprehend anything unless it has 10 paragraphs of tooltips and requires actual usage of brain functions. That escapist magazine review is basically just him complaining that it's too complicated for him >_>

I completely agree!

I love the game, all of it. Especially it's brutal tutorial, I keep coming back to the game even though I've two play throughs on hard and one halfway on Insane.

All it takes is a quick glance at the manual and key bindings before launching the game and BAM, super easy mode. The also just get's easier and easier as you learn and adapt to the situations and threats.

It's a great game and I say everyone should play it.
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Just finished my 2nd playthrough, this time taking Roche's Path, and was wondering about something. At the end of Ch.2 you have the option of helping Iorveth & Co, after which he basically says Saskia is dead and hope is lost... Yet the Dragon (Saskia, right?) still appears at the end of Ch.3. What's up with that?

Might've missed out on the info somehow, but otherwise perhaps we're to assume Philippa made everyone think their Queen-to-be was dead, so the Dragon would be at the Lodge's command free and clear of any relatively petty responsibility to Vergen, tho that spell would have to be damn-effective to make Saskia betray them.. However, she said the mages wanted Upper Aedirn to be free of Henselt, and taking Saskia away obviously allowed the opposite...but, again, after the King slayings and all (they only wanted Demavend dead, not the others) maybe it was then decided that having such a powerful beast, partly for bargaining/protection at Loc Muinne of course, was far more important.

Anyway, really great game overall, think I might have another go already :)

The third game will be an instant buy, barring coma/death/severe consolitis :p

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I completely agree!

Whilst i agree with the sentiments of your posts about playing a game that does not hold your hand, i disagree with it in regards to this game tbh. It does mollycoddle gamers outside of combat.

It is nice to play a game where you have to work things out for yourself, but not the actual controls of the game, to the point where you are dying and have no idea why!

The great thing about the first game was the quests where you were just given a hint as to what to do, such as in chapter 2 where you are given a list of suspects and left to go about it as you wish to. Bits like that were completely lacking in The Witcher 2 and i felt that gameplay wise, outside of combat, the game was definitely holding your hand too much especially when compared to the first game.

For example, ( i think i have already used this example, can't remember) when you are told that you need to get Orstmurk for the Kayran quest, Triss tells you to get some. now, in the first game it would have ended there and left you to ask around, but Triss then says "ask around town if anyone knows where to find it" and i'm thinking 'ok i could have worked that out for myself tbh'. But then Triss says "why don't you try asking Cedric"!!! What?? Why don't they just teleport us there straight away or have it just appear in our inventory.:(

It happens in other bits too such as where you are in that chamber and Triss says something about talking to Roache, and then he just walks right in and starts talking to you.

I did like the game, but i feel that it is getting a little bit too much praise tbh, 8/10 for me but not a great game. Not a patch on the first game though:)
You don't have to work the controls out for yourself. They are all listed in the manual, just seems nobody bothers to read it before they start whining about it.

As for the quests, I found them all too unclear at times and the opposite of what you described. Such as the she-elf in Lobinden who is accused of leading men into a trap. After she runs off, you're supposed to find her somewhere in the forest, without any clue as to where. Or the Endregna and Nekkar nests which you have to wander around trying to find.
Trying to play through the witcher 1 even though i have bought 2, the combat is very dull and it would be good to know which quests are actually main ones, not very good at all mind you i'm only in chapter 1.
Trying to play through the witcher 1 even though i have bought 2, the combat is very dull and it would be good to know which quests are actually main ones, not very good at all mind you i'm only in chapter 1.

lol and your complaining already? c1 is essentially the tut (i dont count the epilogue) and your still on level 1 stuff. Combat picks up over time dont worry.

and you can tell which are the main ones quite easily as far as i remember, there clearly devided between sub ones and none. dont forget that most quests however will have many parts to them that will appear as you go and you can see them all in that quest explorer thing

anyway people say c2 is dull (the swamp i think?) but I think after you complete c2 you actually grow fond of it.
How do i search boxes without picking everything up ?

The help bubble tell me to press X to search then A to pickup but when I press X, geralt just grabs everything.

I am using the xbox controller.
How do i search boxes without picking everything up ?

The help bubble tell me to press X to search then A to pickup but when I press X, geralt just grabs everything.

I am using the xbox controller.

Xbox controller only picks up everything. Your best bet is to download the mod which makes most of the items weigh nothing which is useful for alchemy and crafting.
My mini bullet point review:

Good points:

-GFX are outstanding, even on a medium spec machine
-Story was well executed, loved the graphic style of the back story being told and felt interested in what was going on.
-Much better dialogue this time round, lots of laugh out loud moments.
-Combat felt challenging
-Good diversity of quests

Bad points:

-Quick time events at end of boss battles
-Alchemy was broken compared to the 1st game
-To much hand holding in certain quests
-Talent tree was too restrictive on forcing you down certain paths.
-To easy to become over powered towards end of the game
-was over too quickly and last 2 chapters felt unfinished

Missed opportunitys

The mini games were a great idea but they made them so basic that there was no challenge in them at all. Dice Poker was completely crap compared to the 1st game also :(

Not enough side quests and also missed an opportunity for mini boss battles like the 1st game when you get the huntsman quest.
also missed an opportunity for mini boss battles like the 1st game when you get the huntsman quest.

I never really saw the trophy quest monsters as mini-bosses as they were still far too easy compared to actual boss battles. In TW2, elementals, arachas', and bullvores proved far more challenging (not to say they were terribly difficult, though) than any of the trophy monsters in TW1.

I think dice poker in TW2 has to be one of the major downgrades compared to the first game. Lack of quick load is also annoying, despite it being mentioned in the manual.
I never really saw the trophy quest monsters as mini-bosses as they were still far too easy compared to actual boss battles. In TW2, elementals, arachas', and bullvores proved far more challenging (not to say they were terribly difficult, though) than any of the trophy monsters in TW1.

I think dice poker in TW2 has to be one of the major downgrades compared to the first game. Lack of quick load is also annoying, despite it being mentioned in the manual.

Yep you are right in the 1st game they were just slightly more powerful version of the creatures, but that is exactly what I mean by a missed opportunity. Adding the huntsman quest to the 2nd game and creating harder mini bosses would have been cool and added to the trophy collection.

I also forgot to mention, the 2nd game lacked any decent puzzles to solve. Biggest glaring example is near the end if you choose to go for the dagger and have to set the candles in the correct order to open the chest. You get a diagram with 3 examples. At first me and the girlfriend thought there was some kind of pattern to solve. How wrong we were, you simply have to guess which one is correct :( That was really shabby!

More puzzles to solve that require a little brain power for the 3rd game PLEASE!!!
Did anyone have installation issues with this?

Ive just bought a hard copy, installed it however after the second disc finishes the install, the window just dissapears without any confirmation.

I now have the icon on my desktop but it doesn't do anything when clicked.

Any ideas:mad:?
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